Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 112 Strange Dreams

Li wanted to listen to what Muzi conveyed.

To be honest, he really wanted to give up and continue being a stand-in with a little heartbeat.

However, a quarter of the total remuneration is already very generous for him personally.

It's just that the two bonuses promised by the boss will definitely not be settled.

Because the bonus is only settled on the basis of the completion of the contract.

The two bonuses were almost 60.

That's kind of a pity.

If Zhang Ling, who has strong economic strength, is also taken into account, a quarter of the total compensation will be stretched.

He still couldn't have the courage to love Zhang Ling head-on.

So he gritted his teeth and looked at Muzi and replied loudly:
"You go back and tell the boss that I plan to take all the compensation, and if possible, I want to get a few more bonuses."

After saying this, his heart was trembling!
Don't get me wrong, this is not about fear of another similar life-threatening accident.

He is happy that he can continue to pursue Zhang Ling confidently.

Muzi smiled and nodded in agreement.

Rolling up the car window, he looked at the road ahead and said to himself:
"Greed, what a good word! For Li Xiang, it represents ambition and progress. Li Xiang, Li Xiang, I admire you the most."

Obviously, Muzi was not surprised by Li Xiang's answer.

However, Li Xiang has one thing to rest assured.

Zhen Li wants to realize his plan perfectly.

The stand-in Li Xiang is definitely very important to him.

Therefore, measures must be taken next to ensure Li Xiang's safety as much as possible.

On the other hand, it is also to get a favor from Zhang Ling.

After all, Zhang Ling is really the first friend Li wants to be Muzi.

We must know that people often not only impress each first time in their life, but also pay special attention to it.

It's like Zhang Ling still can't let go of her first love Qi Diaozhe after disappearing for many years.

Even when I have free time, I always silently fantasize about meeting Qi Diaozhe again.

Of course, Muzi's favor is also to reserve a way out for future accidents.

Because there is no kindness without reason in this world.

Just like rich people donate money to charity to earn a good name.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Even the smart Zhang Ling realizes that she is being used by Muzi.

Presumably, this kind of purposeful communication will not be overly concerned.

Because Yan Yuan, Zhang Ling's best friend, was able to become good girlfriends with her back then.

Didn't it happen that he ate a meal of his father's food by chance, and fell in love with his father's food, so he began to contact Zhang Ling purposefully.

So as long as the process is sincere and sincere, I can enjoy the happiness brought by friends.

If you still care about the other party's existence of purposeful communication.

That is asking for trouble.

We must understand that whenever human beings have interpersonal communication, there is always a personal purpose in mind.

Some people make friends with you just to get rid of loneliness, some people make friends with you for the purpose of making friends, some people make friends with you out of pure crooked thoughts and so on.

So if someone has to care about it.

Then you can completely calculate whether the other party's purpose is against your rights and interests.

That's enough!
No matter how many, no one will want to make friends with you.

A person who only knows how to be greedy blindly, get unlimited benefits from you, but is so stingy that he never gives half of his sincerity, is completely unqualified to be a friend.

Because such a person does not regard you as a friend from the bottom of his heart.

That's why I'm so stingy that I won't give you half sincerity.

Muzi thought of this time, seeing that Zhang Ling didn't say a few words, and made such an inexplicable misunderstanding.

It seems that in the days to come, we should find more opportunities to see Zhang Ling more often.

Friends, don't just say "we will be good friends from now on" and never contact each other for days, months, or even years.

In the end, I only used fantasy to maintain the original declaration of becoming friends.

This kind of talkative friend feels ridiculous when you think about it.

Muzi thought about his next schedule in his mind.

It happened that at noon tomorrow he had to pass by Zhang Ling's company for work.

How about asking Zhang Ling out to have lunch together?

Thinking of seeing Zhang Ling again, the corners of Muzi's mouth curved gracefully.

Zhang Ling was threatened by Yan Yuan that when she got home, she would force her to ask what she had forgotten to make Zhang Ling laugh like that.

That being said, Zhang Ling was really worried all the way.

But as soon as Yan Yuan entered the door, he seemed to forget his threat to Zhang Ling.

Even when carrying Chen Jian to the hospital, he didn't wash off his sweaty body.

He was so sleepy that he jumped up and fell asleep on the bed with his own weight.

Yes, it is smashed.

Looking at Yan Yuan's body movement track from a distance, it looks like a hammer being swung.

