Chapter 89

Just as Xu Guangbai ate his master's big cake and was writing furiously at the talisman, Qing Yuan came to the main peak with a flying sword.

Outside the main peak, Xu Hui was watering flowers in Wei Mingyue's garden, when he saw Qing Yuan, he greeted him: "Master."

Qing Yuan didn't have time to talk to Xu Hui at the moment, he just asked: "Is the suzerain in the study?"

Xu Hui nodded: "You should be here after attending the grand ceremony today."

"it is good."

After Qing Yuan got an affirmative answer, he turned around and entered the attic.

"Why are you in such a hurry today..." Xu Hui stood at the door, looked at Qing Yuan's disappearing figure, and said to himself that he was worthy of being a master, and his speed was extraordinary.

"Senior Sister." Qing Yuan walked into the attic without knocking, and pushed open the study that Xu Guangbai had entered.

Wei Mingyue raised her head from the endless replies: "What's the matter?"

Qing Yuan's pupils dilated uncontrollably. This was a sign of extreme excitement and anger. Wei Mingyue put down her pen. In nearly 700 years with Qing Yuan's sister and brother, she had never seen such an expression on Qing Yuan's face: "What happened? gone?"

"That Xu Guangbai is the ghost cultivator who entered the mountain gate a few days ago. He is a ghost cultivator who was taken away by Xiao Zhe. This person is extremely talented. Once Xiao Zhe grows up, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I implore the suzerain, let me lead someone to remove Xiao Zhe while it is still young!"

It was rare for Qing Yuan to call Wei Mingyue the suzerain again, and gave another big gift. Wei Mingyue knew that no matter how high-sounding he said, he only had one purpose, which was to avenge his apprentice.

"Calm down..." Wei Mingyue looked at Qing Yuan with some headaches, he was already dazzled by hatred.

Qing Yuan still maintained the gesture of saluting, lowered his head, but furrowed his brows fiercely: "I implore the suzerain."

"Calm down, I don't know where Xiaozhe is now, a large-scale search will only scare the snake away," Wei Mingyue pulled Qingyuan up, "His minions are all over the world, you are also aware of this, you lead the team, absolutely No."

"Senior sister, at the age of 16, Xu Guangbai cultivated himself into the Condensation Realm without a teacher. It is not only because of Wuhuigu, but also the unity of soul and body. You should pay more attention to any good things Xiaozhe gets." Qing Yuan knew that Wei Mingyue was talking about That's right, he took two slow breaths, closed his eyes tightly, and then opened them forcefully, barely able to control his emotions, "Senior Sister, we can't delay any longer, wait for Zhu Fangyin to get them all together!" After digesting...they don't even have the qualifications to reincarnate."

Speaking of this, Qing Yuan's eyes gradually began to turn red. Wei Mingyue saw that Qing Yuan's condition was not good, and quickly stamped Qing Yuan's brows with a seal of pure heart: "I will send people down the mountain to check from today, and you should also take care of yourself ...Beware of demons."

After receiving a seal, Qing Yuan finally became a little bit clearer. He sat down on the ground and panted slowly. He put his right hand on his left knee: "I still remember when Qing Xi was greedy when he was a child, he dragged Jing to buy candied haws. The spring goes down the mountain..."

"Enough!" Wei Mingyue abruptly interrupted Qing Yuan's words, "Go back, I'll take care of the rest."

Qingyuan put down his left leg, and slowly put his head close to Wei Mingyue's left hand hanging at the side, and put his left hand on his head with his head: "Senior sister, buy me candied haws and I'll leave."

Wei Mingyue lowered her eyes to look at her left hand, and slowly touched Qing Yuan's head twice: "I thought you would be happier if you had multiple apprentices, but unexpectedly it became like this."

Qingyuan covered his face with Wei Mingyue's hand, covering his eyes that were about to overflow with sadness: "I don't blame you."

Wei Mingyue gently wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corners of Qingyuan's eyes with her fingers: "Do you think Xu Guangbai is trustworthy?"

Qing Yuan dodged Wei Mingyue's fingers, and wiped away the moisture from the corners of his eyes: "Simple, honest, passed the Bright Stone."

"You should also pay more attention, don't forget why the Bright Stone was erected." Wei Mingyue withdrew his hand from Qing Yuan's head, "Also, ask him about the Valley of No Return."

"……I see."

When Qing Yuan packed up his emotions and returned to the library, Xu Guangbai had already filled the table full of talisman papers. When he saw Qing Yuan came back, he spread out the talisman papers with some flamboyance, "I'm done."

Qing Yuan looked down at the various talismans drawn by Xu Guangbai on the talisman paper, nodded his head, and said, "The drawing is not bad."

Xu Guangbai raised his eyebrows a little proudly, pointed to the fire starter inside and said, "I can't use any of them except the Thunder Talisman."

