Chapter 382 Soul Power Enters the Body
It was only then that Chu Yanshu remembered that Yunhe and Ji Qingfeng had also disappeared here, but the so-called immortal was dead, so there shouldn't be any problems with the two of them.

But...he had no reason to reject Lin Qinghan.

Saving Yunhe and Ji Qingfeng also won the favor of Daozong.

But Daozong has plenty of money.

Chu Yanshu suddenly felt that relying on Lin Qinghan for money would be better than letting Yunhe settle his debts.

"Don't worry, Yunhe is fine."

Chu Yanshu recalled that scene from the memory of the immortal,

"These two should be near the western swamp, not far from here."

And Yunhe didn't suffer any injuries, but Ji Qingfeng's condition was not very good.

When Lin Qinghan heard this, he couldn't care less about adjusting his breath, and immediately Yujian was about to go west.

Chu Yanshu stopped him, Lin Qinghan turned his head,
"You accompany Sang Luo to heal first, and I will save Yunhe."

She was there alone, and Ji Qingfeng was beaten half to death, Yunhe must be very scared.

But what Chu Yanshu said next made him choke.

"There are formations around Yunhe and Ji Qingfeng, will you break the formation?"

With him like this, it's useless to go there, and he can't just use the sword to split the formation.

Impossible to split.

Lin Qinghan didn't speak, but he looked at Chu Yanshu with eyes that asked for help.

Chu Yanshu raised his hand and threw him a formation breaking talisman, and said coolly,

"One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones."

Lin Qinghan nodded,
"it is good!"

I already owe [-] million, and I don't care about the [-].

He didn't anyway.

Lu Changsheng was worried about Lin Qinghan's injury, glanced at the direction where he was adjusting his breath, nodded to Chu Yanshu, and also followed Yujian.

With Chu Yanshu's soul breath protecting his body, Sang Luo was not seriously injured.

She was also poor in the past, considered half-fit, with a good physique.

Moreover, Phoenix took most of the damage for her.

At this moment, Fenghuang was injured and entered the medicine field space to heal his injuries.

And the reason why she is still retreating is because she feels that she seems... to break through again.

In this battle, she forcibly increased her spiritual power to fight against that person, which made her seem to have a clear understanding.

But this sliver of enlightenment was short of something, so Sang Luozai suppressed his intention to break through.

She has only entered the Nascent Soul Realm not long ago, and every step of the Nascent Soul will need to be steady and steady. If she is not careful, she may become enchanted.

Therefore, she felt that this moment was not the time for a breakthrough.

Another quarter of an hour later, Sang Luo suppressed all the chaotic spiritual breath in his body, and then found that the sea of ​​consciousness had widened a lot, and some soul power remained in his body, which flowed into the sea of ​​pills and attached to it. Above Nascent Soul.

She opened her eyes and looked at Chu Yanshu,

"I seem to have absorbed your soul power."

Chu Yanshu was taken aback when he heard that,
"Can you absorb soul power?"

Sang Luo is clearly a fire spirit root, and soul power should be incompatible with each other.

As he said, he raised his hand to touch her wrist, penetrated into her spiritual veins, and saw a light blue soul breath attached to the crimson Nascent Soul, and frowned slightly.

"Accordingly, it shouldn't be."

He just injected soul power into her body just now, just to protect her heart veins, even if there is some residue, it should be hovering above the heart veins, not in the Danhai Yuanying.

Chu Yanshu looked at Sang Luo,
"Mobilize your soul power and see if you can use it."

Sang Luo listened and began to try to mobilize her soul power, but found that she couldn't use it at all.

She shook her head at Chu Yanshu.

"It doesn't work."

 Fourth update ~ good night ~
(End of this chapter)

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