Chapter 566
Sang Luo looked through the Qiankun bag, and there were seven or eight low-grade spirit stones, which were issued by Xuan Yuanzong before, and should be enough for her to buy a bowl of noodles.

Originally, she had already bigued.

But I don't know why, in this sea of ​​chaos, the physical strength is exhausted.

She is hungry.

But the waiter in front of the counter did raise his eyes and pointed to the Lingshi platform next to him,
"Yangchun noodles, ten points, you can swipe your card."


Sang Luo was stunned,
"What it is?"

The waiter glanced at her up and down and asked,


Sang Luo hummed.

The waiter at the shop understood, and pointed to the opposite road,

"Go along that road, turn right at the end, and go to the guild to receive tasks and exchange points."

In the sea of ​​chaos, spirit stones are not circulated.

The exchange of everything depends on the points of the guild.

Sang Luo frowned, and looked at Daoist Yuheng beside him.

Daoist Yuheng said,

"Go and have a look, we just came here, let's not cause trouble first."

In the latter sentence, there is a bit of admonishment in his words.

When Sang Luo turned over the Lingshi just now, he obviously saw his little disciple glance left and right, probably trying to steal money.

But this sea of ​​chaos is almost full of desperadoes.

Sang Luo turned around to leave, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Stay away, girl."

In the private room on the second floor, a man in a royal blue fairy robe called out to stop Sang Luo.

Sang Luo looked up at the man, wearing a high-grade fairy robe, a chalcedony fan, a jade pendant around his waist, and a jade crown on his head.

The aura around this person is somewhat incompatible with most of the people here.

The man smiled at Sang Luo,
"The girl should have just arrived on the Chaos Islands, why don't you show me your face and have dinner with me?"

Daoist Yuheng glanced at the man, and said solemnly,

"This person has a narrow face, high cheekbones, a treacherous face, and is very beautiful, so be careful."

He didn't avoid people with his words, the man naturally heard it, pointed at Daoist Yuheng and cursed,
"How do you guys talk? You only have a soul and body, and you still slander people?!"

Yu Heng raised his eyes faintly, glanced at him, and said to Sang Luo,

"I'm good at fortune telling."

None of the suzerains of the Heavenly Judgment Pavilion could count accurately.

In view of the super strength shown by his master before, Sang Luo had no brains to trust him.

It's just... Master!

Can we avoid people when we talk next time?

The man became even more angry when he heard Daoist Yuheng say that, and he was about to come down immediately and give him a good lesson.

Many people around looked sideways, with a hint of curiosity in their hearts.

There has never been such a soft little girl on the Chaos Islands.

Looking at the bone age, he is only 19 years old.

But the strange thing is that she came from the sea, and she turned out to be at the God Transformation Realm!

These two points, no matter what they are, are shocking.

The 19-year-old Huashen is unprecedented.

And above the sea of ​​chaos, there are murderous intentions everywhere.

Those who can break through the many murderous intentions and come to this exile are basically the most vicious people!
Unfortunately, she is just a 19-year-old girl.

The people here are all people who have experienced countless times of narrow escapes. Naturally, it is impossible to judge people by their appearance. Once they come up, they are looking for faults.

After all, this place of exile is full of murderous intentions, and no one wants to have another life-and-death enemy.

Therefore, they were only probing secretly, but on the bright side, they did not dare to act rashly.

But now. Ye family's fox moved.

 first update~
  daily ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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