"You are the root of Lei Dan, so it's easy for you to use the thunder talisman." Qing Yuan picked up the fire talisman, injected spiritual energy into the fire talisman, and soon, a flame shot up from the talisman, "The talisman's Its function is a medium, absorbing the aura or yin energy on your body into it, and then transforming it with runes and releasing it."

"The purer the yin energy you inject, the greater the power of the talisman you get," Qing Yuan extinguished the talisman fire, "You are the root of thunder, and the lightning talisman is the most effective for you. The rest are auxiliary, you can practice thunder first. Spiritual talismans, you can learn others after you have practiced them."

Xu Guangbai nodded and asked, "How did Senior Sister draw three talismans in just one breath?"

Qing Yuan said: "Practice more."

Xu Guangbai nodded as if he understood, but he couldn't hold back in the end, and asked, "Master, what is a thunder talisman?"

Qing Yuan: "..."

Earlier, the Fu Mo Sect held a grand entrance ceremony for new students. In the grand ceremony, the [-] new disciples first had to gather together to learn simple spells and breaths. , the process of entraining air into the body may be as short as a short moment, and as long as it may be more than ten years.

Although Xu Guangbai is already a monk at the Consolidating Stage, and has twice as much experience as these newbies, his understanding of the cultivation world is as blank as a newbie.

After Qingyuan discovered that Xu Guangbai didn't even know about simple terms, he was mercilessly thrown here by his master.

Xu Guangbai sat in the first row of the school with his face crossed.

Ji Mingzhao sat on the open space next to Xu Guangbai with his face crossed.

Since she entered Fu Mo Sect, she finally realized what it means to be alive and die like his mother, what it means to be true and suffering, and she can't tell, her heart is in pain and tears are shedding.

"Introduce Qi into the body, first of all, quiet the Lingtai..."

Xu Guangbai stared at the senior brother who was explaining on the stage with a serious expression, and touched Ji Mingzhao who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his foot.

Seemingly ascertaining that Ji Mingzhao was by his side, Xu Guangbai's tense nerves relaxed a little, and he stretched out his hand and wrote a word "No" on the paper.

Ji Mingzhao stood up and looked at it for a long time, and finally understood that Xu Guangbai probably wanted to write about boredom, but unfortunately, his limited cultural level limited Xu Guangbai's performance.

Until today, Ji Mingzhao had a clear understanding of Xu Guangbai's level of knowledge.

The guy doesn't know a few words.

In the past, it was covered by the light that Agu couldn't speak. This guy was raised in captivity in his early years, so he was basically illiterate.

Fortunately, Fu Mozong had long expected that these newly recruited students had different family conditions, and the rich ones might not be able to teach a few more words, so they simply taught everything in this basic class, even dialects could be unified into a common language. No exception.

It can be said that the development of culture is driven by these monks.

Ji Mingzhao wanted to write a sentence on the paper: That's okay.

I was afraid that Xu Guangbai would not understand, so I could only pat the back of Xu Guangbai's head lightly with my hand, signaling Xu Guangbai to listen to the class well, at least he could read a few words, and he could pass notes in class.

"What did you hit me for..."

Xu Guangbai just muttered something in a low voice, unexpectedly the senior brother on the stage had extremely sensitive ears even if they turned their backs, and immediately turned around to look at Xu Guangbai: "Junior brother, don't whisper to each other, concentrate on it."

Xu Guangbai didn't expect this senior's ears to be so easy to use, so he lowered his head and nodded indiscriminately.

The brother's warning eyes swept across the audience, and the audience was silent, even the teeth of the back table who saw Xu Guangbai talking to the air stopped chattering.

A class ended quickly as if there was no one there. The brother who taught the class was very satisfied with the effect of this class: "Keep more in the future."

Some of the newcomers in this school had met Xu Guangbai before. At this time, these people huddled in the back row and looked at Xu Guangbai who was alone.

"Who is he talking to?"

"……do not know."

"Our there a ghost?"

"This is Fu Mo Sect, what the hell is there..."

Ji Mingzhao sat on the ground silently, listening to the fearful voices around Xu Guangbai, slowly raised his head to look at Xu Guangbai.

Xu Guangbai was still sitting where he was. Ji Mingzhao knew he could hear him, but he didn't know if he cared.

It's time for him to approach others step by step.

On the way back from school, Xu Guangbai was still alone. In order to allow Xu Guangbai to go back to Cangshu Mountain from Zangyue Peak where he was studying, Qingyuan specially equipped Xu Guangbai with a top-equipped flying boat. The two seats have a large space to enjoy, and the road is not bumpy. The speed is fast, and it is still the amber gold that everyone loves, low-key luxury.

Ji Mingzhao and Xu Guangbai got off the flying boat and returned to Xu Guangbai's cabin.

At this moment, Ji Mingzhao's task bar clicked softly, but the way it popped up was much gentler than before, at least it didn't go straight to his face.

Main task (update): (single player task) Find the whereabouts of Xiaozhe and the rest of the party.

