If possible, he would rather these disciples live a safe life.

Ji Qingfeng turned his head to look at Elder Huang Tian beside him. He felt that his uncle hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

Junior sister, it seems that it is not just the sadness of seeing a peer's life hanging by a thread for the first time.

But Yunhe cried loudly,
"No, I'm going to find him. If Lin Qinghan dies, I won't live either!"

Elder Huang Tian's eyes widened instantly when he heard this,

"What did you say??!!!"

Lin Qinghan died, why didn't she live?
Ji Qingfeng turned his head back, well, now he realizes it.

Yunhe sniffled and showed the red line on his wrist,
"I have tied a red line with Lin Qinghan, I like him, and I want him to be my Taoist companion."

Elder Huang Tian's face turned green all of a sudden, and now he couldn't care less about motivating Ji Qingfeng to conceive a baby. He gritted his teeth and looked at his most proud nephew, and said angrily,

"When did this happen? How are you a senior brother? You don't even know when your junior sister was tied with a red thread?"

It was the first time for Ji Qingfeng to be scolded so harshly by Elder Huang Tian, ​​he coughed slightly,
"The red line may have been in the Red Line Pavilion. As for when the little junior sister fell in love with Lin Qinghan so deeply, I really don't know."

He thought that the little junior sister was just bewildered by Lin Qinghan's handsome face, it was a novelty.

Who knew, they dared to follow life and death together!
Huang Tian grabbed Yunhe and scolded Ji Qingfeng. Naturally, Xie Kun and several other direct disciples behind him were not spared either.

"Senior brother, don't you know how to watch your junior sister carefully, if you fail to practice every day, can't you even look down on your own junior sister?"

"Are you even taking her to the Marriage Meeting of the Red Line Pavilion? I think you are itchy?! Starting today, Daozong disciples are not allowed to participate in anything that has nothing to do with cultivation!"

"Those who practice the Dao, don't act rashly. If I catch anyone who has thoughts that shouldn't be there, I will go to the back mountain to face the wall for ten years!"

Ji Qingfeng bowed his head to be scolded, and then quietly hid the red thread on his wrist.He hasn't untied this thing yet, so he can't let his uncle see it.

After scolding, Elder Huang Tian dragged Yun He away.

He had to break the red thread in her hand, it was all Su Changluo's fault, what kind of marriage meeting was he doing when he was free? !

Where did these teenagers get these things? !

Yun He loudly asked Ji Qingfeng for help, and before he could say anything, Elder Huang Tian cast a silence spell on him.
"Second senior brother, no, no, no..."

Ji Qingfeng looked at Yunhe who was taken away and raised his hand to touch his nose. This time, the second senior brother can't save you, little junior sister, please ask for blessings.

And Xie Kun was looking in the direction of Xuexue Peak, his hands under his sleeves were tightly clenched together, Lin Qinghan... really lucky!
At the top of the snowfall peak, the sky thunder finally dissipated, and the rain was clear and the sky was blue.

Lin Qinghan walked out of the formation in a mess, his originally handsome face was blackened, his clothes were torn in several places, and his white abdominal muscles were looming.

All of a sudden, the female cultivators who watched the play were shocked.

"Ah, look, Lin Qinghan has a good figure, abs, eight pack!!!"

"Broad shoulders, narrow waist, blue hair, and a pretty face!!! Lin Qinghan, you are my God!"

"I rely on me, rely on me, this figure is amazing, I really want to sleep!"

"Sisters above, calm down! The drool is on my head!"


Fourth update ~ good night ~

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