Chapter 473 Did You Hear It Wrong?

Sang Luo understood clearly,

"That's it. But this time, your soul power should have changed to a certain extent, otherwise there shouldn't be such a change in the medicine field space."

She remembered that the medicine field space was linked to his cultivation base, and if his cultivation level improved, the medicine field space would also be upgraded accordingly, very smart.

But Chu Yanshu shook his head with a smile, his brows raised slightly,
"This change should be caused by your advancement in cultivation."

Based on his entry alone, it is impossible for this medicine field space to have such a big change.

The current changes in the medicine field space should be inseparable from the success of Sang Luo's Nirvana.

And after this change, the aura in this space has become much stronger.


Sang Luo was a little uncertain.

But Chu Yanshu said,
"You are also the owner of the medicine field space, have you forgotten?"

Sang Luo turned his head to look at Tianyu not far away, thinking,

"Then if the two of us break through to the Immortal Realm together, what will happen to this medicine field space?"

With such a large space, recruiting troops and buying horses is enough for self-appointed king.

Hearing this, Chu Yanshu lowered his eyes and smiled, then looked at Sang Luo,

"Then wait until then and watch."

He believes that maybe that day is not far away.

And the medicine field space will protect Sang Luo for him.

The red sunset slowly set, the full moon rose in the east, and the land was silent.

Sang Luo turned his head to look at Chu Yanshu,
"We should go."


Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu walked out of the medicine field space and walked out of the Phoenix Mountain Tomb.

Pei Jingxing and Zhang Jianting were left in the medicine field space. One was that Zhang Jianting was seriously injured, and the other was that Pei Jingxing faintly felt that he was about to break through, so he happened to stay in the space to practice alchemy.

In a piece of yellow sand, Sang Luo sat on the Fengli Sword, which was magnified dozens of times, and walked with the sword, and a spiritual shield was raised around it to isolate the wind and sand.

Chu Yanshu was sitting next to her, and the two of them were studying the scroll that Mo Ming sent over.

The names on the scroll were darkened a lot, besides Sang Luo who killed, there should be others.

In this regard, Sang Luo felt very relieved.

He also said that everyone on the scroll must be killed.

Oh no, except for the people on the scroll, and the people in the demon clan, all of them were killed by him, leaving no one behind!
Chu Yanshu held an abacus in his hand, and began to calculate people's positions based on the causal line.

Suddenly, he paused with his fingers, turned around and asked Sang Luo,
"Did you hear the cry for help?"

He seemed to have heard intermittent cries for help.

Sang Luo was still looking down at the scroll, but she suddenly raised her head, looked left and right,
"Is there? Didn't you hear it?"

Did Chu Yanshu hear it wrong?
Or her ears are not working well?

When Sang Luo said he didn't hear it, Chu Yanshu really thought he was hallucinating, so he lowered his head again and began to calculate.

He remembered that in his previous life, the old man of the Sky Calculation Pavilion had given him a few tricks of the Sky Calculation.

This Primordial Secret Realm is too big, just relying on him and Sang Luo to find someone is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

So Chu Yanshu picked up this Taoism again, and began to deduce it with abacus.

Just as he deduced, a crushing battle was going on right below the two of them not far away——

Liu Zhining's snow clothes were almost dyed red, and the pearls embroidered on her waist were scattered all over the place. Her image of holiness and inviolability in the past had been greatly reduced. The look of weak willows supporting the wind in the past is really inconsistent.

 Open the next branch ~
  The pair I've always wanted to write about is here~
(End of this chapter)

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