Chapter 385 Ghost Hit the Wall

Although Ji Qingfeng accepted Daoist Yuheng's inheritance of common people's Taoism, but what others gave, it was others' after all.

Only when Fang has his own real experience and enlightenment can he achieve his own way.

This time, he was sacrificing the Tao and also enlightening the Tao.

If the Dao can be achieved, it will be a matter of time before he can practice in the future.

The moment Ji Qingfeng's body completely dissipated, the entire Yunmeng Mountain Swamp returned to its original state. The lush and vibrant ancient forest seemed to have never experienced such a big battle.

The spirit jade hanging around Sang Luo's waist vibrated, she looked down and saw that it was a video call from Lu Changsheng.

Sang Luo clicked on the video, and Lu Changsheng's magnified face suddenly appeared on the screen. He was full of thoughts,
"You may not believe it, but we are breaking through the formation. One moment ago, it was an evil formation in an abyss swamp, and the next moment it disappeared without a trace. Moreover, flowers bloomed in the middle of the swamp!"

In that formation, there was neither Ji Qingfeng nor Yunhe.

Lin Qinghan chopped down a piece of forest angrily with the Zhanxian sword in his hand, trying to find out the whereabouts of Yunhe, what are you doing, he just chopped down the tree, and it grew back in the blink of an eye.

Then he took another slash and it grew back!
Very evil!

If he didn't know a little about the five elements and eight trigrams array, Lu Changsheng would have wondered if he had met a ghost hitting a wall.

He tilted the camera, and Lin Qinghan behind him was still chopping trees.

Sang Luo was silent for a moment,

"Bring him over to find us, Lu Changsheng has found it."

Hearing her words, Lin Qinghan over there suddenly turned his head.

Lu Changsheng was also taken aback for a moment,
"Where are you now?"

Sang Luo sent him a location,
"Bring me the fallen formation stone too."

After saying this, she hung up the video.

Lu Changsheng was very efficient. In less than a quarter of an hour, Yu Jian arrived here and handed over the formation stone to Sang Luo.

Sang Luo glanced at the formation of stones, the dark attribute was exactly the same as the formation of stones in the cave before.

That evil fairy really didn't have any good intentions.

But in this world, things with dark attributes are generally linked to demons.

Will it have anything to do with ignorance?
When Sang Luo thought of Mo Ming, he felt a little irritable.

Ever since she came out of Dream Enlightenment, she had told her second senior brother about this, and wanted him to watch the movements of the demon clan, but since the battle against the demon sect, the guy who was ignorant seemed to be dead , disappeared.

Her intuition told her that in the previous life, Chu Yanshu became a demon, his aristocratic family was wiped out, and the immortal sect withered, all of which had something to do with that guy Moming.

But in this life, this guy didn't move as if he was dead.

And no movement is the scariest thing.

Lu Changsheng searched around but didn't see Ji Qingfeng, so he stuttered and said,
"Where's Ji Qingfeng? Why can't I feel his breath?"

Also, what's with this lush forest?

Wasn't it destroyed because of their fight just now?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, his complexion suddenly turned pale, he couldn't believe it,

"Ji Qingfeng, was he martyred?"

Lu Changsheng didn't know Ji Qingfeng very well, but at least they were of the same generation, and they were both the arrogance of this generation.

At his age, he is not yet able to accept the martyrdom of his peers.

These things should have been very far away from them, very far away.

 The third update~
(End of this chapter)

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