Chapter 539 Seven Array Seals
Su Ruowan heard the clenched hands under the sleeves into fists, her complexion turned pale again, and her figure was precarious.

She can't fall yet.

Lu Huaizhi held her wrist and said in a deep voice,
"It hasn't reached the point of no return."

At least, they still have a chance.

Su Ruowan raised her eyes to look at Lu Huaizhi.

Lu Huaizhi took her hand into the room, raised his hand and laid out a formation on the table,
"The barrier array will be broken. When the immortals come to this world, the entire Cangwu Fourteen States will fall into the sea of ​​chaos. But that day, my master left a formation technique that can support the Cangwu Fourteen States for two hours. time."

If within these two hours, they can kill all the immortals in the sky, it is possible to keep the Cangwu Realm.

Su Ruowan looked at the formation diagram and murmured,
"A formation technique, seven formation eyes, within these two hours, not only to kill the immortal, but also to guard these seven formation eyes."

The large formation left by Su Changluo is extremely strong. Borrowing the power of the Cangwu Heavenly Dao, he set up formation seals at seven nodes in the fourteen states of Cangwu. The moment the large formation rises, the entire Cangwu ten The four-state ring is in it, and the only weak point is these seven points.


Lu Huaizhi pointed to the seven array points on the formation map, and said,
"Sangcheng in the west, Senior Sang Ming and Zhang Jianting will guard it together. On the eastern reef, the Yuming Presbyterian Council of Kunwu Sword Sect will guard it with a group of disciples of Kunwu Sect. The northern point is in the Devil's Temple, and Sang Luo and Chu Yanshu will guard it. The center of the formation is Liudao Mountain near Xuanyuanzong, which will also be the most violently attacked place. Uncle Changli has already gone to this place. Elder Huang Tian sits in Howling City, and senior brother goes to Baicheng in the southeast to meet with the Bai family. Everyone guards this place together, so there is only the southern Kongming Sea left."

Su Ruowan heard the trembling of her long eyelashes,

"I'll go with you and hold this place."

Lu Huaizhi lowered his eyes, hummed, and looked up at Su Ruowan,
"You and I will go together, together with the Chu family, to guard Kong Minghai."


In the Devil's Temple, Sang Luo was still looking at the shattered barrier formation.

Ever since he knew about the great formation left by Su Changluo, Sword Master Changli went to Mount Liudao. In the past, the young Tianjiao fell into the devil here and faced the siege of the gods. It was all due to the calculation of the immortals. Everything will also end in Liudao Mountain.

Ke Sangluo still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

To kill all the immortals in the sky, if the real immortals came to the world, can they really do it?

One or two is fine, maybe ten or twenty is fine, but what if there are thousands of them?
On that day, she had beheaded an immortal in Yunmeng Mountain Swamp, and later also beheaded an immortal avatar with the peak strength of transforming gods in the mystical realm of Hongmeng, but if it was not just an immortal?

If the immortals sent by the upper realm are endless, what should they do?

Sang Luo touched the lotus pendant hanging on his wrist, looked at Chu Yanshu,

"Tell me, if the entire Cangwu Realm is included in the medicine field space, do you think it is possible?"

Chu Yanshu paused for a moment,
"Maybe... yes."

But that requires a very strong spiritual consciousness.

It was an idea that popped up in a blink of an eye, but the two of them really thought about it seriously.

"The fourteen prefectures of Cangwu are really too big, and its area far exceeds the area of ​​the medicine field."

Chu Yanshu picked up a twig, and began to draw the formation formula on the floor tiles of the Demon God Temple,

"If you want to do it, unless your spiritual consciousness can be increased dozens of times in an instant and break through the fairyland at the same time, then the medicine field space will..."

 Second update~
(End of this chapter)

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