Washing pots and dishes is a job that many people don't want to do.

It's not because this kind of life is so difficult.

Most people like to keep their bodies dry and refreshed all the time.

When hands touch water to wash dishes, contact with greasy will make people subconsciously feel disgusted.

Of course, it does not rule out that people are born with inertia that only wants to enjoy and does not want to move.

A typical representative is Yan Yuan.

Zhang Ling heard a faint cry coming from the door, and her smug smile became even brighter.

It was really not easy to catch Yan Yuan to wash the pot and wash the dishes for two consecutive days.

In the past, when his father was around, Yan Yuan could always find a reason to refuse or run away.

That's because Yan Yuan regarded his father as his own father, and his father's character happened to be willing to be Yan Yuan's father.

It is said that children do not grow up until their parents die.

Only when there is no dependence can one fully possess the sense of autonomy and independent responsibility.

So Yan Yuan had an opportunity to rely on his father.

This time, she wanted to cultivate Yan Yuan's ability to do housework during her father's absence.

It's a different way to feel sorry for your father!


She felt that someone was watching her from the supermarket not far away.

He stopped and observed carefully for a while, but did not find any suspicious figure.

I saw a fashionable and beautiful woman asking the supermarket owner for directions very elegantly.

A dazzling red sports car parked not far from the woman.

Did she have an illusion?

No, this is not an illusion.

This familiar feeling of snooping has happened more than once.

She is a person who does not like to be passive.

I have tried to use professional technology to check and monitor, use mirror imaging, mobile phone video function and other means to try to catch the current situation.

He still hasn't identified who is following him?
Or the trackers alternate shifts all the time, or they have superb camouflage skills.

However, what reassures her is that she doesn't feel that the prying person has any malicious intentions.

Presumably it was for this reason that she couldn't find any suspicious people.

However, what still puzzled her was that there might be more than one group of snoopers.

Sometimes there are two or three pairs of eyes staring at her from different directions;
Sometimes there is only one pair of eyes watching her silently.


Because there is a sense of care from elders to younger generations.

No, that's a little bit inaccurate.

To be more precise, it is like the feeling of a mother looking at her child in a film and television drama.

But when she realized that her mother had already passed away, she felt that this feeling was quite ridiculous.

forget about it.

She shook her head and continued towards the parking space.

Ready to drive for a busy day.

When I came to the company, I learned that the cooperation between Bieshanliu and Zhihua Technology is progressing smoothly.

When Bie Shanliu spoke to her, he was obviously more confident and arrogant.

Of course, as long as her subordinates are capable and a little more arrogant, she can still accept it.

It's just that Xiao Jin whispered in his ear from time to time that since Bie Shanliu became a project manager, he has been too arrogant and offended many colleagues.

It even forced a colleague who was unwilling to work under him to resign automatically.

For this reason, Manager Wang basically yelled at everyone, saying that Zhang Ling was bullying people through the hands of Bie Shanliu.

Zhang Ling just asked lightly at that time:
"Do you know the name of the colleague who resigned automatically?"

"I heard it's called Wang Ting." Xiao Jin said casually.

Zhang Ling said with a hint of sarcasm in her smile:
"Do you have a good relationship?"

Xiao Jin was afraid of being misunderstood by Zhang Ling, so he explained in a panic:
"No, it's not. How can I have a good relationship with her? My colleagues all know that Wang Ting, relying on Director Wang as her second uncle, and has slapped me many times. It makes the company seem to be run by their family. ..."

While talking, Xiao Jin saw Zhang Ling's playful smile.

Only then did he suddenly realize that he was being used as a gun by someone.

Finally he had no face to continue talking.

"Say it! I'm listening. Why don't you talk?" Zhang Ling's smile was a bit cold.

Because she already knew clearly that Director Wang had intentionally imposed Wang Ting's mistakes on Bie Shanliu in order to protect his niece Wang Ting.

Only then did she see the scene where Supervisor Wang scolded in front of everyone and fired Bie Shanliu.

Bie Shanliu is now capable of protecting her own rights and interests, but at work, Wang Ting has suffered the hardships she has suffered.

It never occurred to Wang Ting that under the protection of Director Wang, she never suffered a little bit of hardship at work.

So Wang Ting, who was overprotected, couldn't stand it and resigned.

Xiao Jin put on an awkward smile, trying to redeem himself and said:

"Ah... uh... I won't talk about it. Vice President Zhang, I'm sorry. I just remembered that I still have a report analysis report that I haven't written yet. So I'd better go out to work first."

Zhang Ling just kept a serious expression and didn't say anything, watching the flustered Xiao Jin escape from the office.

