Chapter 262 Wanwan Leiqing?

Shang Shixu glanced at Sang Luo, and said coldly,
"Don't show such an expression, my master is the best master in the world."

Although the master forcibly brought him into Taoism, he let him avenge his family easily.

It was she who fooled him into practicing the ruthless way.

The master said that the way of ruthlessness is the strongest way of swordsmanship, and asked him to practice this way after revenge.

After self-cultivation of Ruthless Dao, he did cultivate very quickly, but later, he noticed that something was wrong.

If he cultivates the way of ruthlessness, he will never have other emotions after he cultivates to great success.

But he didn't realize until he was halfway through the practice, that being ruthless and loveless was not what he wanted.

In fact, Sang Luo has always been wondering why his elder brother would be abolished at the peak of Yuanying, when he was in high spirits.


Sang Luo looked up at Shang Shixu, eyes full of curiosity, and asked him,
"Why did you abolish your cultivation base and rebuild it?"

After hearing this, Shang Shixu raised his hand expressionlessly and flicked her forehead,
"Adults, children don't interrupt."

Sang Luo rubbed his forehead and gave him a slight look,
"The two of us are not a few years apart, we are both of the same generation! Can't the junior sister care about the senior brother?"

Shang Shixu glanced at Sang Luo expressionlessly,
"I come from the mortal world. In terms of age in the mortal world, I am 61 this year, so I can be your grandfather!"

Sang Luo: "."

She glanced at the tall young man with a handsome face, no matter how he looked at him, he was a handsome man in his early twenties, and once again lamented that the cultivation world is good.

Eldest brother is over 60 years old, he still looks like a handsome man, and according to the age of the cultivation world, he is still a junior.

And her cheap father, Sang Ming, is over 200 years old this year, and looks handsome in his twenties.

She touched her face, she really wanted to keep her youth forever!
But she is only eighteen this year, and she hasn't opened up too much yet.

With the experience of Shang Shixu as a foreshadowing, Sang Luo is not entangled now.

Master Chuxue has her own way of teaching apprentices, and she also has her own way of leading juniors.

Everyone takes what they need, learn from each other's strengths and make up for their weaknesses!
Shang Shixu looked at the Hall of Xihe, where Murong Chuxue was healing Song Qingyun's wounds, so he just bowed to Murong Chuxue from a distance, and went down the mountain with his sword.

Sang Luo was bored playing with the ants on the steps, and when she looked up, the bloody setting sun sprinkled on Shang Shixu's body, she suddenly felt a little familiar.

Sang Luo rubbed her eyes, then froze for a while.

The figure of Shang Shixu merged with the figure of Daoist Yuheng in the illusion that day, as if.

Sang Luo poked Chu Yanshu,

"Have you noticed that the back of the eldest brother is very similar to that of the ancestor!"

Chu Yanshu rolled his eyelids and said,

"I discovered it earlier, and when Shang Shixu lowered his head, his eyebrows and eyes were more similar to those of Daoist Yuheng."

Murong Chuxue brought him back to Xuanyuanzong because of the Daoist statue of Yuheng and Yuheng born by Shang Shixu.

In Sang Luo's mind, he recalled the silhouette of Daoist Yuheng in the illusion of Zhuangzhu, as if he had discovered some secret, and a big scene instantly filled his mind.

She poked Chu Yanshu and whispered,
"Could it be that the novice uncle likes Master Yuheng, so bring the senior brother back as a substitute."

In the past, it was okay not to think about it carefully, but after thinking about it, Sang Luo suddenly felt that nothing was right.

Chu Yanshu looked back at Sang Luo, wanting to tell her that her thoughts were right.

Moreover, in his previous life, after he wiped out Xuan Yuanzong, the only ones who survived were Shang Shixu and Murong Chuxue.

 Fourth more~

  good night~

  On a business trip today, I came to Daming Lake. After that, the lotus leaves were all bald, and mines were removed, but Furong Street is good~
(End of this chapter)

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