Chapter 530 Sang Luo guessed the ignorant intention
Lu Huaizhi looked at Su Ruowan, raised his hand and grabbed her wrist,
"With your current body, I'm afraid that before you can figure out the ray of hope, you will make a clear decision with the sky!"

Su Ruowan's eyes were bloodshot, and she spoke softly,
"Don't worry, before I die, I will definitely figure out the chance of survival."

Lu Huai was angry, but the next moment, Su Ruowan closed her eyes and fell down limply.

Lu Huaizhi immediately caught her, then turned to look at Sang Luo.

Sang Luo pursed her lips,

"Senior Sister Su is a little emotional, let her sleep for a while."

Sacrifice is not the only way.

There is no need to gamble your life because of a trace of unknown life.

Enough people have died.

"Brother, take Senior Sister Su down to rest first."

Sang Luo looked at Lu Huaizhi.

Lu Huaizhi nodded, hugged Su Ruowan horizontally, saluted Su Changli,
"Master, I'll take Miss Su to rest first."

Su Changli nodded.

Lu Huaizhi carried Su Ruowan out of the hall.

Sang Luo leaned over to support Zhou Wenting,


Zhou Wenting was silent for a while, raised his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and said in a low voice,
"I am fine."

This day will come sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

"Master, Elder Zhou, have you ever approached the Fusheng Pagoda?"

Sang Luo looked up at Sword Master Changli and asked aloud.

Su Changli shook his head,
"Elder Zhou has always been in Howling City."

Moreover, he has never encountered the soul breath of a demon god on the battlefield.

She thought carefully about Elder Zhou's actions just now, because she couldn't figure out when Dead Moon landed on him.

If the possibility of being on the battlefield is ruled out, then there is only... the land of inheritance that Elder Zhou mentioned.

However, why is there a dead moon's remnant soul in the inheritance place of Tianjuan Pavilion?

Sang Luo turned to look at Zhou Wenting,
"Where is the inheritance place of Tianjuan Pavilion?"

Zhou Wenting was silent for a long time,
"The place of inheritance of Tianjuan Pavilion has existed since the existence of Tianjuan Pavilion. It has never been opened for 10 years. The patriarch Tianji old man once left a motto, unless it is a time of life and death, it cannot be opened."

Sang Luo drooped her eyes and frowned slightly,
"Elder Zhou said it was a hoax. Could it be that the inheritance place of Tianjuan Pavilion is related to the demon god?"

Zhou Wenting wanted to refute, but his father's words before his death were too strange.

Doubts magnified in his heart, and a huge mystery shrouded his whole body.

"I want to go back to Tianshou Pavilion."

Zhou Wenting suddenly raised his eyes to look at Sang Luo and Changli Jianzun.

He wanted to go to the place of inheritance to take a look.


As soon as he said these words, he was rejected by Sword Master Changli,
"Your cultivation base is too low. If the place of inheritance is really a scam, you are going to die."

Sang Luo also had some doubts about the place of inheritance.

Sometimes, it’s better not to talk.

But when Elder Zhou left this sentence before leaving, the more she wanted to take a look.

A scam?

What kind of a scam was it?

There is also the blocking formation. Once the blocking formation is broken, the Cangwu Realm will sink into chaos.

Sang Luo only felt a chill down her spine. To return to the upper realm, Dead Moon must break through the barrier.

Where is the barrier array?
For a moment, she seemed to think of something.

"Ambiguous, I want the two races of humans and demons to be wiped out."

Sang Luo suddenly raised his head and looked at Sword Master Changli,
"He has the blood of the race, and he is struggling to survive from the demon race. He doesn't want to stay with these two races."

He was tired of living, so he would rather die by her hands because he knew that in the near future, the entire Cangwu Realm would sink into chaos!
 first update~
  daily ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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