As soon as he went out, he stroked|comforted his violently trembling heart with one hand, and at the same time he let out a long sigh of relief and said to himself:

"It's so thrilling! I'm not Biao. I know that Bie Shanliu is now the celebrity in front of Vice President Zhang. I still have to listen to other people's instigation and say that those who have something are not."

The others that Xiao Jin was talking about were the little men in the group who didn't like women as their immediate bosses.

Why do you say he is a little man?
Because they seem to obey Zhang Ling's authority in the group on the surface.

But from time to time in his bones, he still wants to use all means to hinder it.

A typical representative of these people is Supervisor Wang.

There is no need for Xiao Jin to nag these things in front of her, Zhang Ling naturally understands the thoughts of these little men.

But Xiao Jin was only afraid that Bie Shanliu's rise would directly affect his position in Zhang Ling's heart.

That's why he was easily bewitched and used by these people for a while.


Zhang Ling just bought a plate of eggs from the supermarket.

I saw two old people under a tree not far from the door. I asked how to get to the hospital where Grandma Li Xiang lived before?
Or the old man's foreign accent is too strong, and the clothes he wears are a bit old, which obviously gives people a sense of being out of place with the current city.

When they asked passers-by, they would either be disgusted and leave without saying anything;

Either swearing and swearing, yelling at the old man to get out of the way as soon as possible.

It was not easy to meet a sensible child who wanted to show the way, but was quickly dragged into her arms by her mother, and spoke ill of the two old people.

Aggrieved, the old man quickly explained to the passers-by:
"No, it's really not what the big sister said, we just want to ask how to get to XX Hospital?"

The old man did not know that his explanation was a bit redundant.

The onlookers didn't want to hear any explanation.

The reason why they watched was to imagine an interesting answer based on what they saw.

Then, relying on the imaginary conclusions, he casually commented on what he saw.

And regardless of whether their malicious remarks have a fatal effect on the strangers they encounter?
Not to mention that if there is retribution from heaven, it will definitely be retribution on themselves, so that they can truly experience the indifference of human nature under today's malice.

Of course, except for those selfish people who are not afraid of karma.

The child's mother was obviously unwilling to have anything to do with the two old people.

Looking at the old man with disgust, he scolded:
"Shut up! Who is your big sister? I don't know you. Get out, get out of here, and stay away from my children."

The sensible child looked at the old man's grievance, looked up at his mother and explained:
"Mom, mom, they don't look like bad people. They really want to ask me how to get to XX hospital."

"Quiet! How do you know what a good person is at such a young age?" As he said, he looked at the two old men with vigilant eyes, giving people a feeling of seeing through the tricks of the old men, "Be careful that you will be abducted by traffickers pretending to ask for directions. Then sell them to the mountains as child brides.”

"Mom, are they the traffickers you mentioned?"

Looking at the very sensible child, I must have heard from my mother on weekdays that there are many stories about girls who were sold to the mountains as child brides.

That's why I was scared when I heard the words "children's daughter-in-law", and immediately grabbed my mother's hand and hid behind me to look around.

Trying to imprint the appearance of a "human trafficker" deeply in my mind.

So as not to make the same mistake in the future.

"That's right!" the child's mother said firmly.

The two old people scrambled to try to explain to the mother and daughter that they were really wrong.

When they heard the words of the child's mother, the two old people froze in embarrassment.

His eyes wandered back and forth between the mother and daughter, and finally fell on the girl with a bit of distress.

Some people describe a child as a white and flawless drawing paper.

Parents are the initial founders of painting style.

Isn't this mother afraid of causing adverse consequences to the child by speaking like this?

Or because of her mother, the child will never be able to distinguish between good and evil, afraid of being sold by traffickers, and completely shut himself off from then on;

Or learn to convict people without going through the judicial process and become a truly lawless person.

Of course, one thing can never be said to be black and white.

In any case, it is too common and there is no need to raise it separately.

When the child heard the mother's affirmation, the timid look on his face made people feel as if he was about to be embedded in the mother's body.

Zhang Ling on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

She took the initiative to stand in front of the two old people and said angrily:

"This lady is not talking about you. Anyway, you are a mother. It is too much to say that. It is said that parents are the guides of children. Are you afraid of taking children on a road of no return?"

Women are clearly unaware of the impact their words and actions have on their children.

After hearing Zhang Ling's words, she retorted with displeasure:

"You... who are you? The child is mine, and I can educate it however I want. You, an outsider, are not qualified to dictate."

"Yes, you are right. But what qualifications do you have to wantonly slander the two elderly people? If you don't want the child to talk to the old man, just take it away. Speak sweetly in front of the old man ..."

Zhang Ling looked at the child hiding behind the woman, and couldn't bear to continue talking.

