Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 132 Completely angry

Because of Xiaodouzi's words, the people around looked at the arrogant dog owner and laughed.

It seems that they are laughing at the arrogant dog owner as a pervert.

Let go of normal human beings who don't like it, and insist on raising dogs as their own flesh and blood.

The arrogant dog owner continued to roar arrogantly at this time:
"Shut up! You all shut up! Don't laugh, what's so funny?"

Some stubborn onlookers responded directly that they laughed when they wanted to.

This is a public place, and the owner of an arrogant dog has no right to stop it.

The owner of the arrogant dog smiled contemptuously at the onlookers, then looked at Xiaodouzi and said loudly:
"Yes, even if the child is right, what if I really love a bitch? At least the dog will not betray me like my former girlfriend. It took all my property and ran away with another little boy."

This is obviously a sad story.

When the arrogant dog owner said these words, he looked at all the opposite sex around him with disgust.

Zhang Ling understands why the owner of the arrogant dog loves the dog so much?
However, she still cannot forgive the arrogant dog owner for ignoring the relevant laws and regulations and not keeping the dog on a leash in public.

"What's wrong with me treating the dog as my own son? At least the dog will not abandon people like you guys. All the emotional relationships that humans should have, as long as they are of no use to you, you can decisively abandon each other."

This is obviously yet another sad story.

The owner of the arrogant dog failed in business before, and his relatives and friends abandoned him.

That's why he became the now paranoid and arrogant dog owner.

This made Zhang Ling have the urge to sympathize with the other party.

The arrogant dog owner continued to smile contemptuously at the onlookers and said:
"Just like what are you all doing here? You are definitely not here to help others with good intentions. It is just to satisfy your narrow selfish personal entertainment purpose by appreciating the suffering that happened to others."

Zhang Ling also hates the many indifferent spectators whenever something happens.

I wanted to open my mouth to agree with what the arrogant dog owner said.

Yan Yuan looked at the arrogant dog owner obsessively and applauded.

"Well said, well said! I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet a bosom friend today."

Because the handsome face of the arrogant dog owner is Yan Yuan's favorite.

So in Yan Yuan's view, as long as a man is beautiful, even a heinous criminal can be forgiven.

Besides, the arrogant dog owner's arrogant dog didn't actually hurt them.

Arrogant dogs just ate their prepared food.

So Yan Yuan prepared to go forward to make friends with the arrogant dog owner while speaking.

At this time, Xiaodouzi asked a little incomprehensibly:

"Mom, mom, I remember that Aunt Yan said that she is the kind of person who likes to watch the excitement, isn't she?"

Yan Yuan's impassionedness was exposed by Xiaodouzi.

The owner of the arrogant dog also showed endless disgust for Yan Yuan in his strange eyes.

Yan Yuan felt that there was no chance to get close, so he had to stand on the other side of Xiaodouzi again, complaining that the child was telling the truth.

Seeing the well-behaved Yan Yuan covering her face, Zhang Ling was secretly happy.

The arrogant dog owner then looked around at the onlookers and continued:

"I said before that you are not as human as my dog. Many of you are not happy with it. I just ask you: whoever dares to ask yourself is surrounded here. Didn't the intention be to have fun?"

As soon as these words came out, many onlookers present immediately lowered their heads dumbly.

Some savvy onlookers and the arrogant dog owner quietly disappeared into the crowd before they could finish speaking.

Zhang Ling has truly experienced the arrogance of an arrogant dog owner.

Not only did he avoid his own mistakes, but he also stood here with righteous words and arrogantly taught the onlookers a lesson.

Although this crowd of onlookers is indeed as annoying as the arrogant dog owner said.

But he is arrogant that dog owners are qualified to teach people from the perspective of God?

A person who dare not even admit his own fault is never qualified to point fingers at others.

People, it seems that the eyes have not grown well from the beginning to the end, and they can only see the problems and shortcomings of others, but they have always turned a blind eye to their own problems and shortcomings.

This is one of the biggest disadvantages of being born as a human being.

The arrogant dog owner is clearly addicted to teaching people.

His eyes refocused on Li Xiang and he asked unceremoniously:
"Hey, what about you, how do you plan to compensate for the loss of my dog? Cash or code scanning."

Obviously, he still wants to continue to suppress Li Xiang with the momentum of teaching ordinary people just now.

This is the shamelessness of arrogant dog owners.

Always be able to insist that what is wrong is taken for granted.

"Shut up! Who do you think you are? Wearing a famous brand and looking like a dog, and becoming the father of a vicious dog, you think you are a mad dog? That's why you can justifiably bark at people casually. "

These words obviously hit the fragile heart of the arrogant dog owner.

