Chapter 457 Long time no see
Xie Kun looked at the place where Sang Luo disappeared, his eyelids began to tremble, and the corners of his lips were filled with blood.

"I'm really, not reconciled..."

He has not surpassed Ji Qingfeng, Lin Qinghan, and Sang Luo to become No.1 among this new generation of disciples.

However, he may, really, not see it.

During the battle between the demon god and the gods, no one cared about Xie Kun's condition.

Even Qing Luanniao, his so-called natal contract, didn't give him half of his eyes, but just looked nervously at the dead moon in the battlefield.

That is its true owner.


Following Sang Luo's breath, when Chu Yanshu arrived at the Divine Phoenix Hall, what he saw was the Divine Phoenix Soul in the Divine Phoenix Hall, as well as the ray of demon soul...

The moment he saw the demon soul, memories flooded his mind, drowning him in an instant.

The color of Chu Yan's writing changed slightly, and there was no blood on his face.
"how come?"

How could he be here?

Demon God...shouldn't be sealed under the Floating Tower?
Daoist Yuheng died thousands of years ago in order to seal him.

The seal of the Fusheng Pagoda is still there, how could he...

Dead Moon also noticed Chu Yanshu, he raised his hand to repel Phoenix, looked back and smiled, his voice was low,

"Long time no see..."

The four eyes met, but with just this one glance, Chu Yanshu suddenly felt a chill run down his spine, and his whole body was chilled to the bone.

Why did he tell him long time no see?
Obviously in this life, they have never seen it before.

Subconsciously, Chu Yanshu wanted to escape.

He didn't want to see Dead Moon, very much.


Deep in the center of the earth, the demonic poison surged in Phoenix's body, and his mind was no longer clear. The expression in his eyes changed, and finally saw that Sang Luo turned into a request,
"Sang Luo, kill me, I don't want to turn into a demon."

Sang Luo stood in front of it, raised his hand and cut his own palm, letting the blood tightly wrap the Phoenix Master Ling and melt into his body.

This process was not easy, and drops of sweat were dripping from the girl's forehead,
"Fenghuang, I won't let you be demonized."

Sang Luo spoke softly, and poured the spirit of fire into Fengli,
"It will hurt, bear with it."

Phoenix has never accepted the inheritance of the Order of the Lord of the Phoenix, so he doesn't understand what Sang Luo is saying at this moment.

But the next moment, Sang Luo raised Fengli sword, and pierced the heart with a sword on the original wound.

Blood gushed out of Fenghuang's throat suddenly, and the fire burned all his internal organs, as if to refine him, he raised his hand to grab Fengli who was stuck in front of his chest, and looked at Sang Luo, with complicated emotions in his eyes,

"Do you know the consequences of what you do?"

She, most likely, will die.

Sang Luo looked at Fenghuang, lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly,
"Actually, I'm afraid of pain, and I'm also afraid of death."

Especially, she is in another world, and she still has so many concerns.

There is Chef Sang, who loves to be funny but cooks delicious food, and Ms. Luo, who is gentle and beautiful. Overtime, but she actually kinda loves them.

She wanted to go back, she really wanted to go back alive, eat Chef Sang's pot-wrapped pork again, and go to school happily.

After all, in the three years of high school, she didn't have much fun.

It would be even better if I could have another interesting relationship in college.

Thinking of this, Chu Yanshu's face flashed across Sang Luo's mind.

She wanted to take him back with her if she could.

If there is him in that world, it will be more perfect.

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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