Li Xiang held back his smile until Xiaodouzi answered.

Now I finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhang Ling was somewhat unconvinced, with a stiff smile and asked:
"Little Douzi, I'm just the image of a tigress in your heart?"

I believe that no woman is willing to admit that she is a tigress in front of her children.

Hearing Li Xiang's laughter, her face flushed instantly.

There is an urge to immediately seal Li Xiang's mouth with tape.

But as an adult she held back.

After all, the writer of the composition is Xiaodouzi.

Xiaodouzi quickly shook his head and explained:

"No, it's not like that. What I meant by that passage was that when Mom and Dad are around at the same time, sometimes it's like a tigress."

Hearing this, Zhang Ling's stiff smile stretched a lot.

But there was still some discomfort in my heart.

Probably because the image of a tigress has been carved in Xiaodouzi's mind.

Or worry about how to get along with Li Xiang normally in the future?
Xiaodouzi was still a little unhappy seeing Zhang Ling, and continued to explain carefully.

"Actually, in Xiaodouzi's heart, my mother has always been the good mother who loves Xiaodouzi the most. So mom, can you stop being angry with Xiaodouzi?"

To be honest, Xiaodouzi's expression is very intelligent.

Even if Zhang Ling wants to be angry, she must not be angry for the sake of "good mother".

Li Xiang on the side restrained his smile and said to help:
"Zhang Ling, don't forget, we are a family. The family is about love, so there is no need to care about it so much. Besides, Xiaodouzi is still a child, and he speaks without restraint. Don't be angry."

Li Xiang's words obviously gave her a wonderful reason.

Eliminate the embarrassing situation of getting along with Li Xiang in the future.

That's right, there is no need for the family to worry about so much.

Even if she is really a tigress, he will definitely treat her as before without any change.

She breathed a sigh of relief as silently as possible and smiled at the child and said:
"Don't be angry. Why is Mom angry? For the sake of Xiaodouzi's brave confession, Mom still wants to reward Xiaodouzi."

As she said that, Zhang Ling thought of the animal candies that Lao Zhou had given her, and took them out and put them on the table in the activity room.

If ordinary children saw such a scene, they would have already rushed to the table, took a piece of candy to observe, or simply ate it.

But Xiaodouzi has been standing on the sidelines and watching expectantly.

Of course, except for Xiaodouzi, other children also stood aside and watched.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Ling couldn't help feeling a strong sense of sadness in her heart.

Because although she has always been the mother of Xiaodouzi, it seems that she has never really taken on the responsibility of being a mother.

But she has always enjoyed the happiness brought by a mother having children.

No matter how you think about it, this approach is too selfish.

So this also led to Xiaodouzi still being the same as the other children in the activity room in his heart.

Not quite thinking of himself as a happy kid with a complete family.

"Little Douzi, don't stand still, these cute animal candies are all for you."

She did not directly decide to distribute the animal candy to all the children present.

Instead, he handed over all the brains to Xiaodouzi.

It can be regarded as a test for Xiaodouzi.

"Really?" Xiaodouzi happily jumped up and down to the table.

Looking at all kinds of small animals in a hurry, I still didn't forget to turn around and shout loudly with a smile:
"Mom, I really like these candies. They are so vivid that I can't bear to eat them."

Then he called the children around him to come over and said:
"Xiaoyue, Wang Er, come here and have a look, aren't the big rooster, little tiger, and little mouse here all very cute? My God, there is also a little rabbit with an angry mouth..."

Surrounded by children whose names were called, they picked up a piece of animal candy that most attracted them and admired it.

Like other children around them, they all cast envious eyes on Xiaodouzi.

Beast candy!

After Li Xiang heard it, he hurried over like a child.

Picking up the rabbit-shaped candy that Xiaodouzi brought up, he stared at it for a while with tears in his eyes.

Obviously, he was thinking about others after seeing things.

I remembered that my grandma always liked to make such candy to make him happy when he was a child.

He also said that he is very similar to the rabbit in his hand, and his raised mouth can hang an oil pot.

Maybe it's because he is a rabbit.

Most of the animal candies made by grandma are bunnies of various colors.

It just so happens that he has made a lot of rabbits in his hand.

