Luo Zhouxing paused for a moment after hearing this. Perhaps he was really too busy in Yanliang City these days. His head was almost numb because of his busy schedule, and he didn't think deeply about it.

In addition, after staying in the same place for more than ten years, he had had enough, so he thought about it and agreed, saying,
"Okay, then I'll leave all the matters here to Pei Jingxing, and then go to the top of the sky with Su Ruowan."

Sang Luo instantly beamed.

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Seeing the smile on Sang Luo's face, Luo Zhouxing actually felt a little guilty.

But he thought that in a place like the top of the sky, even if Sang Luo wanted to cause trouble, the most he could do was open a small shop on the roadside. There was absolutely no way that he would have any heavy housekeeping work for him!
So he didn't think much about this smile.

After the message was cut off, Sang Luo could no longer suppress the smile on his face and looked up to the sky laughing.
"Hahahaha, I tricked you, and there will be help right away."

Duan Wushang was shocked by the shamelessness of his cheap junior uncle.
"Aren't you afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Sang Luo glanced at him,
"I have survived so many tribulations, why am I afraid of being struck by lightning?"

If you chop it, you won’t be killed.

She has long been immune to thunder.

Duan Wushang: "."

Uncle Master is so strong!

Shuofeng: "."

This person's shamelessness has reached a new level.

The distance from Yanliang City in the Northern Fairyland to the top of the sky is not very close. Even with Su Ruowan leading the way, it would probably take ten days and a half.

Why haven't Ye Huaixin and senior brother arrived yet?
Just as he was thinking about it, Chu Yanshu walked in from outside, followed by two people.

Sang Luo's eyes lit up when he saw Shang Shixu, who was wearing a plain fairy robe, and he immediately rushed towards him.

"Big Brother!"

When they separated, Sang Luo was most worried about her senior brother. At that time, his Taoist mentality was unstable and his cultivation had reached a bottleneck. She went to the Eastern Immortal Realm alone. She actually didn't agree with it.

If he stayed with her and there were more of them, they might be able to find a way to help him solve the shackles of his cultivation.

But at that time, the senior brother insisted, and she couldn't stop him.They had been worried about him all these years.

But now, seeing that his cultivation is stable and he is fine, he is extremely happy.

Shang Shixu lowered his eyes, took the person into his arms, smiled softly and said,
"Now that you have entered the Immortal King Realm and are in charge of such a large force in Yanliang City, why are you still so unstable?"

Sang Luo clicked his tongue after hearing this.
"Aren't I happy to see you are fine?"

Shang Shixu chuckled lightly and raised his hand to rub the top of her hair.
"grown up."

The carefree and carefree little girl on the Snowfall Peak in the past is now an immortal who can hold up a world for all living beings.

Sang Luo raised his eyes and smiled. Before he could speak, he heard Ye Huaixin beside him speak lightly,
"Why, you didn't see me? You don't even know how to say hello?"

Sang Luo tilted his head and smiled at him,
"Long time no see. Judging by your aura, all your bloodlines have been awakened. But at this moment, I don't know if you represent the human race? Or the demon race?"

After all, Ye Huaixin is of the Sharman clan's bloodline, so I'm afraid he won't leave the Sea of ​​Chaos alone.

There were just some things that they all ignored at the time.

Now, it may be time to mention it again.

Ye Huaixin took a look at Sang Luo,
"Before the great revenge is avenged, I am just Ye Huaixin."

As for the so-called clan interests, we will talk about it later.

He is not greedy for power.

Sang Luo smiled as he listened.


Luo Zhouxing has not yet reached the top of the sky, and now the affairs of the Shen family are temporarily in the hands of Lu Changsheng.

For several days, Lu Changsheng was extremely busy.

It's better not to be a master, but once you become a master, you realize that this is a lot of trouble.

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