Chapter 79 Fu Mozong (True)

The moment Xu Guangbai finished modifying the sword formation with his fingers, the Yin Qi in his body was almost completely absorbed by the sword formation.

Xu Guangbai strengthened his energy and pointed the 81 long swords in the sword array at the monks brought by Zhang Yan: "If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

Zhang Yan has seen a lot of people who came out of the valley of no return these years. Although these people are in extremely poor mental state and their brains are not very good, they are all superior in force. None of the monks came.

He began to be in a dilemma. The people he brought out could not just die like this, but these two treasures had to be brought back. After thinking about it, Zhang Yan could only try to delay the time, hoping that the reinforcements would arrive.

"Little brother, calm down..."

Xu Guangbai didn't say a word, and the long sword moved down a little more.

Zhang Yan looked at the lower and lower point of the sword, knowing that it was oily and salty, and couldn't help frowning more and more.

Why haven't the reinforcements come yet... People from other sects should have arrived if they don't come...

Obviously, there is only a distance of not more than a hundred miles, and Yu Jian doesn't even need a stick of incense...

Unless, they were stopped by someone.

At this time, there were a few figures flying by in the sky, but Zhang Yan couldn't tell if they were the people he was waiting for because they were too far away, so he could only persuade Xu Guangbai with some hope: "Little brother, you are too young You know, killing people casually will damage your merit, so think twice."

"Stop talking nonsense, I did kill people in the Valley of No Return!" Xu Guangbai's face became paler and paler, knowing that he couldn't maintain the sword formation for long, he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

The sword array supported by twelve people is now only maintained by him alone. This difficulty can be imagined, but Zhang Yan is right, Xu Guangbai dare not kill people at will, and Renxiu still has a body to block the thunder. Rely on righteousness, what to compare with others.

At this time, the figure in the sky is getting closer and closer, and it is less than two hundred miles away from this place. The dense forest here covers it, and the upper part can be seen from the lower part, but the upper part cannot be seen from the upper part. The man was dressed in a shabby black cassock, his long hair was casually draped over his shoulders, and he stepped on a broken knife with his bare feet. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, it was well known that the stronger the ability, the more individual it was. In terms of personality , this person is definitely a master.

And at first glance, he is not from Xuantianzong.

Zhang Yan couldn't help but clicked his tongue, and frowned even tighter. The reinforcements he was waiting for didn't arrive, but he waited for the catastrophe that came from nowhere. Suddenly, dozens of hundreds of thoughts turned in Zhang Yan's mind, The best way is to kill Xu Guangbai and Agu if I can't get it and don't want to get it from others.

But let alone whether they can kill Xu Guangbai and Agu, Zhang Yan himself is not a murderer. So he died.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yan thought of the method of swearing.

"Little brother, we will let you go, but you have to promise me one condition."

"Hurry up!" Xu Guangbai became a little anxious when he saw the figure in the sky getting closer.

Zhang Yan loosened his frown, and a gentle smile appeared in the corner of his eyes: "Tell me how you entered the valley of no return, and then I want to ask you to swear that you will never tell anyone the secret of the valley of no return."

"You swear to let us go first!" Xu Guangbai has been with Ji Mingzhao for a long time, and Ji Mingzhao's little fancy intestines can be regarded as a little bit of fur. This kind of tricks that let him come first will not eat it now.

Zhang Yan glanced at the sky, stretched out three fingers, and swore quickly in his mouth: "I, Zhang Yan, swear by my Dao heart, I will let you go..."

"Xu Hei, San Niang." Xu Guangbai originally wanted to give his real name, but for some reason he turned a corner when he got to the point of his mouth. According to Ji Mingzhao, it means that ghosts need to grow brains.

"Xu Hei, San Niang."

Seeing that Zhang Yan finished taking the oath, Xu Guangbai finally let go of the sword array, followed Zhang Yan's movements to swear, and quickly explained: "Four months, in the suburbs of Yucheng."

After he finished his oath, he quickly pulled Agu out of the encirclement of the crowd.

"Peak Master... just let them go?"

Zhang Yan looked at Xu Guangbai and Agu who were getting farther and farther away: "They are two good seedlings, they can have such a cultivation level at such a young age, but individuals have destiny, and it is enough for us to know the news of Wuhuigu for the time being. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan took out a compass from his arms, and the direction pointed by the compass was the direction where Xu Guangbai and Agu left: "Besides, they can't run very far under the current situation."

"Peak Master, what should we do now, go back?" the monk under him asked cautiously.

"Wang Yuan, you go back and tell the Suzerain what happened just now, and ask him to bring someone to take the compass... Tsk... Forget the names are probably fake, say a fifteen- or six-year-old boy and a five- or six-year-old boy. Little girl," Zhang Yan looked at the approaching figures in the sky, and took out his sword from his sleeve, "As for this fellow Taoist, I'll go meet him."

The monks under him died, Wang Yuan went back to the sect to report, and the remaining 11 people followed Zhang Yan, stepped on their swords, and rose into the air.

"Oh, it turns out that he is Xuanzong's Taoist friend, and he is greeted at a distance." With a smile on his face, Zhang Yan greeted the figure in mid-air after a salute.

Xuanzong's left envoy Wang Chengyu saw Zhang Yan coming to welcome him, and he didn't talk nonsense with this hypocritical and hypocritical person: "Is there someone from Wuhuigu?"

Zhang Yan smiled and nodded: "Yes, two more lunatics came out."

Wang Chengyu felt that there was something strange. He stopped people and horses one after another on the road, and he stopped a group of people from Xuantianzong when he was about to arrive. He looked in the direction of the exit of Wuhui Valley at the back of Xuantian Town, so he had to come as usual. Said, usually Zhang Yan takes people to simply check the matter, why is there such a big fight this time?

"Did two people come out this time?" Wang Chengyu was a little surprised.

Hearing his question, Zhang Yan knew that he couldn't see the situation below, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and started talking nonsense: "Yes, I couldn't stop the two Nascent Soul Stages, so I called for reinforcements. Zhang Yan wrinkled his chubby baby face, put his hands into his sleeves and complained, "I don't know what it is, it's all this kind of hard work, it didn't stop me, I ran away."

Wang Chengyu pondered Zhang Yan's words carefully. He has known Zhang Yan for a hundred years, and he knows exactly what kind of temperament Zhang Yan is. If he really wants to act, no one will see the flaws.

But for some reason, Xu Shi practiced Immortal Knowing the Destiny, and he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it, so he could only start from other places: "Fellow Daoist, I don't know which direction I ran from. Help fellow daoists chase after him?"

"I ran into the mountains and forests, and I don't bother to chase after you. Those who come out of the valley of no return will not live long, seven days at most."

 small theater:

  Ji Mingzhao: Why didn't I have a single line this time!
  Douzi: You can't beat him, why are you out?

  Ji Mingzhao: ...The important thing is to participate, understand.

  Thanks also for the tip of the rice cooker!

  Besides... the name is wrong again, and I can't change it... let's make do with it...

(End of this chapter)

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