Chapter 416 He Knows All The Time
When Sang Luo arrived near the Fusheng Pagoda, what he saw was the scene where his second senior brother took a jade abacus to kill people's souls.

This directly shocked her.

Is her second senior brother so powerful?
Lu Huaizhi has always been a prudent person, and he never showed his true strength in the past. Over the years, he has never shown his true strength in the sect.

In the past, Sang Luo only knew that every time his third senior brother made trouble with his second senior brother, he was easily resolved by the second senior brother. Whether it was fighting or poisoning, Pei Jingxing had never gotten half a favor from Lu Huaizhi.

I thought it was the second senior brother who counted all omissions, but I didn't expect
This was the first time Sang Luo saw Lu Huaizhi make a move.

It's just that I didn't expect that the second senior brother didn't make a sound, but when he made a move, people's jaws dropped in shock.

Seeing Sang Luo, Lu Huaizhi simply put away the silk thread on the jade abacus, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked,
"Where have you been these days?"

Sang Luo looked up at Lu Huaizhi, and found that there were many bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

She paused for a moment, to be honest,

"Go to the Demon Race."

Lu Huaizhi didn't seem surprised when he heard that, he stared at Sang Luo for a long time, his fingers on the jade abacus slowly tightened, his knuckles turned white,
"and then?"

Looking at Lu Huaizhi's appearance, Sang Luo was certain that he already knew something.

Or in other words, all this time, he knew far more than her.

"I met Uncle Changluo in the Demon Race."

Sang Luo looked at Lu Huaizhi, paused for a long time, and then said,

"Seeing him fall under the catastrophe, there is only a remnant soul left."

But this remnant soul may never wake up.

Or maybe, after thousands of years, he will return to the world.

Lu Huaizhi closed his eyes deeply upon hearing this,


Still, is this the end?

Song Qingyun's face turned pale when he heard this, and he looked at Sang Luo with disbelief in his eyes.

"Uncle Changluo...Heavenly Tribulation? How is it possible?"

There was a tremor in his voice, and the expression on his face changed several times.
"Senior Sister, did you make a mistake? Uncle Changluo still has a demon in his heart, so he won't cross the catastrophe rashly? How could he die under the catastrophe?"

A well-behaved Supreme Talisman, how come... only a trace of remnant soul left?
Sang Luo lowered her eyes and said in a low voice,

"It's not the catastrophe of ascension, it's the catastrophe of extinction."

Song Qingyun was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and didn't react for a long time.

Sang Luo turned to look at Lu Huaizhi,
"Second senior brother, don't you already know something?"

Lu Huaizhi only felt a sharp astringency in his throat, he paused for a while, then looked up at Sang Luo, and opened his mouth slowly,
"In fact, as early as many years ago, Master calculated his own death date."

Sang Luo suddenly raised her head when she heard this,

"What did you say?"

Uncle Chang Luo, did you already know?
Lu Huaizhi looked at the Fusheng Pagoda not far away, and said softly,
"For thousands of years, Master has been searching for the truth of that day."

Su Changluo never believed that it was Ning Xi who released the Twelve Demon Emperors, even if he was controlled by the demon clan, he never believed that Ning Xi had that strength.

The seals of the Twelve Demon Emperors are so strong, even if they are the powerhouses of Transformation God, they may not be able to open the seal in such a short period of time and release the ancient Demon Emperors. What's more, outside the Floating Tower, there are seventeen ancient gods blessed with righteous energy. Formation, ordinary monsters can't get close at all!

Coupled with the encirclement of Liudao Mountain later, he just forced his senior brothers and sisters, two kendo geniuses, to become demons. There are too many strange things in this...

 First update~
  That’s right. A novel is always composed of various characters, and the characters are multi-faceted. There is no pure good or bad, and there is no perfect person. Since writing this book, everyone’s support has been in my eyes. , I am also very happy, but some people maliciously give bad reviews to the book because they don’t like the characters. It is really unacceptable to give a bad review to the book if you hate it.Finally, thank you for your continued support and I will continue to write this book.

(End of this chapter)

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