Chapter 92 Liang Tian (double update)
Soon, the senior brother outside the door came in.

"Today we are learning qi." A wave of aura slowly rose from the palm of the senior brother, "Qi in the heaven and earth is divided into yin and yang, one of which is what human cultivators call aura, yin qi is used by ghost cultivators, and devil qi is also a part of yin qi." kind."

Xu Guangbai in the audience was sitting in the first row, but he dared to support his head and fell asleep. The senior brother on the stage immediately slapped Xu Guangbai.

Although Xu Guangbai had his eyes closed, he turned his head abruptly as if he could see, avoiding the blow.

"Hey." The brothers on the stage suddenly became interested, and temporarily changed the course, "Brothers and sisters, you need to watch a lot to get a sense of how to draw energy into your body, so let's introduce it quickly."

"Brother Xu, how about a sparring session?"

"...Okay." Xu Guangbai now thinks that fighting may be more interesting than listening to lectures.

With a sweep of the senior brother's sleeves, everyone immediately moved from the school to the martial arts arena on the back mountain of Fu Mozong.

"You come first." The senior brother waved his hand at Xu Guangbai.

Xu Guangbai was not polite to his senior brother either, he reached out and took out a handful of talisman paper from his sleeve, and threw it at his senior brother.

Immediately, the field was covered with dark clouds, and several thunderbolts fell from the sky, blocking eight directions around the senior brother, and then another thunderbolt fell from the sky, pointing directly at the senior brother's eyebrows.

"Good boy..." The senior brother didn't expect Xu Guangbai to have such strength, but the words had already been spoken, and Xu Guangbai had already made a move, so he could only set a restraint on the top of his head, and suffered the thunder for life.

It was the first time for the students in the school to see real fighting skills, and they were immediately attracted by Xu Guangbai's lightning-attracting talisman, and the admiration for Xu Guangbai almost overflowed from their eyes.

Senior brother finally became serious at this time, he is also a talisman cultivator, so he also took out a few pieces of talisman paper from his sleeve: "Senior brother, senior brother is going to be serious."

Xu Guangbai nodded, and made a gesture of invitation to his senior brother.

This senior's surname is Li, and his name is Xinghe. He is a single spiritual root of water. Naturally, the talismans used are mainly water talismans, but Xu Guangbai belongs to thunder.

Li Xinghe summoned a fertile water talisman, and immediately countless rivers rushed towards Xu Guangbai, trying to get Xu Guangbai involved, Xu Guangbai immediately dodged aside, but the water seemed to have eyes, and followed Xu Guangbai straight away, vowing to Swallow Xu Guangbai in.

Xu Guangbai had no choice but to stick a speed talisman on each of his feet. This is a new kind of thunder talisman he learned that day, and Xu Guangbai has never used it.

After affixing the Speed ​​Talisman, Xu Guangbai's speed immediately increased a lot, but he was not used to this fast moving method, instead it was more difficult to grasp the direction than usual, and he rushed straight towards the water.

"Tsk..." Xu Guangbai made a decisive decision, tore off the talisman paper on his feet, and it was another lightning talisman, but this time he didn't release the thunder directly, but accumulated the thunder in the talisman, and the thunder light suddenly appeared in the talisman It rolled restlessly and quickly, until then, Xu Guangbai released the lightning from the talisman.

At this time, Lei was like a bomb that had been stored for a long time, and flew towards Li Xinghe quickly.

Naturally, Li Xinghe is not a vegetarian. He let go of the fertile water talisman that can conduct electricity with one hand, and took out a living wood talisman and planted it on the fertile water talisman. The fast-growing trees blocked the lightning, and only heard a loud bang. The tree that had just sprouted and was as wide as three people hugging was split into two sections.

At this time, countless pieces of wood and debris flew towards the students watching the battle. Li Xinghe and Xu Guangbai both said badly, and in an instant, two barriers rose in front of the students of the academy, blocking the flying large pieces of wood debris for everyone. .

"Enough." Li Xinghe actually still had some ideas, but the current situation did not allow one person and one ghost to continue, so Li Xinghe had no choice but to stop.

"...Okay, come back next time." Xu Guangbai was also a little unhappy, but mainly he didn't want to go back to class and write those endless words, but Li Xinghe didn't continue anymore. Without an opponent, naturally the game couldn't continue .

With a wave of Li Xinghe's sleeves, everyone returned to the school again.

Looking at the thick copybook on the table, Xu Guangbai frowned fiercely, but sat back resignedly.

After this sparring, the eyes of everyone looking at Xu Guangbai in the school have completely changed, from the fear of Xu Guangbai's uniqueness at the beginning, to the admiration for Xu Guangbai now.

Everyone has Mu Qiang in their bones, especially for those who seek longevity and strength. In addition, when the wooden block flew towards them, Xu Guangbai also rescued them, and the fear of being close and distant dissipated again. a little.

Once there is an absolutely overwhelming advantage in ability, at this time, being out of gregariousness becomes personality, and not being able to speak becomes true temperament.

The most obvious of these was Liang Tian, ​​who looked at Xu Guangbai with eyes that almost burned Xu Guangbai out of his hole.

Xu Guangbai couldn't bear such gazes, and wanted to run towards the direction of Feizhou after class to avoid these terrifying gazes, but this time he didn't follow his wish.

"Senior Brother Xu, Senior Brother Xu!" Liang Tian surrounded Xu Guangbai after class. Although he was still a little scared in his heart, his excitement and admiration overcame his fear, and he insisted on grabbing Xu Guangbai's sleeve: "Brother, how did you get angry?" Into the body, can you teach me?"

