Chapter 494

In the Primordial Secret Realm, there are some ancient ruins, and there are even many unfamiliar demon gods. If you are not familiar with them, you can break through if you are not familiar with them.

With their spiritual power at the moment, it is not enough.

Sang Luo lowered her eyes a little and thought it made sense.

Chu Yanshu grabbed Sang Luo's wrist, ready to lead her to try to leave from here.

But at this time, a black ball with lightning flashing suddenly fell from above.

Chu Yanshu and Sang Luo raised their eyes at the same time, a little nervous about this change.

But the next moment, the black ball opened its eyes full of surprises, looked at Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu, and said excitedly,
"Senior Sister? Junior Brother!"

Sang Luo stared at those clear and stupid eyes for a long time, almost choking,

"...Song Qingyun?!"

This time, it should not be an illusion.

Song Qingyun waved at Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu,

"Senior sister, junior brother, save me! I'm caught by a force! I can't break free!"

Sang Luo turned to look at Chu Yanshu,
"Save him."

According to Song Qingyun's direction of death, soon, he will fall into that abyss.

Chu Yanshu rubbed his brows in resignation, raised his hand and threw a spiritual breath, which condensed into a soul rope, wrapped Song Qingyun around him, and said,

"Don't struggle, just sink naturally, don't worry about anything, I'll drag you here."

Song Qingyun nodded obediently,

"it is good!"

The Chongming Sword Spirit beside him sounded expressionless, but he was already scolding his mother in his heart.

He told him not to listen just now, insisted on struggling to run out, but the more he struggled, the faster he fell.

Now that he knew it was a deal, why didn't he fall down and kill himself before making the deal?
God knows that the Chongming Sword Spirit is already prepared for the death of its master, and it is ready to seal the sword again, so that it will never see the light of day.

Chu Yanshu grabbed the rope formed by the condensed soul power, tied Song Qingyun firmly, and dragged him towards the open space.

As soon as he landed, Song Qingyun looked at the grinning mermaid corpses and let out a scream,
"Ah!!! Ghost!"

Sang Luo raised his hand and slapped him on the head,

"Don't cry and howl!"

Song Qingyun hummed with aggrieved face,
"Senior sister, don't you know what I've been through these days?"

Sang Luo glanced up at him, saw the strips of black cloth hanging on his body, and the hairstyle like a chicken coop, clicked his tongue,
"Is this finally a breakthrough? Got struck by lightning?!"

Breakthrough is certainly happy, but when Song Qingyun thought of those things, he felt annoyed, and then vomited bitterness to Sang Luo,

"Senior sister, you don't even know how unlucky I am these days. I fell into a group of crocodiles when I first entered the Primordial Secret Realm. You know... those crocodiles are all at the Golden Core stage!"

"I escaped from the crocodiles just now, and I fell into a quagmire again, and was followed by a group of demons..."

"You don't even know, that group of demons are very difficult to deal with, and the wheel of battle consumes me. If there are no seniors and brothers who keep replenishing the pills for me, you might not see me, your little brother!"

"I just fought bloody battles and killed the group of demons, but I never thought that there would be a human race chasing and killing me!"

"That person is so strong! If Chongming Sword Spirit didn't suddenly burst out to help me, I guess it would be a disaster."

Song Qingyun chattered on and on, telling about his hardships and hardships during this period of time, with teary eyes and a pitiful face.

(End of this chapter)

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