Chapter 252

Sang Luo nodded,

"That's right, this is a formation seal fusion talisman. I drew the formation seal on the talisman paper and fused it."

Yunhe: "..."

Can this be done?
She is ignorant.

Lin Qinghan dragged Yunhe behind her,

"Stay away, I'll try again."

Yunhe nodded and retreated to the open space.

Lin Qinghan suddenly plunged the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand straight into the ground, and the thick ice power poured into the blade from the palm of his hand, and then spread to the ground under his feet. Frost blossoms formed on the crabapple trees not far away, Cover the tree body completely, and even the enchantment created by the barrier talisman is covered with frost.

Sang Luo took Chu Yanshu back a few steps, staring slightly at Lin Qinghan's movements,

"His sword is at least the strength of Yuan Ying's peak."

But in fact, he had just conceived a baby.

Chu Yanshu looked at Lin Qinghan and said,

"The combat power of the direct disciples of the Seven Sects cannot be defined by the traditional realm strength. Lin Qinghan has the blessing of the Immortal Slashing Sword, a natural sword bone and a mutated ice spirit root. Basically, he is invincible in the same realm, and he can fight at a higher level."

Not only Lin Qinghan, but also Sang Luo.

In the few life-and-death battles in which she went down the mountain to eliminate demons, it was not that the enemy was much higher than her realm.

But she was still able to draw a tie, and even found a glimmer of life in it.

These people, the combat power of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul is stronger than that of ordinary monks at the peak of the Nascent Soul.

As long as you don't run into your own Huashen elders or people at the level of your ancestors, you can walk sideways in the Cangwu Realm.

Lin Qinghan opened his eyes, his long dark blue hair fluttered with the wind, and the whole mountain was covered by his ice power. He suddenly drew his sword, condensed tens of thousands of sword energy, and struck towards the barrier. come over.

The sword qi hit the barrier, and the formation rippled like water waves, but in the end it still left a crack.

The all-power blow of the seven sects, Nascent Soul Xeon, just left a crack on the enchantment.

Chu Yanshu turned his head to look at Sang Luo,
"how do you feel?"

Sang Luo's mind is no longer on Lin Qinghan's Xeon Yijian, but on the barrier symbol. She gave the answer,

"Amulet paper is not feasible, but if there are formation stones to support the formation, it is feasible."

Chu Yanshu knew that what Sang Luo was talking about was the battle line between humans and demons. It would be feasible to use the formation stones as the base to build an formation stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and then use the formation seal to bless it.

"But... the formation stone is hard to find."

The formation left by Zhuochi is not something ordinary formation stones can bear.

The corners of Sang Luo's lips curled up slightly, thinking of a way to understand the situation,

"On the battlefield of ancient gods and demons, there should be many scattered formation stones."

In fact, in ancient times, there were still many Nascent Soul Transformation Gods in the cultivation world.

It’s just that after the battle between gods and demons, the aura withered, the gods fell, and the interface was separated. As a separated interface, the Cangwu Realm was suppressed by the Dao of Heaven. soar.

The Hongmeng Secret Realm is an exception.

The Primordial Realm is a small world that fell from the upper realm, and the land area in it is immeasurable. In the five directions of heaven that the ancestors have explored, there are relics of the ancient battlefield of gods and demons.

The inheritance of the Cangwu Realm's array technique is now only left with the array map and the seal. Even if there is an array, the array stone has long been lost.

But there will definitely be a battlefield of gods and demons.

Chu Yanshu's eyes lowered slightly as he heard this, for there were indeed formation stones on the battlefield of ancient gods and demons.

But it is not easy to get it.

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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