He raised his fist even more arrogantly and rushed towards Li Xiang together with the arrogant dog.

Seeing the big dog pounce, Li Xiang couldn't dodge and was thrown to the ground. The dog's mouth happened to bite his forearm and did not let go.

He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain without yelling out because of being bitten.

Just as he was about to raise his other hand to greet the vicious dog, the fists and kicks of the arrogant dog owner fell on Li Xiang first like raindrops.

At this moment, one person and one dog pressed Li Xiang to the ground and rubbed him.

None of the onlookers watching the theater were willing to help.

This also further fueled the arrogance of the arrogant dog owner.

Yan Yuan saw the arrogant dog owner at this time.

Finally no longer calm.

I couldn't help but thank Xiaodouzi for being able to pull her back from the wrong path in time.

Yan Yuan yelled to help Li Xiang.

And Li Xiang didn't want the woman he liked to see him in such a mess.

He was totally furious!

Hearing that Yan Yuan wanted to come over to help, he quickly yelled for the three of them not to come over.

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly turned around with a carp.

Regardless of the arrogant dog owner continuing to beat and kick him, he decided that he must kill this vicious dog today.

the reason is simple!
As long as he does something to someone, he will be at least administratively punished, put in a detention center and drank porridge for a few days.

Then he can only vent all the anger in his heart on the arrogant dog.

This dog can't stay!
Today, the arrogant dog can listen to the owner of the arrogant dog and dare to hurt a grown man.

If you develop a habit, you will definitely harm innocent children in other people's families someday.

He can suffer as an adult.

Imagine if there was an attack on a child, do you think the child would survive?

With a chokehold, the dog was directly pressed to the ground. The suffocation made the dog finally let go, and the bitten arm was taken out.

Then no matter how the arrogant dog struggled, how the owner of the arrogant dog pulled, punched and kicked, his hand that locked the throat of the vicious dog would not let go.

Whenever he got the chance, he would greet the dog's head with his other fist and slam his knee into the dog's body.

A few minutes passed, and it was determined that the vicious dog was finally dead.

The biting of the arrogant dog, coupled with the punching and kicking by the owner of the arrogant dog, made him a little exhausted.

He staggered a few times before standing up, and at the same time, he looked at Zhang Ling with a smile.

It was as if he was telling Zhang Ling that he fulfilled his mission and finally kept them safe.

Zhang Ling handed Xiaodouzi to Yan Yuan, and hurriedly went to help him up with a heartbroken face, and looked at the bloody tooth marks on her forearm, her heart was throbbing with pain.

"You were bitten by a dog! Go, I'll take you to get a rabies vaccination right now."

He wanted to reply that he would wait a little longer, the matter hadn't been dealt with yet, and he couldn't leave so easily.

It would be troublesome if the arrogant dog owner and villain sued first.

He just wanted to take out his mobile phone to call the police.

Suddenly, a mournful sound was heard echoing on the lake.

"My child! Dad is incompetent, let you die so miserable..."

The owner of the arrogant dog knelt in front of the dead dog, crying and shouting.

It felt as if what died was not a vicious dog, but the parents and mother of the arrogant dog owner.

No, I'm afraid even if my parents really died here, according to the personality of the arrogant dog owner, they wouldn't shed a single tear.

There are people who have a sense of justice and don't understand the whole story, but are misled by the arrogant dog owner's words, and come forward to teach Li Xiang's cruelty.

It is an attempt to give Li Xiang a so-called noble moral education.

Or the onlookers have really experienced the arrogance of the arrogant dog owner at this time.

Under Zhang Ling's guidance, you taught the ignorant people with a sense of justice to the point where they doubted life.

"Demon! You demon. How dare you kill my child in front of my face. I will kill you today."

Li Xiang wanted to prevent Zhang Ling from being hurt by the arrogant dog owner who rushed again.

He immediately pulled her behind him to protect him.

Finally, someone from the onlookers did a personnel matter.

The police who were called stopped the aggressive dog owner who was attacking again in time.

The ignorant man with a sense of justice, seeing the arrogance of the arrogant dog owner, felt even more ashamed and wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

The police, who didn't know the details, heard the arrogant dog owner say that the "child" was beaten to death by Li Xiang.

I thought it was a murder case.

When the owner of the arrogant dog pointed at the dead body of a large dog, even the police were left speechless by the owner of the arrogant dog.

The police learned the specific development of the matter through witness witnesses.

All of this was judged to be the fault of the arrogant dog owner.

The owner of the arrogant dog was taken away by the police and compensated Li Xiang for all future medical expenses.

