When Sang Luo came out of the shower, she saw Chu Yanshu holding the box of condoms in a daze. From her angle, she could see that his ears were a little red.

Hearing the movement, Chu Yanshu turned his head and looked over.

At that time, Sang Luo was wearing a pair of moon-white silk pajamas. The warm yellow light shone in, outlining the girl's beautiful figure. Her slightly damp hair was scattered behind her. She was holding the couple's towel they bought together during the day. Rub hair.

"Fall down."

Chu Yanshu suddenly spoke, his voice a little hoarse.

Sang Luo's fingertips trembled as he shouted. Looking up, she seemed to be able to see the suppressed fire in his eyes.

For more than two months, the two of them ate and lived together and were together every day. He was actually very satisfied.

It's not that I haven't thought about this, but I'm afraid that Sang Luo isn't ready yet.

But now it seems that is not the case.

Chu Yanshu walked step by step towards Sang Luo who was standing there, took the towel in her hand naturally, put it close to her ear, and whispered,

"I'll wipe it for you."

In the past two months, the two of them have had this kind of intimate behavior.

Chu Yanshu often wipes her hair and then uses spiritual power to dry it.

But at that time, there seemed to be no such ambiguous atmosphere.

Sang Luo let the young man gently wipe her hair. From this angle, he could just see his sexy Adam's apple.

As if thinking of some scene, the girl's long eyelashes trembled slightly.

Quickly, Chu Yanshu dried Sang Luo's hair.

At some point, the two of them were almost touching each other.

Chu Yanshu threw the towel back, but it fell neatly on the shelf as if it had eyes.

He lowered his head and touched the earlobe on the side of Sang Luo's face. His low and hoarse voice seemed to be filled with a bit of confusion.

"Luoluo, is that okay?"

Sang Luo raised his eyes, looked into those eyes stained with desire, hugged his waist, stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips gently,


Just, a little nervous.

Chu Yanshu was also very nervous. Although he had read a lot about it in books, he also dreamed about being close to Sang Luo.

But this is the first time after all.

He carefully picked up the girl and gently placed her on the bed.

Sang Luo sat on the bed, looking intently at Chu Yanshu who showed his original appearance, raised his arms and put his arms around his neck, leaned over and kissed him.

Chu Yanshu grabbed her waist and deepened the kiss.

It wasn't until the two people's breaths became somewhat disordered that they let go of each other.

The room was chaotic and ambiguous.

The girl's skin, lined with pink-blue sheets, was as beautiful as snow, and her waterfall-like black hair fell behind her, tangled with his long hair.

Chu Yanshu kissed Sang Luo's lips gently and traced the girl's outline carefully.

"Luoluo, I love you."

Sang Luo rubbed the tip of his nose affectionately, held Chu Yanshu's shoulders with his hands, and said softly,

"Chu Yanshu, I love you too."

She really, really, really likes him very much.

The moonlight was thick outside the window, and from time to time, a few shooting stars streaked across the sky, and the tail fins wiped out sparks, and then disappeared into the dark night.

From time to time, a few humming sounds and the sound of friction on the mattress could be heard in the room, which did not stop until the sky became dim.

The girl fell asleep at some point, and the ends of her eyes were still a little red.

Chu Yanshu is so capable.

After Sang Luo got used to it, he couldn't wait to try all the things he had read in the book with Sang Luo.

It wasn't until she begged for mercy many times that she was let go.

Before going to bed, there was still one thought left in Sang Luo's mind.

Her body must be too weak.

definitely is.

When her body was fused, she would definitely be able to fight with him for three days and three nights without losing.

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