Records of Beating Workers Forced to Save the World

Chapter 66 The Valley of No Chapters

Chapter 66

After Ji Mingzhao said this, the monkeys that jumped off the tree started whispering head to head, and then the monkey standing in the front looked up at the original gray monkey on the tree.

The gray monkey looked up and down at Xu Guangbai and Agu with sideways eyes, and after a while, nodded to the monkey below.

The nine monkeys on the ground finally got the approval, and sat down loosely on the ground.

The hearts of Ji Mingzhao and Xue Wen began to be lifted from the moment the monkey got down the tree, and they didn't relax until the monkey sat down: "Let Agu come over for treatment."

Xue Wen handed Agu to Ji Mingzhao, and asked worriedly, "Are you still able to take it?"

Ji Mingzhao wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with his hands: "It's not bad."

Agu's treatment started soon. Since he treated Xu Guangbai before, Ji Mingzhao discovered that his treatment this time was much smoother than when he was still on the second floor. The treatment time was shortened a lot, and even the effect was less It was much better than before, and Ji Mingzhao felt that this might be the result of her rubbing against Xu Guangbai.

Everyone rested for a while, during which Xue Wen roasted another rabbit.

The monkeys on the opposite side stood up again after Xu Guangbai and Agu finished their repairs.

Each monkey took out a strange-looking magic weapon from behind. Among these magic weapons, there were horns, swords, spears, spears, and even two that Ji Mingzhao had never seen before. These magic weapons were unique. The one thing they all have in common is that they all exude a pearl-like gentle light. It can be seen that they have been trapped by these monkeys for at least ten or eight years.

Xu Guangbai and Agu held the sword they had just snatched, and watched the monkey opposite them warily.

Soon, the monkey on the opposite side moved.

A monkey put the flute under its mouth and blew softly, a whimper sounded, and the bushes began to shake violently.

A strip of vines suddenly protruded from the ground, hitting Xu Guangbai and Agu straight.

Xu Guangbai's body was full of Yin Qi, and he jumped into the air suddenly, but before he jumped into the air, a huge hand made of earth and rocks suddenly appeared in the air, and suddenly slapped Xu Guangbai.

"Your grandma..." Before Xu Guangbai could finish his curse, he was slammed into the ground by a giant palm.

Agu on the other side is no better than Xu Guangbai. Agu avoided the vines rising from the ground with his flexible position, and then dodged the giant palm falling from the sky, but he couldn't escape the raging flames behind the giant palm. The flame ignited the head of the ball on the left.

Agu rolled sideways and rolled towards the open space next to him.

At this time, there was not much hair left on her left side under the burning fire. Agu stretched out his left hand in disbelief, and touched it up tremblingly, but as expected, it was empty.

This is the best hairstyle she has ever combed since she can remember. Although the pair of ball buns have been scattered during many fights, one high and one low, one loose and one tight, Agu still feels like wearing a new dress. The new self is more beautiful than ever, and she, Agu, is the most beautiful. There is no one in the whole street, the whole city, the whole country, or the world, who is more beautiful than her Agu. She is so beautiful!

Now this bun was burned by a monkey, by a monkey!
Agu was angry again, even more angry than when he was hit by a giant beast. Angry Agu must make these monkeys pay the price!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The monkey pointed at the tip of the sword, and spewed out a ball of flames in Agu's direction. Agu didn't say anything, and opened his mouth to swallow the flames.

This is... eat?
The monkey holding the sword was stunned, as were Ji Mingzhao, Xue Wenwen and King Fu who were watching the battle.

"Agu! What are you eating!" Seeing Agu swallowing a ball of flames, Xue Wen was extremely anxious, and was so anxious that his mouth was full of nonsense, "It's unhygienic, spit it out!"

Ji Mingzhao was also watching the battle to the point of urgency, seeing Agu swallowing the flame in one gulp, he was very anxious, but as soon as the anxiety came up, Xue Wen suppressed it.

The monkey didn't believe in evil, and spewed a flame in the direction of Agu again. After Agu swallowed the flame, he ran forward three or two steps, stepped on the tree trunk next to the open space with his left foot, and avoided the other monkey's shot. Sword Qi coming.

Here Xu Guangbai came out of the clod, and saw Agu in the air like a wild goose stepping on the fallen leaves blown up by the wind, attacking the monkeys in the circle.

Giant palms condensed in the air around Agu again, suddenly, vines rose from the ground, and the gaps in the vines were mixed with countless spikes made of earth and rocks.

Poisonous insects and poisonous mist sprayed out in mid-air, sword lights flickered on the left, floods flooded the sky on the right, between the sky and the earth, dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder and light hummed between the clouds, which was about to fall.

Even at the end of the day, it is difficult to see such a scene.

Agu attracted the attention of all the monkeys, and at this time Xu Guangbai almost subconsciously carved a magic circle with the tip of his knife on the open field.

This formation is a trapping formation, which is half the size of the field, and the meaning of the five elements can be trapped in it. Xu Guangbai felt that the formation on the second floor was not suitable, and in retrospect, there was no trace of it, but at this time, he did not know why , It seems that the magic circle is not recorded in the mind of the ghost, but in the heart, and when it is about to be used, it can be used freely and know its method.

The sleepy array absorbed many magical attacks fired in the direction of Agu into the array, and the missing power that could not be absorbed was all sucked into Agu's stomach.

Soon, Agu attacked the sky above the formation formed by the monkeys. Agu's sword was flashing with raging flames, and he slashed straight down.

At the same time, Xu Guangbai turned the tip of his saber, turning the four corners of the trapped formation against each other. Following Xu Guangbai's guidance, countless spells in the formation also attacked in the direction of the monkey.

All of a sudden, the space between the world and the earth that emerged from the Linglong Tower seemed to be a little darker, and Ji Mingzhao seemed to hear a small whine from the entire Linglong Tower, and then a loud noise hit Ji Mingzhao, who hadn't reacted yet. eardrum.

hum ——

Under the impact of the huge waves, Ji Mingzhao felt like a leaf in the storm, being sucked into the air by the huge waves of the hurricane. In a daze, Ji Mingzhao seemed to see Xue Wen grabbing his hand, a The giant wolf grabbed his collar tightly, and dragged himself into the giant wolf's belly.

In a daze, Ji Mingzhao seemed to see Xue Wen's mouth opening and closing, as if he was saying something to himself, but at this moment Ji Mingzhao couldn't tell the difference.

The belly of the giant wolf was really warm, so warm that Ji Mingzhao's concussed head couldn't bear the warmth, and he passed out.

"Stick Fairy! Stick Fairy! Wake up!"

After an unknown amount of time, Ji Mingzhao woke up with a pain on the left side of his upper lip.

Xu Guangbai still couldn't find the right person, but he still pushed Ji Mingzhao awake with his strength.

"How are you?" Xu Guangbai didn't expect this trap to be so powerful, "I've been calling you for a long time."

 small theater:

  Stick Immortal Human Body Small Class has started!

  Ji Mingzhao (knocking on the blackboard to Xu Guangbai, the only student): Among people, it is located between the nose and the mouth!middle!
  Xu Guangbai (left ear goes in and right ear goes out): Among people, **nose**mouth**********?

  Ji Mingzhao: ...

(End of this chapter)

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