After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 922 Su Changluo Ningxi 3 Jade Lady and Mistress

Wutongshu looked at Su Changluo's youthful and arrogant look and felt it looked familiar. He sighed,
"I have seen many young people like you, and I always feel that I am different. But in fact, the final outcome will not be good, and it will only harm others and myself."

He stayed in the mortal world for thousands of years. During this period, there were not many monks who accidentally fell into the mortal realm. Just because of a momentary move, compassion, or emotion, they changed the fate of others without authorization, and eventually died.

However, Su Changluo didn't believe it at all and questioned the destiny. He asked the sycamore tree spirit,

"You said she has her own cause and effect? ​​What cause and effect?"

The tree spirit was silent for a moment and said,

"Do you think the current Yu Niang is a crazy person?"

Su Changluo didn't say anything to it, just looked at it quietly, waiting for the next step.

He had never seen this concubine, how could he know what kind of person she was.

But from the perspective of abusing children, it's hard to comment.

Whether it's to win back a man's heart or to vent his anger, you shouldn't face an innocent weakling.

The sycamore tree spirit said,
"But in fact, she was framed by the mistress."

"Yu Niang and the head of that family were childhood sweethearts. She used to be the daughter of an official family, but once her parents were convicted, the family fell."

"The head of the family promised her a lifetime, but after coaxing her into entering the family, he turned around and revealed that the matchmaker was marrying another family's daughter."

"The mistress of that family couldn't tolerate her at all, and she gave birth to two children in a row."

"Later, she fought to the death with the daughter of that family, and everyone had blood on their hands."

"But in the end, she still missed a move."

"It can't be said that it was a mistake. It should be said that the master has moved on and is no longer in love with her. Naturally, there will be no favoritism anymore. However, she has been unwilling to accept this fact and lives in confusion all day long. ”

"Ning Xi is the daughter of the master and mistress of that family."

"Her parents have life debts on their hands. God will repay her."

Su Changluo frowned,
"Heaven will bring retribution, why not the Lord and Mistress? Why is it on her head?"

The master and mistress of that family were still enjoying the blessings in the high-end mansion, but they allowed a little girl who had never done anything to be abused here. Then the accuracy of this heavenly retribution must be too poor.

The sycamore tree spirit sighed,

"You also cultivate the path of cause and effect, can't you even see this clearly?"

Su Changluo said,

"It is precisely because I also practice the path of cause and effect that I cannot understand this kind of cause and effect."

Where is the cause Ning Xi planted?

"Some people come here to atone for their sins."

The sycamore tree spirit said,
"Ning Xi is the result of her parents."

"Destiny is determined by God. The lives of three people have been entangled for more than ten years, and Ning Xi is their bitter pill."

Su Changluo couldn't understand this.

The sycamore tree spirit said,
"Yu Niang is ready to reveal the secret of her life experience when Ning Xi reaches her age."


Su Changluo asked, if it was revealed, what would happen to her own daughter?
He could do things like changing children and abusing them every day, and even revealed his plan. He didn't think this person wanted to do a good thing.

The tree spirit sighed,
"You are in the world of cultivation, so naturally you don't know the hardships faced by women in the mortal world."

"A mortal woman will get married when she is fourteen years old."

"Her own daughter was raised under the knee of the lord and queen, and received the best education in the capital. She is also the legitimate daughter of the family, so she naturally has no worries about getting married."

"Once this matter is solved, then the Ning family is a wealthy family in Beijing. How can they let the scandal of child exchange be exposed to the public?"

(End of this chapter)

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