After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 937 Su Changluo Ningxi 18 Spiritual cultivation is also a kind of practice

Chapter 937 Su Changluo Ningxi 18 Nourishing spiritual plants is also a kind of practice

Su Changluo found many ways to warm up Ning Xi's spiritual energy, but found that her body was really in poor condition, and medicine that was too good would not be enough.

But fortunately, after entering the spiritual realm, there are always more ways than in the mortal world, and he can slowly nurture her.

Moreover, he has high talents and a long lifespan. There is a high probability that he can protect her for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Su Changluo was not so anxious about Ning Xi's cultivation.

With him and Xuanyuanzong here, she will definitely never be bullied again!
So he went to retreat without any worries.

He could feel that he was about to break through.

Su Changluo was in seclusion in the back mountain, and Ning Xi did not disturb him. He slowly practiced in the front mountain. From time to time, he would go down the mountain to take over the tasks of the Deacon Hall, go to the school to attend classes, slowly learn to write, and follow the ordinary Xuanyuan Sect disciples. Living the same life, sometimes I would go back to the outer nursery to take care of the newborn baby.

Gradually, she regarded Xuanyuan Sect as her home.

This place is really wonderful, just like the Peach Blossom Spring in the book, it is a pure land.

Ning Xi lived peacefully like this, and took care of a field in the yard in front of the wooden house.

When she was at home, she liked to grow some common edible vegetables. After coming to Xuanyuan Sect, she also received several purple spirit bamboos from the Deacon Hall to cultivate. She grew them well and got a lot of points.

She thought, she could grow this purple spirit bamboo, and rare herbs, could she do the same?

So, she began to try to plant some rare herbs in the open space in front of the small courtyard. Unexpectedly, they grew quite well.

Then, it got out of hand.

Yu Heng was the first to discover that Ning Xi was talented in cultivating spiritual plants. The reason was because one day the spiritual energy on Xuanqing Peak soared into the sky, causing a thunder disaster. He thought it was the thunder disaster coming from Su Changluo Yuanying. About to break through.

But after taking a closer look, I discovered that it was Ning Xi who planted the Tianxuan Linglong Ginseng and turned it into a spirit.

If the two lightning tribulations fell, if they were one step later, the little ginseng essence and Ning Xi would be chopped into pieces by the tribulation.

Yu Heng raised his hand to block it, while Ning Xi popped up from the ground with a big dark painted face and the little baby that had just become sperm in her arms.
"Master, Master."

Yu Heng looked at the little ginseng essence in Ning Xi's arms and fell silent for a moment, "Put it down."


Ning Xi still didn't react.


Yuheng said with a smile,
"The ginseng essence in your arms is more resistant to being hacked than you are."

Only then did Ning Xi react and quickly put the little ginseng doll on the ground. As soon as it touched the ground, the little ginseng doll jumped twice and immediately got into the soil.

Yu Heng looked at Ning Xi, then at the mountain of treasures, and fell silent again.

The treasures of heaven and earth on Xuanqing Peak are more diverse and denser than those in the secret realm.

This Chang Luo took in a disciple and didn't educate him well. He only knew what was the use of piling these things in front of her?

"Everything will be reversed if it is extreme, and if it is too full, it will be a loss."

Yuheng looked at Ning Xi,

"The same goes for raising spiritual plants."

Ning Xi's eyes were full of confusion. She didn't quite understand what Yu Heng meant.

Yu Heng handed a booklet to her hand,
"You have entered the spiritual path and you must know how to practice."

"Nursing spiritual plants is also a kind of practice."

The moment Ning Xi took the booklet, runes poured into her mind.

"This is."

This method taught her to cultivate spiritual plants while tempering her own meridians.

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