Sang Luo raised her hand and pinched his face, her eyes filled with tenderness.
  "Don't worry, I will never let you leave me again!"

She will face everything in the future with him!
  "By the way, in the realm of reincarnation, have you ever deduced the origin of the strange breath?"

She had also deduced it in the long river of time, but no matter how she calculated, she could not find where that thing came from.

There is always a layer of mist between them.

Is it because the cause and effect is too big?

The first time that thing appeared was when the Immortal-Slaying Sword Master bloodbathed the top of the sky a hundred thousand years ago.

But where it came from, it is impossible to calculate or find it.

Unless you enter the top of the sky a hundred thousand years ago to explore.

But the cause and effect of the war a hundred thousand years ago was too great. If we go there rashly, it is very likely to change the trajectory of the Immortal Realm. By then, it is still unclear whether their current world will still exist.

Chu Yanshu nodded as he listened, "I saw it in the realm of reincarnation."

Sang Luo raised his eyes and looked at Chu Yanshu,
  "what happened?"

Chu Yanshu paused for a moment and then said, "The fairyland you and I live in began with chaos when the heaven and earth first opened."

"The energy of chaos divides the two breaths of spirit and devil. The two breaths of spirit and devil correspond to yin and yang. Later, they descended from the gods to rule yin and yang, becoming the masters of all realms."

Sang Luo listened and murmured in a low voice,

"So, it is really a disaster caused by the massacre of the gods a hundred thousand years ago."

Chu Yanshu looked at Sang Luo and spoke slowly,
  "In fact, both spiritual breath and demonic energy start from the energy of chaos and lead to the same destination in different ways. This is why the reversal technique created by Taoist Yuheng can be used for demonic breath."

Demonic energy and spiritual energy are actually a kind of power in orthodox immortal cultivation and can be transformed into each other.

"The gods at that time occupied most of the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, as well as the destiny of heaven and earth."

"The turbid breath comes from the boundary sea. It can sense the tyrannical breath of the gods and human ancestors in the fairyland. Therefore, it does not dare to invade and lingers outside the boundary sea at the end of the fairyland."

"In that battle that year, the gods were wiped out, leaving behind a curse. The fate of heaven and earth dissipated at the top of the sky, and the human race also suffered many casualties. It was the time when the heavenly way in the fairyland was weak."

"So, the strange aura invaded." The strange aura has always been there.

Just outside the Immortal Realm, outside the Boundary Sea.

There are more than just immortal realms in the world.

Beyond the Immortal Realm, there may be an unknown, larger world.

The differentiation between immortals and demons is only due to the breath of chaos.

The birth of the Immortal Realm only lasts for millions of billions of years, but the universe is infinite.

Sang Luo's eyes drooped slightly as he listened.

"So, this is considered civil strife in the Immortal Realm and an invasion by foreign enemies."

Chu Yanshu nodded,
  "That's it."

He said, paused slightly, and looked at Sang Luo,
  "there's one more thing."

"I met the remnant soul of the dead moon in the realm of reincarnation."

Sang Luo suddenly raised his head when he heard this and looked at Chu Yanshu, "The remnant soul of the dead moon?"

She subconsciously checked his body.
  "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did he do anything to you?"

Chu Yanshu was a little embarrassed by her random touching, so he grabbed both of her hands with his backhand and said helplessly,

"Have you forgotten that we are no longer the newly born mortal realm in Cangwu Fourteen Continents?"

He majored in Soul Dao and had reached the Immortal King Realm.

Although Death Moon is a demon god, his body has been destroyed, leaving only the remnant soul.

Even if he was just a fragment of his soul, there was nothing he could do to him.

(I have a cold, my head hurts so much, I’ll give you an update~ It’s been snowing endlessly these days, and I don’t like snowy days anymore.)
  I have a cold, my head hurts so much, first update~

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