After the divorce failed, I brought Long Ao Tianjuan to renovate the real world

Chapter 968: Su Ruowan and Lu Huai 12: Both Teacher and Friend

Chapter 968: Su Ruowan and Lu Huai 12: Both Teacher and Friend
Su Changluo certainly didn't think about punishing anyone. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with fellow disciples fighting and playing around.

He was beaten by his senior sister when he was young, but didn’t they still have a good relationship when they grew up?
Many disciples in the sect like to fight, especially the group of sword practitioners. Every fight they have has been more serious than this.

It's just a fight, no big deal.

It's quite normal for a senior brother to beat a junior brother, not to mention that his own little disciple is a little bit annoying.

"I haven't asked you yet. Have you rested enough these days? I want to test you on how you are doing in Tiansuan Pavilion."

Su Changluo turned to look at Lu Huaizhi and asked him several questions in a row. Lu Huaizhi answered all of them. He also made basic seals quite well. Some of his skills were even beyond his expectations.
"It seems that the past year and a half in Tiansuan Pavilion was not in vain."

"How about this, starting tomorrow, follow me to practice the talisman formation. Oh, by the way, if you want to learn alchemy, go find your uncle Chuxue. If you want to learn swordsmanship, you can also find uncle Changli."

"As for the rest, you can go to the Inner Gate Taoist Academy to take classes."

Most of the direct disciples of Xuanyuan Sect are left alone.

They haven't accepted many apprentices and are not very good at teaching.

When it comes to teaching apprentices, the elders in the Taoist temple are better at it.

Lu Huaizhi naturally had no objection to this.
"Yes, Master."

Compared with Tiansuan Pavilion, Xuanyuan Sect can be called a paradise.

Su Changluo didn't like the serious look of his little disciple. In his opinion, a child should behave like a child and have the spirit of youth. He shouldn't act like a little adult which was boring.

But then I thought about it and decided to forget it.

I guess it's a habit developed in Tiansuan Pavilion. After staying in Xuanyuan Sect for a few days, he will get used to it.

In this way, Lu Huaizhi began to practice talisman array techniques with Su Changluo on Xuanqing Peak.

He is very talented and can understand things quickly. He is indeed an excellent inheritor.

In the past five years, Su Changluo taught Lu Huaizhi almost everything he had learned. For Lu Huaizhi, Su Changluo was both a teacher and a friend.

His master is different from other people's masters.

He puts all he has learned into practice, cares about his feelings, and puts almost the best things in the world in front of him.

As long as he wants it, Master will go find it.

But as a teacher, he never feels superior, and never makes people feel that he is far away and out of reach.

He taught him the Dao, the formation technique, and how to protect.
Every time he encountered a bottleneck, Su Changluo seemed to be able to see through his heart and pointed out the problem directly.

For five years, he practiced very hard in order to live up to his master.

During these five years, he had sent letters to Tiansuan Pavilion several times, but unfortunately, he never received a reply.

Lu Huaizhi wrote a letter almost once a month, telling Su Ruowan in a friend's tone about the scenery he saw, the Taoist methods he learned, and the progress of his cultivation.
However, there was never a reply.

He thought, maybe they were all intercepted.

Or maybe, she could see, but couldn't send the letter.

But it doesn't matter, as long as one letter reaches her hands, it can alleviate some of her loneliness.

When he was fourteen years old, Su Changluo asked him to go down the mountain to travel.

A cultivator sees the heaven and earth, sees all living beings, and only then can he see himself.

After Lu Huai came down the mountain, whenever he arrived at a place, he would use the photo stone to record the scenery and send the message to Su Ruowan.

He wanted her to see the scenery he had seen.

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