Chapter 963 Lu Huai's Su Ruowan 7 Caught
Su Ruowan didn't know what the pinky promise meant.
"What does it mean to make a pinky promise?"

Lu Huaizhi patiently explained to her,
"It means that if we make an agreement, we will definitely do it."

Once an agreement is made, nothing can stand in our way.

Su Ruowan immediately stretched out her little finger and hooked it around Lu Huaizhi's finger, as if she was afraid that he would regret it.
"Pull the hook!"

Three days later, Lu Huaizhi took Su Ruowan down the mountain again as agreed.

This time, they played until the market was over.

He bought her a lot of things.

Su Ruowan played like a happy little wild donkey and liked everything he saw.

So in the following year, Lu Huaizhi would secretly take her down the mountain every time there was a market.

Even when the two of them had reached a higher level of cultivation, they tried to walk further away.

They would go down the mountain every night and come back before dawn the next day.

During this year, little Lu Huaizhi and little Su Ruowan traveled a lot, visited many places, and saw many landscapes.

They stood by the river and the sea, watching the surging river water and the surging waves rushing eastward.

I have also been on the top of Cangshan Mountain, watching the overlapping shadows and the surging sea of ​​clouds.

Su Ruowan turned to look at Lu Huaizhi.

"Have you seen all these things?"

Lu Huaizhi shook his head.
"never seen it."

This was also the first time he saw it.

Su Ruowan looked at the clouds and murmured,
"But I always feel that you know a lot more than me."

Lu Huaizhi smiled and said,
"Illusion. If there is more, it may be because I read more geographical miscellanies."

In the past, due to his poor health, he had to stay at home and had little freedom, so he could only read some miscellaneous notes to pass the time.

However, his seemingly boring days were much better than hers.

"Geographical Miscellany?" Su Ruowan was a little confused.
"What it is?"

Ever since she could remember, the only books she had come across were books on ancient formations and destiny runes, and she had never seen any other books.

Lu Huaizhi rummaged through his storage bag, took out a book and handed it to Su Ruowan.

"Yes, I'll give it to you."

There are many beautiful sceneries here.

Su Ruowan opened it and flipped through a few pages, her eyes full of amazement.

“There are so many beautiful sights in this world!”

Lu Huaizhi tilted his head to look at the girl beside him and said softly,
"If there's a chance, I'll take you to see it."

Su Ruowan nodded, her eyes full of light.
"it is good."

She had already made up her mind that once she became the head of Tiansuan Pavilion, she would go out to gain experience for a year or two and take a good look at the scenery between heaven and earth.

The two of them had a lot of fun that night.

It should be said that Su Ruowan felt happy every time she sneaked out of the sect.

These were things she had never seen in her life before.

But I often walk by the river, so I don’t have any wet shoes.

One time, the two of them sneaked out for a walk and were caught by the great elder.

Su Ruowan was still young at that time. When she saw the Great Elder in front of the Tianming Pavilion, her face turned pale and her voice became lowered.

"Great Elder."

Lu Huaizhi took half a step forward and stood in front of Su Ruowan.

But it was this action that made the Great Elder even more angry.

"Okay, I thought you were a well-behaved child, and I tried my best to teach you how to practice, but I didn't expect you to bring Ruo Wan down the mountain without permission!"

In fact, this might not be the first time!

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