Chapter 932 Su Changluo Ningxi 13 Returns to the Clan
It was spring when Su Changluo took Ning Xi back to Xuanyuan Sect.

In the spring of March, the grass grows and orioles fly.

The peach blossoms outside Yunya City are blooming all over the city, and the fragrance of peach blossoms is everywhere.

It took him half a year to return to the sect, not because of anything else, but because Ning Xi had just entered Taoism at that time. In order to broaden her mind, he took her to travel all the way and saw famous mountains, rivers and lakes.

In the past six months, she has also gained some weight.

When she arrived at Xuanyuanzong, the little girl no longer looked as skinny as before. She was wearing a plain white dress, with three thousand blue silk hairs, and the peach blossom hosta he had just bought for her in her hair, soft and soft. Nuo is cute.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of Xuanyuanzong Mountain, he couldn't help but shout towards the mountain,
"Master, I'm back!"

After two years away from the sect, he really missed his master, senior brothers and sisters.

Ning Xi was startled by Su Changluo's voice and was stunned for a while.

This was the first time she saw Su Changluo like this.

Oh, it should be the second time.

When I first fished him out of the water, he looked like this, with a bit of naughty energy and a youthful spirit about him.

But later he accepted her as his disciple and took care of her like an elder along the way.

But now at the foot of Xuanyuanzong Mountain, he seemed to have regained his appearance.

Su Changluo's eyes were full of smiles and he turned to look at Ning Xi.
"Let's take you up the mountain."

The two of them walked forward along the mountain path, but not long after walking, Su Changluo realized that something was not right about the stairs.

Ning Xi also had a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, feeling a little tired.

It stands to reason that she has already entered the spiritual path. In addition, she has traveled with him during this period and has broken through to the second level of Qi training. Taking this path should be no problem.

"This is."

Su Changluo raised his head and looked in the direction of Cangyun Mountain.

"It's Master's breath."

He used his spiritual power to prop up the spiritual steps under their feet, just to wash Ning Xi's marrow!
Ning Xi was stunned after hearing this, and followed Su Changluo to look at the mountain peak not far away.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to see an immortal in white. "Take it slow, step by step."

Su Changluo looked at Ning Xi and spoke softly,
"This should be regarded as a meeting gift from Master."

She came from the mortal world to take the three thousand spiritual steps to wash away the marrow. She ate whole grains to wash away the impurities in her body for her future cultivation.

Ning Xi nodded and followed Su Changluo's steps slowly walking up step by step.

The journey that usually took half an hour took the two of them for two full hours.

By the time we reached the mountain, it was already noon.

Su Changluo was afraid that Ning Xi would be hungry, so he took out two pastries from his storage bag and handed them to her.

Ning Xi took the cake,

"Thank you, Master."

Su Changluo raised his hand and touched her head.
"You're welcome. I'll take you back to Xuanqing Peak to cultivate first, and then go to see the Master."

She had just washed her marrow. She had consumed a lot and needed to rest.

Ning Xi was about to say that she was fine, but Su Changluo didn't give her a chance to speak. He took her hand and led her up the mountain.

Not long after the two of them walked away, a young man walked over from the front. He was wearing a light cyan Taoist robe, with clear eyebrows, and he was holding a cat as white as snow in his arms.

Seeing this young man, Su Changluo raised his eyes and smiled, and said hello to him.

"Junior Brother Miming, do you have a cat again?"

He said yes, and raised his hand to hold the kitten in his arms.

Why does this little thing feel fat again?

Mu Ming dodged away calmly and turned his head to look at Ning Xi.
"This is?"

"The little apprentice I just accepted."

Su Changluo's lips raised into a smile,

"Ning Xi, please pay a visit to Uncle Shi Ming."

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