After all, Yan Yunzi had lived longer and was full of tricks.

But fortunately, Sang Luo has gone through Nirvana, and the spiritual power in his body is not as thick as usual, and the evil does not overwhelm the righteous. The awe-inspiring aura carried by the Fengli sword is designed to overcome the evil spirits used by Yan Yunzi.

"Nirvana in every realm is indeed a rare talent."

Yan Yunzi looked at Sang Luo who was holding a long sword, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

It's not that the Tianjiao of his age did not enter the Phoenix Mountain Tomb to try their luck, but no one was able to come out from there.

But this little girl was able to achieve Nirvana in the mortal world.

Sang Luo flipped his wrist, and when he raised his hand, he slashed with a sword, the sword energy pierced through the air, unstoppable

"So, you are lucky to die by my sword!"

As the girl's crisp voice fell, her sword moves followed the wind.

Yan Yunzi looked at Sang Luo, sneered, and when he raised his hand, he cut his wrist,
"Little girl, you are too arrogant!"

In his realm, wanting to kill him easily is simply a dream!
Yan Yunzi scratched his wrist, and dark green blood rushed out of his wrist, dripping into the formation under his feet. In an instant, the star formation lit up, and the cave shook for a while.

The aura condensed in Sang Luo's hands, sweeping across the entire cave in an instant.

Chu Yanshu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the soul power gushed out from his body, directly enveloping the crowd, and moved away from the mountain wall in an instant.

On a piece of emerald green field, the standing mountain peak suddenly exploded, setting off a burst of flying sand and rocks.

Sang Luo raised his sword and swept away, but found that the aura in his body seemed to be suppressed again.

Yan Yunzi's wild laughter came from among the ruins,

"Jie Jie Jie... The blood of the Divine Phoenix came just in time! This treasure that is about to be born, this lord, is still short of the last sacrifice!"

The moment the stick touched the ground, the ground began to crack, and blood lines centered on Yan Yunzi quickly spread towards several people.

Chu Yanshu raised his hand to make a tactic, and threw out a magic talisman to block the bloodline of the sacrifice.

Su Ruowan narrowed her eyes, and also saw something strange,
"The Vientiane Spirit Bell was turned into a blood demon by a scum like you!"

The Vientiane Spirit Bell was supposed to be a spiritual creature born from the most refined and pure Qi in the world. His mind was not right, perhaps the time when he discovered the Spirit Bell was not recognized by the Spirit Bell, so he was trapped at this time, poured with blood energy every day, and forcibly trained it into a blood clock!
As soon as Yan Yunzi mentioned this matter, he felt blood dripping from his heart and roared angrily,

"If it wasn't for its ignorance, how could this deity have been trapped in this ghostly place for nearly ten thousand years!"

1 years ago, he came here to discover this spiritual bell, and he killed countless arrogances of his generation in order to fight for the Vientiane spiritual bell, before finally seeing its true colors.

But who knows, this myriad of phenomena not only refused to recognize him as the master, but also trapped him here for tens of thousands of years!

His wonderful youth was buried here, guarding the bell day after day, trapped in this cave.

"The Wanxiang Lingzhong belongs to my Danyin sect. It should be a matter of course for him to recognize me as the master!"

Yan Yunzi clenched the wooden stick in his hand, pouring the condensed energy into the earth, and the hoarse voice resounded through the heaven and earth,

"Since it doesn't know how to praise, then the deity will pour it with blood energy, destroy its spirituality, and refine it into a Vientiane Blood Clock for my use!"

Over the past thousands of years, he has worked hard for this Vientiane Blood Clock, and he has attracted countless human arrogances to this place to water the Spirit Clock with his blood.

Now, it's finally the last step!

The first!
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