Zhang Ling stood beside Li Xiang at this time and said softly:
"What's the matter with you? How old are you, and you still wipe your tears like a child. Wipe it quickly, and be careful that Xiaodouzi will laugh at you as a father for crying."

"No, it's okay. I just think of grandma when I saw this piece of candy." Li Xiang wiped away the traces of tears with his hands and continued, "By the way, where did your animal candy come from? I remember that your hometown didn't make it. This candy custom."

"That's right! But having no customs doesn't mean I don't like it." Zhang Ling stared at Li Xiang in front of her and continued, "But I also remember that Li Xiang of Zhihua Technology's hometown doesn't make this kind of animal candy. It's a bit strange. Understand why you think of grandma through animal sugar?"

"This..." Li wanted to try to explain.

Zhang Ling showed a meaningful smile and continued:

"Don't rush to explain. It's not too late to explain after you think it over."

"Ah, what do you mean?"

Zhang Ling didn't answer his words and continued:

"You just asked me where I got the animal candy. I did a good deed today, and someone specially gave me special products to thank me for being a good person. Oh, by the way, you have seen that person too."

She said this just to confirm the authenticity of what the two old people said.

Although she already felt that there was a problem with Li Xiang's identity.

But she didn't really want to reveal some big truth.

It's okay to tease Li Xiang, looking for a rare pleasure.

After all, her purpose of accepting Li Xiang was not pure.

"I have seen?"

Li Xiang was the first to think of Muzi's treat for dinner that day.

"That's right, when Muzi was treating guests to dinner that day, he met two old men chasing after him and said he knew you. I happened to meet those two old men again today, and I helped them when the road was rough."

While speaking, Zhang Ling noticed something strange about Li Xiang.

Especially when he heard "meet two old men", his body moved back half a step involuntarily.

A sense of panic flashed in his calm eyes.

She actually began to doubt that what the old man said was true.

Perhaps the Li Xiang in front of him is really the Li Xiang that the two old people knew.

If this is the case, this matter will be interesting.

Of course, even if the truth was so, she never thought about revealing it herself.

She just wanted to experience the fun of teasing Li Xiang through this incident.

After all, life always feels boring when you fall in love with a man like Li Xiang.

To make life interesting, she had to have some fun herself.

Clearly, there is a good opportunity right now.

"Oh, really?" Li Xiang's answer seemed ordinary.

But his facial muscles twitched unconsciously due to excessive tension.

Zhang Ling's words proved his thoughts.

"Of course! As you know, I've always been a kind-hearted person."

Although she said so generously.

But she still felt a little embarrassed and blushed.

"Yes, you, you are right."

Glittering sweat immediately oozed from his forehead.

Subconsciously wiped it with one hand, and rubbed the wet fingers together, trying to evaporate the stained sweat quickly.

He kept hinting in his heart not to panic.

Force yourself to stabilize your mind.

Put on as natural a smile as possible.

Even if Zhang Ling really got some valuable clues from the two old people.

He can admit it generously.

Besides, hasn't he generously admitted his identity before?
It's just that Zhang Ling didn't want to believe it at the time.

Now there is no need to panic.

"But even if you think so, it's kind of embarrassing."

She looked at the beads of sweat oozing from Li Xiang's forehead.

Immediately, I felt the joy of fishing as a fisherman.

So she decided to swim for a while longer.

"No, it's all right. There's no need to be embarrassed. It's the truth." He shifted his gaze to Xiaodouzi and continued, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have wanted to be her mother."

Li Xiang tried to use Xiaodouzi to change the topic.

But Zhang Ling didn't give him this chance.

"By the way, you said it was funny or not. I remember telling the two old people that you were not the Li Xiang they were looking for. The persistent old Liu I met today kept insisting that you were He knew Li Xiang."

Li Xiang heard this, although he had already prepared for the worst, but there was still a bit of worry on his face.

"Well, I remember. Indeed, it is indeed a bit funny." Li Xiang nodded and answered.

Zhang Ling just felt that the smile on his face was more embarrassing.

"The funniest thing is that old Liu told me a lot about Li Xiang's past. I listened to it and felt more and more like you. At that time, I had an idea that the Li Xiang in Lao Liu's mouth would be Wouldn't it happen to be an older brother or younger brother who resembles you?"

"Ah? You really have a big brain! You can still come up with such an idea. This is absolutely impossible." Li Xiang said firmly.

