Sang Luo snorted, flipped his wrist, and drew out the sword directly, smashing all the webs woven by Xie Kun.

The girl was dressed in red, and she walked with light steps. The spirit jade on her wrist made a crisp sound in the turbulent air current, and the sword energy flew across, as if it could strangle all cages in this world.

"Great gift? I should give you a big gift!"

Sang Luo drew out the sword with one hand and formed the seal with the other, and went straight towards Xie Kun.

Xie Kun stepped forward in the direction of the sword energy, and every move was seamless.

His spiritual aura is very strong, it seems that he has already touched the threshold of becoming a god, and he is only one step away.

At this time, Xie Kun seemed to have realized the insufficiency of his swordsmanship, and switched to using a talisman to coordinate with Sang Luo. He blocked Sang Luo's sword energy several times, and almost suffered a backlash.

After hundreds of moves, both Sang Luo and Xie Kun had some color on them.

Sang Luo squinted his eyes slightly, the Taoist talisman inheritance is indeed mysterious.

Xie Kun's sword skills are far from hers, and her talisman skills are not as solid as his.

Xie Kun looked at Sang Luo with a smile on his lips, and he was still weaving the formation in his hands. Those were just appetizers, and he wanted to completely trap her in a cage.

Sang Luo saw Xie Kun's technique, flipped his wrist, and silently performed the reversal formula left by Yuheng.

Her advantage lies in the long sword in her hand. If she blindly tries to form an array with him with talismans, she will be in a cocoon.

Xie Kun wanted to use this to confuse her, dreaming!
The law of reversal was running in Sang Luo's body, and in this hall, all the power of the fire spirit began to gather towards the long sword in the girl's hand.

This is the Divine Phoenix Hall, the place where the fire spirit energy is the purest in the world, relying on the method of phoenix separation and reversal, she is invincible here.

With the operation of the law of reversal, all the fire spirits in the Divine Phoenix Hall began to gather, and even the underground magma began to surge.

The complexion of Shenhuang, who was hiding in the dark and observing, changed slightly. What does this mean?
Is this junior of the human race going to demolish his house? !

Xie Kun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Sang Luo's rising aura, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense, why does she always bring him new surprises every time they meet?

Why can't he match her no matter how hard he tries, even how hard he cultivates?

Xie Kun completely put down the Yingying Sword in his hand, formed seals with both hands, and condensed his ultimate move.

This time after time of confrontation, he has already given birth to a demon.

And the key to the heart demon is Sang Luo.

If Sang Luo does not die, his state of mind in this life will be completely trapped, and he will no longer be able to improve half a step!

This time, if it wasn't her death, it would be his death!
And Sang Luo, who was really tired of Xie Kun's backstabs from time to time, was going to decide whether to win or lose with one move, and dealt with him directly in the Divine Phoenix Hall!
The surging fire spirits gathered in one place, and Sang Luo made a sudden move,

"Fire and phoenix start a prairie—"

A huge phoenix condensed out from Sang Luo's long sword, and went straight towards Xie Kun who was not far away.

At the same time, Xie Kun made a killing formation in his hands and attacked Sang Luo.

The two spiritual breaths collided in one place, stirring up a powerful spiritual current, and even the tough and indestructible Divine Phoenix Hall shook three times.

At the same time, Fenghuang took advantage of the momentum of the fire and phoenix to start a prairie fire, and directly knocked the blue luan to the ground with a burst of spiritual energy.

The moment the phoenix landed on the ground, it turned into an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, with a blushing sound, his eyes were full of flamboyance and disdain,
"A bastard is a bastard. After living for so many years, that's all he can do."

Second update~

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