After completing the task, you can get X10 top-grade spirit stones and X1 skill improvement coupons.

(Not a time-limited task, it is recommended to complete it as soon as possible)
Ji Mingzhao fell into deep thought as he looked at the latest mission update.

The emergence of such a task can explain one thing: the situation has begun to become severe.

But this non-time-limited task...

This sentence seems very intriguing, whether it is urgent or not...

In other words, it is both urgent and not too urgent, there is some urgency in the non-urgent, and the urgent is not too urgent.

"Stick Fairy, Stick Fairy!"

Just when Ji Mingzhao was still thinking about whether to be in a hurry or not, Xu Guangbai's voice suddenly interrupted Ji Mingzhao's thoughts.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Xu Guangbai put the food sent by Xianhe early in the morning on the table: "It's time to eat."

Hearing this, Ji Mingzhao sat down at the table and looked at Xu Guangbai who was desperately grilling the rice opposite him. Apart from whether he was in a hurry or not, there was another bigger question: Xu Guangbai.

Based on Ji Mingzhao's understanding of Xu Guangbai, he would not let Ji Mingzhao leave just like that. At this time, he had just arrived at Fu Mozong and was unfamiliar with the place of life. Obviously, Ji Mingzhao could not leave before he could integrate into it. .

How to make Xu Guangbai integrate into the group, Ji Mingzhao was particularly troubled by this problem.

Just like what she said to Xu Guangbai from the beginning, she will not stay with Xu Guangbai all the time, not only from the perspective of tasks, but also from the perspective of lifespan.

Ji Mingzhao was absent-mindedly picking up the vegetables. She couldn't think of any good countermeasures for the time being, and could only rely on time to let Xu Guangbai integrate into the Fu Mo Sect step by step.




On the other side at the same time.

Xue Wen led Agu to ride a giant wolf to the second largest demon sect: Wan Yanzong, which is two hundred miles away from Fu Mozong.

Wanyanzong and Fumozong are on the same mountain range, Fumozong is in the north and Wanyanzong is in the south.

Xue Wen himself has a very good memory. Ji Mingzhao once lent Xue Wen his "Bound Edition", and it took Xue Wen only two days to memorize the entire contents of the book verbatim. Can even remember the area where the stain spread lived on each page.

Ever since Agu was seriously injured by Xuantianzong, his spirit has been very sluggish, and the whole Guqian was buried in the thick white fur of the giant wolf, and he didn't know whether he was awake or asleep.

Xue Wen was recalling the commotion of animals in the forest that he felt for a moment when he was fighting against Xuantianzong.

He tried to replicate that feeling again.

Soon, the sound of animals roaring began to appear in the woods.

The whole forest seemed to be inspired by something, and it began to stir up constantly.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on Xue Wen's forehead...

About to succeed...

"Father..." Suddenly, Agu rubbed his eyes, poked his head out from the giant wolf's long white fur, and said inarticulately, "Thirsty."

"Wait for dad to look for it." It was getting late at this time, Xue Wen drove the giant wolf forward slowly, his eyes searched around, and finally found a small waterfall deep in the woods.

"Agu, when you drink water later, try to pick fresh water and keep it clean."

Agu looked at the command post blankly. The little monkey on her shoulder grabbed Agu's ear and squeaked at Agu's ear. With the little monkey's translation, Agu's expression gradually changed from blank at first to calm. .

Xue Wen looked at the monkey translator on Agu's shoulder. The monkey translator gave Xue Wen a monkey-like grin, and Xue Wen couldn't bear to look directly at him and turned his head away.

For four whole months, Xue Wen worked hard to teach Agu how to read, and Agu was fairly smart, and could already recognize some short words, but as long as the sentences were long, Agu had to rely on monkey translation.

Agu obediently said something to Xue Wen, then jumped off the giant wolf and ran towards the waterfall.

She was also thirsty, and drank heavily after catching the stream water with her hands, not noticing that there was an old fishing man squatting not far away.

The old man saw a little doll running not far away. The doll's eyes were half the size of his face, and there was some clarity and confusion from the bottom of his eyes. He knew it was a silly doll, so he wanted to tease him.

"Little baby, where did you come from?"

Aguben was concentrating on drinking water, but suddenly he was startled when he heard someone talking, and jumped away from the waterfall, bared his teeth at the old man, and let out a low growl.

"Yo, it's still a wild baby," the old man became even more interested when he saw Agu baring his teeth, "How old are you, baby?"

 Double update today!
  small theater:
  Ji Mingzhao: I want to run.

  Xu Guangbai: You are not allowed to run away!

  Ji Mingzhao: Someone arranged for me to run away.

  Xu Guangbai: Tell her to come out, I will bite her to death!
  Douzi: Not me.

  Ji Mingzhao (pointing to Douzi): That’s her

  Xu Guangbai: Woof woof!
  beans:? ? ? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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