Sang Luo was not in a hurry to go back, and walked along the street with Chu Yanshu, and entered the black market along the way.

Many disciples of the Seven Sects were selling talismans and magic weapons, and the two of them went around the black market. Sang Luo bought a lot of thunder and fire talismans and thunderbolt bullets, all of which were bought at half the price.

Sang Luo felt very happy, and was about to continue looking around to see if there were any good discounts.

But at this time, a thunderbolt suddenly fell in the middle of the black market.

After the thunder fell, the clouds of robbery began to accumulate in the sky.

Not far away, someone started yelling,
"Damn, who is it! You must be sick to survive the tribulation in the black market!"

"Crazy!!! I don't want to die yet!"

"This is worse than city management!"

"Who is it??? Who is it! I'm going crazy! My turnover"

A large group of people scolded their mother and ran out while packing their things.

Sang Luo looked at Jie Yun who was about to fall, and suddenly changed his expression.

The black market is crowded with people now, and if there is chaos, it may cause casualties.

Chu Yanshu opened his mouth and said,

"Don't worry, I'm here to maintain order."

"it is good."

Sang Luo nodded, the coercion dissipated, and he walked towards the direction where the robbery clouds accumulated.

Chu Yanshu raised his hand to form an formation, setting up a barrier.

"Don't panic, everyone stand still and don't move."

The boy stood in the crowd to maintain order, and his cold voice echoed in the black market.

There are too many people in the black market, if they run away, the whole Yunya City may be in chaos.

Sang Luo walked towards the direction where the robbery clouds gathered, walked to the end, and saw Zhang Jianting and Pei Jingxing at the door of an elixir shop.

Looking at the thunder sea that was about to fall, Pei Jingxing's complexion was obviously not very good-looking, he looked at Sang Luo,

"Take him away!"

Now this Yunya city is crowded with people, all of them are disciples of the Seven Sects and young casual cultivators. If this person survives Yuanying Tribulation here, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, Zhang Jianting's body was scorched black, and his aura was raging.

Sang Luo didn't have time to ask other questions, so she picked him up and took him to the outskirts of the city.

She ran so fast that Jie Yun almost didn't realize it for a while.

After reacting, he thought that Zhang Jianting wanted to escape the thunder disaster, so he kept chasing and hacking.

Sang Luo was afraid that innocent people would be affected, Yu Jianfei's thief was tall, and he chose to walk in the direction with few people.

Then, a strange scene appeared in the sky——

Blossoms of purple thunder light bloomed in the air, and then came the miserable cry of the young man and the aroma of roasted meat.

"Why is this thief so ruthless!"

Zhang Jianting wailed in pain,
"I really don't want to escape the thunder disaster!"

Sang Luo gritted her teeth,

"Shut up! You people from the Kunwu Sword Sect are better than each other in picking places!"

Lu Changsheng chose the library, and he, even more outrageous, went directly to the black market in Yunya City, he really didn't take human life seriously!

"I don't want to either!"

Zhang Jianting cried out for injustice,
"I just saw a herbal medicine, and the fruit jumped into my body by itself. I am more wronged than Dou E!"

His father has no money to buy that thunder spirit fruit!

He just looked at it!

Moreover, Yuanying Pojing, he still lacks the last sword intent, and originally wanted to suppress it until after the individual competition!
Who the hell wants to break through now!

Zhang Jianting felt wronged.

But Sang Luo cursed that he deserved it, found a piece of wasteland and left it for him.


A purple thunder suddenly fell from the sky, Zhang Jianting let out a scream,
"My second senior brother Du Jie, you bring him under the big toon tree, and I Du Jie, you throw it here for me!!!"

first update~
Daily recommendation ticket~monthly ticket~

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