Three months later, when Chu Yanshu opened his eyes again on the main hall, Zhuo Qing's mental power was exhausted.

And the next moment, the center of the earth began to surge, and the spirit of fire surged out.

Chu Yanshu raised his eyes and finally smiled, Sang Luo broke through.

The phoenix rushed out from the surging magma, and the girl in a red dress stood on the head of the phoenix.

Judging by the breath, he has already entered the realm of transforming gods smoothly.

Zhuo Qing also raised her eyes and looked at Sang Luo, who was dressed in red and had a steady breath, and murmured,
"Nirvana in the Mortal Realm, what kind of monster is this girl?"

Cultivators who have never crossed the abyss and become immortals are still considered mortal blood. How could they survive the pain of refining blood at the time of Nirvana?

But she... did it?

From the looks of it, it's just the top-grade fire spirit root. In the spirit world, talent is only considered to be above average.

With no physique and no bones, relying solely on the power of the fire spirit, he won the Order of the Phoenix Lord and even succeeded in nirvana in the mortal realm.

What kind of monster did his brother accept?


In the Divine Phoenix Hall, Sang Luo had just broken through to the realm of transforming gods. At this moment, he only felt that the spiritual energy in the spiritual sea had undergone a qualitative change, and his whole body was full of strength. The Temple of the Divine Phoenix in ruins.

And... Chu Yanshu and Zhuo Qing.

Sang Luo was slightly stunned, and then when he saw Chu Yanshu, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he jumped off from the top of Fenghuang's head,

"Chu Yanshu, you're here!"

She jumped in a hurry, the corners of her fiery red skirt fluttered with the wind, and she was as enthusiastic as ever. Chu Yanshu subconsciously picked her up and hugged her in her arms.

The joy in the young man's eyes gradually narrowed, replaced by slight anger,

"Who told you to go to Nirvana right now!"

Nirvana in every realm is tantamount to asking for a dead end. If you are a little careless, you will be burned by the burning fire to nothing left.

This was the first time Chu Yanshu lost his temper with her, and Sang Luo was a little dazed for a moment.

But fortunately, she is smart, and immediately thought that he was worried about her, and immediately Sang Luo pretended to be pitiful with a bitter face,
"I don't want to, but at that time the Phoenix was poisoned by the demon, and the remnant soul of the demon god was also there. We were suppressed and beaten by him, so I can only take a gamble."

Hearing what Sang Luo said, Chu Yanshu snorted coldly,
"If you were poisoned by the devil's poison in your own territory, you will naturally have your elders to rescue you. Even if you die, it's still the Shenhuang clan trying to gain fame. What does it have to do with you?"

The reason why she was asked to sign the bond at the beginning was so that if something happened to Fenghuang in the future, she would not be implicated.

But she was lucky enough to change the slave contract into a life contract for a stupid bird, not to mention, she even risked her life to accompany him to nirvana.

Thinking of this, not only did Chu Yanshu's eyes blaze, but his heart also began to blaze.

He hasn't lived and died with her yet.

She will accompany this stupid bird through life and death!
Sang Luo blinked his eyes, only felt that the smell on Chu Yanshu's body was getting more and more sour, and suddenly realized that he was jealous at the moment.

Sang Luo has nothing but tricks to coax people.

The girl blinked her eyes,

"Aren't I afraid that Shenhuang will not be able to defeat the demon god's remnant soul, and die here and never see you again?"

She said, without giving Chu Yanshu a chance to speak, she began to change the subject with a serious face,

"The demon god under the Fusheng Pagoda escaped, and followed Xie Kun into the Divine Phoenix Hall. With just a trace of remnant soul, he can tie with the Divine Phoenix, which should not be underestimated."

Second update~

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