After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 910 Shang Shixu Murong Chuxue 8 The world is peaceful

Chapter 910 Shang Shixu Murong Chuxue 8 The world is peaceful
Su Changli glanced at Yu Ling, feeling helpless.

"It's Chuxue's identity tag."

I don’t carry anything with me, but when I accept a disciple, I give away my identity tag.

He returned Murong Chuxue's identity card to Shang Shixu and said,

"Chu Xue went out and hasn't come back yet. I'll take you to the Deacon Hall to get your identity card first, and then take you to Cangyun Mountain."

Cangyun Mountain is the quietest place in Xuanyuan Sect. Because of the early snow, no disciples come near it.

But now that Shang Shixu is here, he is her disciple, so naturally he should live with her on Cangyun Mountain.

Su Changli first took Shang Shixu to the Deacon Hall to apply for an identity card. The elders of the Deacon Hall were startled when they saw Su Changli appearing here.
"Sword Master, why are you here?"

Su Changli said,

"He is Chuxue's new disciple. I will bring him here to apply for an identity card."

The elder was even more shocked when he heard that.

"Sword Master Chuxue, have you accepted a disciple?!"

Mom, this is what he is dreaming about!

That one actually accepts disciples?

Doesn't she hate it most when someone disturbs her purity?
Every time I come to give lectures in foreign schools, I am not willing to communicate with children. I will only leave a lot of exercises for people to understand on their own, and they will call them stupid if they cannot understand them thoroughly.

When the elder deacon thought about the days when he listened to Murong Chuxue's lectures as a child, he felt frightened.
Although he looks old now, he was actually grown up and grown old in front of Changli Sword Master and Chuxue Sword Master. He is many years younger than them, but he does not have good talents. It is difficult for him to make further progress after building the foundation. At most, he will only live for two to three hundred years.

However, although he was often called an idiot by Sword Master Chuxue when he was a child, the deacon elder still respected him. If Sword Master Chuxue hadn't brought back life-extending treasures every time and distributed them to people like them, he might not be alive now with his old bones.

Now I am doing what I can in the Deacon Hall and managing the handyman disciples, which can be regarded as doing what I can to repay the sect.

But when he heard the news that Murong Chuxue had accepted a disciple, the deacon elder began to doubt life. Could it be that he has changed his mind as he got older?
But she was a sword master, with such high talent and cultivation. She looked like she did when he first learned to walk and she looks like she does now. She would have a long remaining life, so she didn’t need anyone to take care of her until the end of her life.

Su Changluo hummed and said,

"Yes, prepare Cangyun Mountain's direct disciple order for him, as well as storage bags and disciple uniforms, and prepare a few more sets of clothes."

For those who practice swordsmanship, their clothes get damaged very quickly.

Only then did the elder deacon react and began to prepare disciple uniforms and tokens for Shang Shixu, and put them together into a storage bag.

"All right."

He put seven or eight sets of disciple uniforms, identity tags, and dozens of spiritual stones in Shang Shixu's storage bag, and handed them to him. At the same time, he was also observing the person who could make Sword Master Chuxue a disciple. juvenile,
"There is a cafeteria in Xiaozhu Peak. You can eat three meals a day and get your identity card. You can eat for free before building the foundation. After building the foundation, you can eat one spiritual stone a day."

Within the Xuanyuan Sect, regardless of whether they are direct disciples or ordinary disciples, they are treated the same, that is, taking care of the weaker and younger disciples.

After the disciples grow up, or after establishing the foundation, they begin to feed back the sect.

After all, at the beginning, most of the disciples of Xuanyuan Sect were homeless people, as well as orphans and even babies picked up from the Demonic Battlefield.

A few years ago, there was a separate nursery at the outer gate.

But in recent years, the world has been peaceful and much better.

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