Chapter 169 Silver-haired Demon Lord
Seeing Su Changluo's eyes full of smiles, Elder Gu Zha turned his head away, with a face full of no desire to cry, no tears, really unlucky!
The two elders of Danyin Sect and Yushou Sect failed to succeed, but the Artifact Refining Sect was quite satisfied.

They have a lot of stock and good luck. When they encountered a wave of beasts attacking the village, a group of low-level monsters were killed by a thunderbolt. Jianzong, tied for second with Xuanyuanzong.

After dealing with these elders, Su Changluo suddenly felt the pendant on his chest flicker, sending out a trace of scorching heat.


In the Demon Race Hall, the Demon Lord with silver hair and red eyes sat on the throne, holding a snow-white kitten in his arms.

Below, amidst the sleepy formation, Ning Xi slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

She looked at the unfamiliar environment with a daze in her eyes.

But when she turned to look at the person on the throne, she suddenly felt a stabbing pain in her head, and after the stabbing pain passed, her consciousness gradually cleared up.

She looked at the person on the throne, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes,
"It's you?"


The silver-haired Demon Venerable on the throne came down, with a smile on his lips,

"That's why, it's just a different position."

He said, looking at Ning Xi,
"It's you, his love for you is like a thousand years."

He obviously found her, but he was worried that her soul and body would be damaged. For her safety, he left her in the spirit gathering array in the Northern Wilderness to recuperate.

But how could his senior brother know that all of this was just a game set up by him.

It was a thousand years ago, and it will be a thousand years later.

Ning Xi looked at the person in front of him, his eyes were full of bewilderment,

"What do you mean?"

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, has it been a thousand years?

"Where is my master, how is he?"

The silver-haired Demon Lord lowered his body slightly, and smiled at Ning Xi,
"Don't worry, he will come to accompany you soon."

Hearing this, Ning Xi's complexion changed slightly, and he got up to rush out, but was indeed blocked by the formation again.

She tried her best to break out of the formation, but it was useless.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Ning Xi looked at the person in front of her, her voice hoarse,
"Master, master, they are all so kind to you!"

But Mozun lowered his eyes and smiled, his red eyes were deep and bottomless,
"Yeah, they treated me very well, it's a pity."

He said, looking at the gloomy sky outside,

"So, just take it as my return, and I'll make room for your old lovers to express my heart."

He said, and walked out holding the white kitten.

"God of the demons, it's really... making people uncomfortable."

The silver-haired demon sighed slightly, he looked down at the snow-white kitten in his arms,

"I heard that the new generation of the Seven Sects has produced many talented disciples, why don't we go and meet them?"

He hasn't been to the Terran for many years.


In Taoyuan Town, Chu Yanshu was still in a coma.

Sang Luo checked all his spiritual veins and found that they were as messy as a chicken coop, so he began to sort out his spiritual energy.

The villagers in Taoyuan Town outside were still kneeling, for fear that Sang Luo and the others would attack and kill them.

After kneeling for more than an hour, the old mayor couldn't hold it anymore.

It is now spring in the mortal world, and when the cold wind blows, the old patriarch is a little bit unable to hold on and is about to pass out.

Yunhe looked at it in the embroidery room, curled her lips, and went out with her Qiankun bag.

Lin Qinghan didn't know what she was going to do, so she followed her.

 The third update~

  New character~ But it has appeared before~

  Guess who he is~
(End of this chapter)

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