The woman thought that she definitely read the book into the dog's belly back then.

It's nothing if you don't understand the importance of teaching by example as a parent.

I don't even remember the most basic virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young.

The woman was a little flustered when she heard the targeted public opinion around her.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lao Zhou recognized Zhang Ling and came forward to say hello with a smile.

Old Liu still firmly believed that he did not admit the wrong person, and kept talking about some things about Li Xiang.

One of the incidents about Li Xiang being injured while mowing cow grass caught her attention.

Said that Li Xiang accidentally cut an impossible crescent-shaped wound on his left forearm.

Lao Liu regretted not checking the scar at the beginning.

Zhang Ling also had the idea of ​​wanting to check the scars.

But considering the impact, she would never agree to Lao Liu and take them to Li Xiang.

Lao Zhou saw that Zhang Ling's face became gloomy because of Lao Liu's talkativeness, and tried many times to stop Lao Liu from continuing to speak but failed.

With a cruel heart, he dragged Lao Liu aside and scolded him in a low voice.

Only then did Lao Liu become much quieter.

But at this time, the woman met Li Xiang on the day when she heard that the two old men recognized Zhang Ling and brought up Muzi as a treat for dinner.

At the same time, I saw the mysterious appearance of Lao Zhou and Lao Liu.

So the woman pretended to be enlightened and said:

"Okay, I get it now!"

"I know I'm wrong?" Zhang Ling smiled with some relief.

She thought the woman realized her mistake.

But what she didn't expect was that the woman shook her head, glanced at the two old men contemptuously and said:
"No wonder you speak for them. So you are in the same group. Seeing that the matter was exposed, so you acted for me in front of everyone."

"There is no cure!" Zhang Ling was furious at the woman's words.

Women have big brains!

This kind of thing can be imagined.

Women don't even want to think about the three people in front of them if they are really like that.

Are you really going to stand here and talk nonsense with women?

No, in the case of an advantage in numbers, they will definitely do it directly and forcibly snatch the child behind the woman.

The woman even took out her mobile phone and continued with a bit of threat:
"I thought I'd just let it go. I didn't expect you people to be so rampant. No, I have to call the police."

The woman emotionally called the police.

At this time, the onlookers were ludicrously moved by the woman's words.

A few strong men who thought they were righteous men stood up and blocked the way for the three of them to escape, so that the woman could feel at ease and call the police.

Women don't seem too stupid either!
When observing, it was found that the two old men did not look nervous at all.

It can also be seen that the calm Zhang Ling is well dressed, and the noble aura exuding around her body is obviously incompatible with the two old people.

So I feel that even if the two old people know Zhang Ling, they have little to do with Zhang Ling.

It's like a lot of people know famous people, but famous people can't know everyone.

Even though someone kept urging the woman to call the police, the woman hung up after the sound came out from the phone.

Because women know that rich people pay more attention to reputation.

If she made a mistake and Zhang Ling sued her for defamation, the loss outweighs the gain.

Zhang Ling sneered and said:

"Why did you hang up the call to the police? I'm still waiting for you to call the police."

The woman was more sure of her previous thoughts, so she looked at Zhang Ling in a self-contained manner and said:

"Forget it, I suddenly remembered that there are more important things to do. I will spare you today."

Before Zhang Ling could speak, she took her daughter's hand and said:
"Baby, go, go home with mom."

The woman was obviously a little panicked, she walked in the wrong direction at first, but after being reminded by her daughter, she hurriedly fled in another direction.

Zhang Ling glanced around sharply, and the strong men who prevented her from escaping asked with a mocking smile:
"Brothers, that woman has escaped. Are you still standing here, are you planning to block the road and rob?"

The embarrassment of the troublesome strong men really wanted to find a crack in the ground and immediately got in.

They didn't expect that the seemingly reasonable weak would eventually escape without warning.

Immediately, they all scattered and fled the scene with blushing faces. There was only one thick-skinned brawny man who licked his face with a puzzled smile and said:
"What am I standing here for?"

Obviously faking amnesia.

After thinking for a while, I glanced at the time on my phone, and said with a bit of panic:
"Oh my god, it's too bad! It's already this time. I came out to pick up the child. I'm afraid I will be punished by my wife again this time..."

The thick-skinned man didn't finish his sentence, but everyone seemed to understand the lingering sound.

So the man quickly disappeared amidst a burst of ridicule.

The two old men looked at each other, feeling that their chance had come.

"That big sister..." Lao Zhou remembered the scene of being bullied by the girl's mother, and immediately changed his mouth and shook his head with a smile, "No, this lady really thanked you today. However, I still want to ask you something XX Hospital How to go?"

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