The sword energy of the Qingxiao sword swept across, and Lu Changsheng swooped forward, fighting with the demon clan in the mid-stage of transformation.

All of a sudden, the Gobi was full of flying sand and rocks, and the coercion of the Transformation God Realm swept across, almost blowing up Sheng Jinyue's furnace.

In the center of the formation, Sheng Jinyue spent a lot of time trying to suppress the spiritual riot in the furnace, and couldn't help but swear,

"Fuck, where did such a tyrannical spirit come from, can't these two people keep it?"

His furnace nearly exploded just now!
This was his final move to blow up the bug nest!
Zhou Wenting's eyes were filled with surprise,

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? This is a life-and-death battle? Do you think the rookie disciples at your door are fighting?"

Still charge this?What is he joking about?

Sheng Jinyue: "..."

That's all he said.

On the other side, Lu Changsheng had already fought nearly a hundred moves with the demon general in the Transformation God Realm, and he had a lot of color on his body, and the corners of his blue clothes were stained with blood.

The demon general who was not far away didn't get any benefits, and Lu Changsheng poked several holes in his chest, and blood was continuously gushing out at this moment.

"you wanna die!"

The devil general's eyes were full of anger, and his body was full of devil energy, and he came to kill Lu Changsheng.

"Kill God Slash!"

Blood overflowed from the corner of Lu Changsheng's lips, watching the billowing magic breath, he clenched the Qingxiao Sword in his hand,
"Slash the universe!"

The moment the voice fell, sword intent gathered from all directions, gathered in one place, and slashed towards the demon general.

And the moment the sword qi slashed, robbery clouds began to gather in the sky.

Chang Man looked at the sword that Lu Changsheng swung, his breathing stagnated slightly,

"Brother, he... has chosen his own path."

Among the three most outstanding disciples of Kunwu Sword Sect, Lin Qinghan has chosen the path of ruthlessness since he practiced.

And Zhang Jianting followed his master, Elder Yu Ming, to cultivate the natural way.

Only Lu Changsheng, for so many years, has neither chosen the way of ruthlessness, nor the way of common people, or any other way.

What he has been practicing seems to be only sword moves, sword intent, and sword way.

But he never made a choice about his major.

He is the sword master of Qingxiao, and he is also born with a Dao bone. Once he makes a choice about the Dao he cultivates, he will inevitably have an epiphany.

But these years, Lu Changsheng seems to have been suppressing his own Taoism, and never consciously realized it.

But now, he has made a choice.

"Too forgetful..."

Chang Man clenched his hands under his sleeves tightly, with complicated expressions in his eyes,

"Second Senior Brother, why did he choose Taishang Wangqing Dao? Before he knew it, he was more inclined to the Xiaoyao Dao."

A look of shock flashed across Su Shishi's eyes as he looked at the Daoist spirit exuding from Lu Changsheng's body.
"how come……"

For tens of thousands of years of the Kunwu Sword Sect, all sword masters who chose the way of Wangqing, without exception, all died in martyrdom.

So for so many years, the disciples in the sect are either the ruthless way or the natural way, but there are no monks who are too high.

It's too difficult for the immortal to be too forgetful.

Even the current Changli Sword Master has never done it.

After the Supreme Being forgets love, family and self, only the common people are in his eyes.

"Second Senior Brother, it's time to cross the tribulation."

A flash of panic flashed in Su Shishi's eyes, and he immediately wanted to rush out of the barrier to find Lu Changsheng and protect him.

But just as she took a step, she was stopped by Chang Man,

"I can't go, you will add to the chaos if you go."

Su Shishi was so anxious that tears began to accumulate in his eyes.
"In such a dangerous situation, how can he survive the catastrophe!"

The first!
Daily recommendation ticket~

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