Chapter 546 He Has the Same Origin as the Demon God
In the Demon God's Temple, the moment the blocking formation shattered, the talisman originally engraved on the ground by Sang Luo also glowed with a faint golden light, rising into the air.

The remnant soul of the demon god roared in the formation, and the roar filled the hall of the demon god.

Chu Yanshu raised his hand to form a seal, and his strong soul power penetrated the forbidden formation, heading straight for the remnant soul of the demon god.

The thick soul breath passed through the demon god's remnant soul, and the ghost fire ignited, making the demon god's wail even more painful.
"You and I are connected by blood. We are of the same origin. If you burn me, you will suffer a thousand times more pain than me!"

Chu Yanshu remained unmoved, and kept making fingerprints on his hands, heading towards the trapped demon soul.

But Sang Luo was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and turned to look at Chu Yanshu, same origin?

What does it mean?
He has the same origin as the demon god?

For a moment, something seemed to flash across her mind.

Most of the Chu family have spiritual roots of two attributes of wood and wind, and they add gold and fire at most.

How could there be a chaotic spiritual root?

And the magic bone...

A thought popped up in Sang Luo's mind, but she didn't have time to think about it when she saw the immortal not far away descending into the world, turning her wrist and raising her sword.

The moment Sang Luo raised his sword, the phoenix rushed into her body, forming an invisible armor around the girl, tightly protecting her heart.

The phoenix after Nirvana has the blood of the ancient gods, and its physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary immortals. With its blessing, even the immortals in the sky may not be able to hurt Sang Luo in the slightest.

The moment the long sword cut down, the surrounding aura began to twist.

The long sword pierced through the fairy body, and the moment the blood sprayed, the Divine Phoenix fire ignited and poured into the fairy body along the Fengli sword.

The Divine Phoenix Fire was originally an ancient wildfire, the fire of the Phoenix family's life, not to mention an immortal, even the heavens and the earth.

With Sang Luo's move, the sword kills him!

They don't have much time, and they can't stand the trial of one move after another, so they can only hit with one hit.

The screams of immortals resounded between the heavens and the earth, a cold killing intent flashed in Sang Luo's eyes, he swung the long sword in his hand, and once again made a final kill——

Dao Heng's pupils shrank, and he immediately blocked it, and hit Sang Luo with a spiritual breath.

But Sang Luo didn't dodge, and the long sword in his hand was still heading towards the original path, intending to kill the so-called immortal with one move!

The blood of the immortal splashed all over the ground, and was swept away by the tyrannical spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, his life was gone.

The long sword in Dao Heng's hand moved towards Sang Luo's back, and at the moment when it was about to be inserted into her body, the young man appeared behind Sang Luo.

That spiritual power finally penetrated the array and hit the demon soul.

The demon god let out a roar, and Chu Yanshu turned his back to Sang Luo, holding the remnant soul of the demon god in the air.

Two spiritual breaths that could almost tear apart the heavens and the earth confronted the air.

Dao Heng's complexion changed slightly,

"The phoenix pawn master, the successor of the phoenix master."

The moment Sang Luo looked back, he saw Chu Yanshu who was standing with his back to her, and immediately rose into the sky, heading towards another immortal.

This time, what she wants is a quick decision!

Dao Heng was startled, he never thought that this mere lower realm would have such a tyrannical power.

Originally, I thought Daozu made a big fuss by letting them come here, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Just after arriving, Dao Yi was beheaded by the girl from the lower realm.

After thousands of years of cultivating Taoism, he was killed with only two moves!

Since then, the body has died and the Tao has disappeared, and all of them have disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

 first update~
  Achievements at the end of the month~ Continue to beg for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets~Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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