If it weren't for this seal, the aura in the Cangwu Realm would not have been getting thinner day by day over the years.

And if it weren't for those things that happened 1000 years ago, his master would not have sacrificed to the Tao, and his senior brother would not have fallen as a genius, so stop here!

But who should he seek revenge on?

Looking for the upper bound?

Or ask Tianzong?
How should he take revenge?
Breaking this seal, dragging everyone in the fairy world into turmoil with the Cangwu Fourteen Continents, turning them into purgatory?
Su Changluo raised his crimson eyes, and laughed suddenly, full of sarcasm,
"Why bother? I won't break the seal for you and let you out just because of your few words."

One by one, one by one, it turns out that they are all just pawns!
Thunderclaps began to gather above the sky, and the red light in the sealing formation flourished.

"Su Changluo, if you let me out, maybe this deity can protect your life, otherwise, you will definitely die today!"

He discovered the truth that the Cangwu Fourteenth Continent had sunk into the lower realm in this demon temple, and the Taoist ancestor of the upper realm would not let him go.

"Su Changluo, are you willing?"

The sealed Demon God spoke hoarsely, as if with the power of demagogy,

"Bearing a blood feud, are you willing to fall here silently?"

"Unlock the seal, and this deity can save you. Even your little apprentice, this deity can bring her back from the dead. You don't have to rely on the devil's breath to keep her soul alive."

The robbery clouds have already gathered in the sky, and the situation above the Demon Realm is changing.

Su Changluo closed his eyes slightly, stood up slowly from the ground, raised his hand to form a seal, and struck towards the seal not far away——

The thick rune power penetrated into the seal, and the demon god let out a roar,

"Su Changluo! You coward, actually strengthened the seal!"

"You are so willing to become a pawn, watching the fourteen continents of Cangwu fall!!!"

Su Changluo raised his eyes and said coldly,
"Seal you, the Cangwu Realm will still have thousands of years, if you don't seal you, will the people of the Cangwu Realm still have a way to survive?"

He doesn't believe his nonsense.

The demons are greedy, if he comes back to life, the first to suffer is the entire Cangwu Realm.

The rune force penetrated into the seal, and the magic light was suppressed.

And Su Changluo looked up at Tianlei outside the Demon God Temple, and sneered,
"Moming, oh Moming, your trick to kill people with a knife is just right."

Lead him to this demon temple, discover the truth of the blocking formation, trigger the prohibition, and the people in the upper realm will not keep him.

And if he releases the demon god in a fit of anger, he will make even more money without losing money.

Good calculation.

The Lingzhu in the sleeve glowed a faint red light, and Ning Xi's crying voice came from inside,
"Master, let me out, let me out!"

Hearing Ning Xi's voice, Su Changluo's expression softened a little.

The light in the palm of his hand burst out, wrapping the Lingzhu, he whispered softly,
"I failed to protect you back then, but let you suffer such injustice. You have been controlled by others for thousands of years, and you have been tortured. It is the teacher's fault."

"Now I finally found you, but I can no longer be with you."

"Ningxi. The Lingzhu will help you purify the devil's breath and reshape the fairy body. Forget about all this. It's me, I'm sorry."

Perhaps it was a mistake for him to bring her to Xuan Yuanzong privately back then.

If not, she should have lived a safe and smooth life instead of being targeted by ignorance and becoming a pawn to plot against him. Up to now, only her soul and body are left.

"Master, don't."

Ning Xi inside the Lingzhu was already sobbing,
"Even if it's death, let me be with you, okay?"

first update~
daily ticket~

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