He didn't even have time to take off his clothes.

Zhang Ling pushed Yan Yuan with disgust and said:
"Hey, Yan Yuan, please slow down. The merchant of mine can promise to use it for at least 50 years. But every time you go to bed like this, it will definitely shorten the life of my bed by 30 years."

"If you live less, live less. You have enough money, if it breaks down, you can just buy another bed." Saying this, Yan Yuan yawned, "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

"My money is hard-earned money earned by my ability, and I don't spend it casually. Get up for me..."

After Yan Yuan closed his eyes, he felt like falling asleep immediately.

This time, no matter how Zhang Ling shouted and shoved, Yan Yuan did not hear a response.

Reluctantly, Yan Yuan could only sleep on the bed with his clothes on.

She took another shower.

Helped Yan Yuan cover the quilt, lying on the bed but did not feel sleepy.

With the light squeezed in through the gaps in the curtains, she stared at the faintly visible ceiling of the bedroom.

It's like a person watching a movie in a movie theater, subconsciously thinking about the scene in the hospital in his mind.

Now that I think about her behavior, it's a bit ridiculous.

She almost broke up with her friend Muzi because of a man.

She hasn't had this style of behavior since her first love, Qi Diao Zhe, disappeared.

What happened to her today?
Li Xiang, who also suffered from insomnia, also lay on the bed and looked at the dim ceiling.

Recalling the happy news that Muzi mentioned to him in the car.

Said that Zhang Ling was angry because Muzi failed to inform him in time that he was in the hospital in a car accident.

So much so that he almost broke up with Muzi's friendship.

If, throw away the exaggerated part of Muzi's statement to him.

Li Xiang was still very happy in his heart.

From this incident, at least he can be sure that his efforts have not been in vain.

It can be regarded as subtle and gradually entered Zhang Ling's heart.

That's why Zhang Ling and Muzi had a conflict because he was in a car accident and went to the hospital.

Later, he walked out of the emergency room.

Although I didn't see that she walked towards him deliberately because she cared about him, caring for him.

But when Zhang Ling looked at him, the aura emanating from her body was obviously a little more concerned.

Especially after parting, she specially sent him a message.

"It's all right. I hope you can forget about the horrifying past after a night's sleep. Good night!"

Since he pursued her, he has always been the one who took the initiative to say good night every day.

Most of the time she doesn't bother to reply.

But tonight, she took the initiative to send him a good night text message.

This is definitely a major milestone for him in a relationship that has grown considerably.

For this reason, he also deliberately took a screenshot of the text message and stored the photo.

Thinking that one day, when he is old, it is best to have her with him again, or sit on a wicker chair under an old tree in the courtyard, look at these photos together, and think about the good times in the past.

He just simply thinks about such a day, which makes people look forward to it.

I don't know if Zhang Ling will also look forward to a future with him by his company?

Zhang Ling attributed her impulsiveness in the hospital to the fact that Li Xiang was a substitute for her first love, Qi Diaozhe.

That's why she will personally stand as an enemy of all opposite sexes from the perspective of her first love.

Zhang Ling's attitude towards her partner has always been selfish.

Selfish unwillingness to see anyone of the opposite sex having any misconduct with her partner.

Anyone of the opposite sex here also includes Yan Yuan, her best friend for many years.

Of course, her attitude towards her partner is also generous.

As long as her partner doesn't have dirty, treacherous thoughts, no matter what his status is or what he wants to do, she is willing to give him enough respect and support him unconditionally.

He can even give up his career for the sake of the other party, willing to silently be the woman standing behind him.

She also has a bright future about love that ordinary women yearn for.

A couple for life, never leave and never betray.

I believe this is the greatest ideal of every person who pursues true love.

During the time when Zhang Ling was with her first love Qi Diaozhe.

She once thought she had found true love!

Reality keeps her escaping from reality.

So far, all the relatives and friends around her think that the appearance of Li Xiang is her destiny, and she is the one who no longer escapes from reality.

I never thought that she would disappoint all relatives and friends.

Her emotional escapism borders on pathological.

Or she can be directly identified as a patient.

Disease Name: Morbid Infatuation Syndrome.

Qi Diaozhe, to her, is not only the poison that makes the disease serious, but also the antidote that makes the disease completely cured.

Is it the poison, or the antidote?