Because he didn't like his remarried mother at all.

I don't even want to get involved with a remarried mother because of a so-called brother.

"Okay, okay. Then can you tell me why Li Xiang in the old man's mouth is so similar to you?"

Li Xiang didn't expect Zhang Ling to ask so hard, subconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands and defended:

"Oh, is it? This is normal. It's like the descriptions of zodiac signs and zodiac signs that are circulated on the Internet. As long as you read it according to your own situation, anyone will find it reasonable. So it's not surprising."

"Oh, what you said seems to make sense." Zhang Ling was temporarily convinced by Li Xiang's explanation, "By the way, that old Zhou is really good. He had already left, but suddenly came back to see me off. So many cute animal candies."

After listening to Li Xiang's defense, she obviously felt that she was thinking too much.

The two old men probably misunderstood the wrong person.

With Li Xiang's IQ, I'm afraid he has already seen her intentions.

It's just cooperating with her in acting without any trace.

So she instantly lost most of her mood for fishing.

"Oh, that's right! It seems that the old man surnamed Zhou is really nice. Remember to take the initiative to repay your kindness."

After Li Xiang finished speaking, he picked up the little white rabbit in his hand and looked at it.

With a little reluctance, he stuffed it into Xiaodouzi's hand.

Sure enough, Zhang Ling saw Xiaodouzi right.

The child didn't want to enjoy these beast candies to himself.

According to the zodiac signs of the children in the activity room, each child was given a piece of animal candy.

These kids are so cute!
Most of the kids didn't eat it right away.

Just a symbolic taste with the tongue.

Said to keep it as a souvenir and eat it when I celebrate my birthday.

Xiaodouzi obviously felt the great joy of animal sugar's social harvest.

So she smiled and called Zhang Ling sweetly "Mom".

Zhang Ling smiled and nodded to Xiaodouzi after hearing this.

"That's right!" She continued to observe Li Xiang's expression and said, "The two of them said they were going to XX Hospital to meet their first love. You said it was a coincidence, grandma didn't happen to be seeing a doctor in that hospital when she was alive. So I kindly Send them there yourself."

"Coin, what a coincidence!"

Li Xiang is grateful for the foresight of the real Li Xiang.

Erase the relevant traces of grandma's treatment in XX Hospital in advance.

Even so, he was still a little worried that the two old men would find some clues.

Zhang Ling did not find any more traces that Li Xiang had revealed.

Recalling the old man's previous description of Li Xiang, only the crescent-shaped scar on his left forearm can be verified.

"Well... Li Xiang, to be honest, since I met those two old people today, I sometimes really think that you are Li Xiang that those two old people are looking for."

She really wanted to admit her mistake.

"I'm not!" Li Xiang blurted out.

Zhang Ling heard Li Xiang answer so simply.

She had already chosen to trust Li Xiang completely.

But he suddenly said:

"Did the two old people say that the Li Xiang they knew had birthmarks on his body? If so, I can cooperate with you and let you check it."

"Really?!" These words instantly aroused Zhang Ling's strong interest.

"Yeah." Li Xiang nodded.

Zhang Ling described the physical characteristics that the old man said

"That old Zhou said that the left forearm of Li Xiang he knew had an impossibly good crescent-shaped scar."

Zhang Ling subconsciously stood beside Li Xiang while speaking, with a feeling of impatience, she stretched out her hand to check the legendary scar immediately.

But she suddenly realized that it was not appropriate for her to do so.

He quickly retracted the outstretched hand.

With some embarrassment, he continued:
"Forget it, let's forget it. Even if you have that legendary scar, what does it mean? It doesn't seem to explain anything. Maybe it was planted and framed after being seen by someone with a heart. Don't watch it, don't watch it Well, it doesn't make sense to look at it."

Although Li Xiang's arm scar has already been treated by medical means.

Although it is no longer a crescent-shaped scar, it can still be clearly seen that it has been injured.

When Zhang Ling was speaking, he had already rolled up his sleeves halfway, planning to tell the injury story that Zhen Li wanted to prepare for him when Zhang Ling saw the scar.

Of course, this story is indeed what happened to Li Xiang.

Now the scars are gone, and there is no need to tell the story.

This should have been a good thing.

But what did he think was wrong?
Because she saw a bit of displeasure on Zhang Ling's face.

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