At this time, everyone in the school moved forward slowly, forming a circle around Xu Guangbai. Countless pairs of worshiping eyes stared straight at Xu Guangbai, with moving little stars shining in their eyes.

Xu Guangbai wanted to just push away the encirclement and run away, but he was pulled back by Ji Mingzhao.

He had no choice but to stand where he was, watching these people block the only remaining passage.

Xu Guangbai didn't want to be in contact with people, but he liked to be praised very much. Tsundere and pride kept fighting on Xu Guangbai's face, and finally showed a strange and indescribable expression.

"Instant enlightenment." Xu Guangbai really answered seriously.

Liang Tian looked at Xu Guangbai in a daze: "What is instant enlightenment?"

Xu Guangbai thought and thought, not knowing how to explain it to Liang Tian, ​​so he said a little annoyedly: "Enlighten yourself!"

Everyone seemed to be angry when they saw Xu Guangbai, and the encirclement group that surrounded Xu Guangbai suddenly loosened up a lot, Xu Guangbai took the opportunity to escape from the encirclement group, and finally boarded the flying boat back to the wooden house.

This discussion is an opportunity, an opportunity for Xu Guangbai to integrate into the group, and an opportunity for Ji Mingzhao to go out and look for clues at ease. Ji Mingzhao decided to observe for a few more days, and when Xu Guangbai really integrated, he went out for a few days. Take a good look at the new mainline quests.

Although it is stated in the task column that this task is not urgent, Ji Mingzhao faintly feels that the longer this matter is delayed, the more troublesome it will become.

In the next few days, as expected by Ji Mingzhao, Xu Guangbai was completely entangled by the scholar named Liang Tian. Liang Tian seemed to gradually discover that Xu Guangbai was not as scary as he imagined in these days of contact. He became more and more daring in his actions, wishing he could pull Xu Guangbai to relieve him.

The attitude of the rest of the students towards Xu Guangbai has also changed to varying degrees, and the most unfamiliar ones can meet and say hello to Xu Guangbai every day.

Xu Guangbai is actually not patient to communicate with these people, nor does he want to have in-depth contacts with these people, but every time Ji Mingzhao will hold him back when he is impatient, so that he has to face what he dislikes the most. social contact.

Xu Guangbai's dislike for people can be said to be engraved in his bones. Only with infinite tolerance and doubled love for him can he pry open the first crack of this clamshell. Ordinary people don't have so many There is not so much time and energy to explore the almost invisible gap, and the same is true for Ji Mingzhao before taking on the task.

Xu Guangbai accepted Ji Mingzhao, accepted Ji Mingzhao's kindness to him, while accommodating Ji Mingzhao, he accepted all the changes Ji Mingzhao brought to him, and accepted the people Ji Mingzhao wanted him to accept, but this The premise is to have Ji Mingzhao.

This also led to the difficulty of Ji Mingzhao's solo task. Until Xu Guangbai and everyone in the school finally communicated normally, Ji Mingzhao couldn't figure out when to leave so as not to irritate Xu Guangbai.

And the opportunity for this matter is Qingyuan.

On this day, Xu Guangbai couldn't stand it and finally skipped class and chose to rest in the forest where the wooden house is located. No matter how Ji Mingzhao persuaded him, Xu Guangbai was determined to rest for a whole morning. Ji Mingzhao had no choice but to let Xu Guangbai Take a break without authorization.

Just as he found a feng shui treasure land with thick grass like a thick blanket, and was about to sleep on it, a shadow hit Xu Guangbai.

Xu Guangbai reluctantly opened his eyes, the shadow was Qing Yuan.

Qing Yuan did not carry Xu Guangbai back to the classroom by ear like Ji Mingzhao's head teacher in high school, but tried it on the grass with his hands, and then found the most comfortable place to lie down together.

Suddenly Xu Guangbai couldn't lie down anymore, stood up and saluted Qing Yuan awkwardly: "Master."

Qing Yuan didn't get up, just lay down quietly, after a long time: "You don't like to go to class?"

Xu Guangbai pursed his lips tightly, turned his head to one side, and did not speak.

Seeing that Xu Guangbai didn't answer, Qingyuan continued on his own: "No one likes to go to class, not even a teacher."

Although Xu Guang turned his face to one side, his ears stood up to hear what Qing Yuan would say next.

Soon, Qing Yuan continued slowly: "Since you don't like to go to class, why don't you shut up with the teacher for three months?"

Xu Guangbai heard what Li Xinghe said about seclusion, and he knew that seclusion can purify the mind, and he can focus on cultivating to increase his cultivation, but how should he do seclusion in a situation where he can read some words, but most of them are still blind...

"I... haven't learned many words yet..."

"But now your heart is not pure, and your interest is not here." Qing Yuan thought about it, thinking that maybe the school is really not suitable for Xu Guangbai, "It's better to retreat."

"Can you repair talismans in retreat?" Xu Guangbai asked.


"When will it start?"

"Now if you want."

 small theater:

  Liang Tian: Senior Brother Xu, I would like to ask you about this.

  Xu Guangbai: ...

  Liang Tian: Senior Brother Xu, I want to ask about that.

  Xu Guangbai: ...

  Liang Tian: Brother Xu!I think... Brother Xu?Brother Xu, where are you?
  Xu Guangbai (running wildly)
  Liang Tian (chase desperately): Brother Xu!

  Xu Guangbai: Stay away from me!

(End of this chapter)

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