It was supposed to be a beautiful outing, but it was disturbed by the arrogant dog owner and the arrogant dog.

This matter made Yan Yuan more and more angry.

Just accompanied Li Xiang to finish treating the wound and was about to leave.

Yan Yuan was the first to see a man who looked exactly like the arrogant dog owner walking towards him in the corridor.

I thought it was my blindness that misjudged the person.

While rubbing his eyes, he heard a familiar threatening voice:
"Hey, you think so!"

Not to be outdone, Li Xiang asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Zhang Ling and his party were shocked by this person!
Not because of what he said.

But how long did it take for the owner of the arrogant dog to be released after he was arrested?

It was such a coincidence that we met in the hospital.

"Dare to kill my dog?!" The arrogant dog owner gritted his teeth with a ferocious face, and then looked at Zhang Ling and Xiaodouzi, "Boy, you have guts! But you remember. From now on, it is best to treat you His wife and daughter are optimistic about it. Otherwise..."

The owner of the arrogant dog showed a weird smile and left before finishing his sentence.

However, everyone present understood what the owner of the arrogant dog wanted to do next.

Yan Yuan was the first to look at Xiaodouzi worriedly and said:
"Zhang Ling, it's broken. My brother-in-law seems to have stabbed a hornet's nest. What should we do now? We adults are easy to deal with. But Xiaodouzi is still a child! No, we should call the police."

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang had a tacit understanding and did not answer Yan Yuan's words.

She saw that Yan Yuan was about to call the police, and deliberately snatched the phone and hung up.

"Zhang Ling, what are you doing? I'm doing this for Xiaodouzi!"

Zhang Ling threw her mobile phone into her bag and said with a smile:
"If you are really good for Xiaodouzi, don't make any phone calls if you listen to me."

At this time, Xiaodouzi looked up at Zhang Ling and said loudly:
"Mom, mom, don't worry, Xiaodouzi is not afraid!"

Yan Yuan asked puzzledly:


"Good boy!" Zhang Ling smiled and raised her hand to caress Xiaodouzi's cheek, and then calmly replied to Yan Yuan, "You will know."


Yan Yuan didn't understand, and tried to seek an explanation from Li Xiang.

Li Xiang looked at Zhang Ling first, and then said to Yan Yuan:
"Zhang Ling is right. If you still don't understand, don't ask. After this matter is over, you will naturally understand."

"Forget it, forget it, forget it. I don't want to know yet." Yan Yuan shook her head stubbornly and said, then she touched her growling belly, "I'm so hungry! That damned dog has brought trouble on us food. Made me hungry till now."

Xiaodouzi followed Yan Yuan's words and continued:
"Mom, I'm hungry too! Where are we going for lunch?"

After this incident, Zhang Ling had a new understanding of Li Xiang.

She has a stronger sense of dependence on Li Xiang in her heart.

She didn't answer Xiaodouzi's question immediately, but instead smiled and looked at Li Xiang and said:
"You have to ask your father about this first. He said where to eat, so we will eat there."

"Father!" Xiaodouzi looked up at Li Xiang and called expectantly.

When he heard Zhang Ling talking to Xiaodouzi like this, he suddenly felt like the head of a family of three.

He faintly felt that the relationship between himself and Zhang Ling was much closer.

Several people ate a lunch.

Xiaodouzi clamored to go to Disneyland again.

Zhang Ling saw that it was inconvenient for Li Xiangang to be injured, and they had to go together in the evening to attend Shangguan Aoxue's birthday party.

So Xiaodouzi's request was rejected by Zhang Ling.

But Li Xiang didn't want to disappoint Xiaodouzi too much.

So he promised to buy Xiaodouzi a beautiful dress as compensation.

When shopping for clothes for Xiaodouzi, Zhang Ling obviously felt that there was another group of people following her.

Needless to say, it must be the arrogant dog owner.

This person doesn't know restraint at all.

As soon as he came out of the police station, he blatantly threatened them first, and now he started playing stalking with them.

Really interpreted the arrogance to the extreme!

"Mom, mom, do you think I look pretty in this dress?"

Xiaodouzi chose a beautiful princess dress and danced happily in front of her.

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi upon hearing the sound, with a worried smile on her face.

She was worried that this mad and arrogant dog owner would be detrimental to Xiaodouzi.

And Li Xiang clearly saw her worry.

So Li stood by her side, first glanced fiercely at the person who was following them, then put his hand on her shoulder and comforted her:

"Don't worry, with me here, if he dares to point a finger at Xiaodouzi, I will definitely deal with his dog owner like an arrogant dog."

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