Li Xiang may be the key catalyst.

So at this moment, she is also fantasizing about his future in her mind.

The faintly visible ceiling in front of my eyes became clearer because of a bright light.

It was as clear as the screen cloth of a personal theater.

Immediately, a man wearing a gypsophila mask appeared in the center of the curtain.

The man with the figure of Li Xiang smiled sweetly.

He raised a hand to beckon her over.

She hesitated seeing this scene.

The blue sky and white clouds immediately appeared on the curtain where he was, and a red carpet stretching into the distance was under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, as if by magic, he was wearing a decent suit, a gypsophila mask, and a rose on his chest, and he was approaching him with a smile.

Every time he took a step, the red carpet under his feet extended a step in front of her.

When he stopped at a position within her reach, he stretched out a pair of hands in milky white gloves like a gentleman, inviting her to follow him on the red carpet.

With a hint of doubt, she looked towards the distance of the red carpet.

I saw the romantic and festive scene arrangement of the crowds of people in the distance.

"Little flea, is this our wedding?" She asked curiously.

The starry masked man had a strong smile in his eyes, and nodded slightly without speaking.

There was a happy smile on her face instantly.

From the moment he raised his hand to touch his milky white glove.

The environment around her flashed like time flies, playing every beautiful moment of their acquaintance and love.

The beautiful moment here is what she and Li thought of.

But Li Xiang in the video is wearing a mask full of stars.

Her body seemed to have practiced an immortal technique, and the feeling of lifting her foot and taking a step was more like floating on the red carpet under his feet.

Therefore, the space rotates 90 degrees in an instant.

At this time, her sense of being there was even stronger.

The blue sky and white clouds in front of her enveloped her, a refreshing wind was blowing, the air was still filled with the faint fragrance of Sophora japonica flowers, and the clear sound of water flowed in her ears...

Everything was so familiar that she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality?

The man next to her exuded a familiar smell of sweat. Although she didn't see his real face, it still gave her a strong sense of trust.

She looked at him seriously and asked:

"Little flea, am I dreaming?"

The man's smiling eyes suddenly became serious, and then his exposed lips danced, as if he was saying something to her?
But at this moment, she couldn't hear anything.

She was in a hurry, and shouted eagerly:
"What are you talking about? Louder, I can't hear you."

The man didn't seem to hear her cry at all.

The jumping lips never stopped, and at the same time the smile in his eyes completely disappeared, which suddenly made her feel full of disappointment.


A dazzling light flashed in the sky.

The space she was in instantly rotated 90 degrees backwards, and then her body seemed to fall freely and rapidly from the clouds.

Immediately, a strong chill enveloped her completely, every hair on her body condensed into ice crystals, and the cold air inhaled through her nose felt as if her internal organs had been completely frozen into ice.


She could clearly hear Yan Yuan calling "Zhang Ling" incessantly.

She wanted to open her eyes, but the hair on her eyelids seemed to be frozen together by ice crystals, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open them.

How long has passed?
Her bodily sensations gradually regained consciousness due to a warmth.

Zhang Ling opened her eyes and saw that the light in the bedroom was on, and the sky outside the window was still dim.

A quilt was wrapped around Yan Yuan's body, and he held her tightly in his arms.

"What's wrong with me?" She made a sound with some difficulty.

Yan Yuan cried out as if frightened:
"You scared me to death. I heard you crying in my sleep. I wanted to send you to the hospital, but you were dancing and restless, so I can only help you warm up first."

"Oh, is that so? Let me go. I'm hot!" Zhang Ling said struggling.

Yan Yuan let go of Zhang Ling, and said a little worriedly:
"Why don't we go to the hospital. Are you so hot and cold that it's scary?"

Zhang Ling shook her stiff body and said:

"It's okay, I just had a strange dream. It's just that when I woke up, I suddenly dreamed that I was in the ice cellar."


Yan Yuan opened his mouth wide when he heard Zhang Ling's bizarre explanation.

There are still people in this world who can make dreams so real!

Although some do not believe it, but it is impossible to ask what.

Yan Yuan can only express that there is still some time before dawn.

So I turned off the lights to make up for a return to sleep.

Zhang Ling also lay on the bed again and continued to stare at the dim ceiling.

She was a little confused about the dream just now!

Why can't she hear what the masked man said?
I can't even figure out the meaning of the bone-piercing cold in the end.

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