Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 134 Zhang Ling Lost

He did not intend to rescue the two trapped old people himself.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he heard the two old men fall out from where they were trapped.

This is too unexpected!
At this point, he was even more sure that he had been calculated.

This is how to do?
Leave this place immediately without saying a word?

"Li Xiang, it's Li Xiang!" an old man said in surprise.

"Yes, it's Li Xiang. That Shangguan Aoxue is right. Li Xiangzhen has come to pick us up." Another old man excitedly came over and held his hand.

Obviously, it was impossible for him to leave quietly.


Li Xiang just wanted to admit it, and left quickly with the two old people.

But with sharp eyes, he saw red light flashing on the frame of the mirror at the moment the light flickered.

His whole body broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he didn't call out a title that would make outsiders feel intimate.

So he said to the two old people with a bit of disgust in his smile:
"Old man, you've got the wrong person. I'm Li Xiang. That's right. But it's not the Li Xiang you mentioned."

He explained to the two old men in an extremely calm tone.

"Wrong person? Impossible! If you weren't, how could you appear here?"

Lao Liu firmly denied
"I... Forget it, if you don't believe me, I can't help it. Sorry, I have something to do and I'll leave first."

He remembered that Zhang Ling was still in the banquet hall alone.

This is Shangguan Aoxue's home court, and she is very worried that she will be bullied by others.

He must go back as soon as possible to protect Zhang Ling.

"Wait a minute!" Lao Zhou quickly blocked Li Xiang's way.

He looked at Lao Zhou who was blocking the way, and said helplessly:
"I said you two, what do you mean? I'm very busy."

Old Zhou seemed to explain very seriously:

"We are also very busy. We only want to see your grandma who is critically ill this time."

Speaking of grandma, a trace of nostalgia flashed across Li Xiang's face.

The keen old Zhou was even more convinced of Lao Liu's point of view and said:

"You don't have to admit that you are Li Xiang. But please tell us the hospital and ward where your grandma lives?"

Li Xiang sneered, pretending to be indifferent and sternly said:

"are you crazy!"

Lao Liu followed what Lao Zhou said and continued:
"Yes, as long as you tell us. We can guarantee that we will never appear in front of you again in the future."

Li Xiang pretended to be speechless and continued:
"You really want to know? Come, let me tell you."

"Wow, wow!" The two old people approached excitedly.

After listening to the words of the two old people, Li Xiang really wanted to tell them in a secret way that there was no need for that moment.

The moment the lights in the corridor flickered, he saw a pot of green plants in the corner of the wall flashing red light.

In front of the screen at the other end of the camera.

Seeing that Li Xiang was about to say something important, Shangguan Aoxue said anxiously to his subordinates:

"Voice, turn up the volume for me, I can't hear anything."

Suddenly, Li Xiang yelled angrily in the ears of the two old people on purpose:

"Crazy, you guys. How many times do I have to say it before you believe me. I'm not the Li Xiang you're talking about, and I don't even know who you're talking about."

He forcibly swallowed back the words he wanted to say.

I want to use these words to express my jealousy and disgust towards the two old people.

Trying to make the old man quit quickly and leave.

Obviously, Li Xiang underestimated the stubbornness of the old man.

Even if they would rather be scolded as crazy, they still have to make a persistent confirmation today to see if Li Xiang has that crescent-shaped scar.

"Why don't you dare? Haha, I guessed correctly. You are the Li Xiang we know." Old Liu shouted excitedly.

"No, no, please don't bother me anymore. Otherwise, don't blame me for ruthlessly asking you to go to the detention center to drink porridge for a few days."

Old Zhou continued aggressively:
"Don't worry, porridge is our favorite. We are not afraid of porridge."

Li Xiang never thought that the two elders were such rascals, he was forced to break down and shouted angrily:
"What exactly do you want?"

The two old men looked at each other and smiled when they saw that Li Xiang was showing signs of collapse.

Old Zhou felt that the conspiracy had succeeded and said:
"Haha, it would have been better if you cooperated earlier."

Lao Liu followed what Lao Zhou said and continued:
"It's very simple. The Li Xiang we know has a crescent-shaped scar on his left forearm. Do you dare to let us check it?"

Li Xiang sneered and said:

"Can I refuse your request?"

Old Zhou replied even more angrily:
"No. If you refuse, we will try our best to force you to finally accept."

"You guys are ruthless!" Li Xiang compromised pretending to grit his teeth, "Okay, I can let you watch it. But I hope you keep your promise and don't pester me again in the future."

Shangguan Aoxue, who was in front of the monitor, also got up and moved closer to the screen when he heard it.

I also look forward to seeing the crescent-shaped scar that the old man said for the first time.

He unbuttoned his cuffs and slowly rolled up his sleeves, gradually revealing a tooth-like scar on his left forearm.

Like the two old people, Shangguan Aoxue gradually became excited as the tooth-like scar gradually turned into a bamboo shoot-like scar.

Lao Liu excitedly grabbed Li Xiang's forearm with rolled up sleeves and said:
"That's right, I'm not mistaken. You are the Li Xiang we know. You and your scars are exactly the same. Now let's see how you cunning?"

Li Xiang snorted coldly, with a sense of disdain, stretched out his hand to throw away Lao Liu's grasping hand, and fell to the side forcefully.

"Why are you in a hurry? Wait until you have read my scars before making a judgment."

Lao Zhou was obviously not as excited as Lao Liu.

Because he knew that if Li Xiang had agreed to check, it would probably be impossible to see what he wanted to see again.

So I want to end this farce as soon as possible, and help Li want to pull Lao Liu aside.

Lao Zhou is now even more worried that Shangguan Aoxue will come to trouble them.


Lao Liu was unhappy and just wanted to reprimand Lao Zhou who was pulling him, but unexpectedly saw that the scar only reached the tip of a bamboo shoot, and the skin in other places was intact.

Old Liu still couldn't believe it, grabbed Li Xiang's left hand with one hand, and flipped his sleeve with the other to confirm it several times.

Then he let go of Li Xiang's hand and said:

"Impossible, impossible. How did your crescent-shaped scar become like a bamboo shoot? This is unscientific!"

The sober old Zhou didn't want to wait for Shangguan Aoxue to come to settle accounts.

So I probably asked Li Xiang about the direction and method of going out.

He pulled Lao Liu and left in a hurry.

When Shangguan Aoxue saw this, her expectations were completely dashed.

I didn't expect that the two old men I bought could not prove anything in the end.

However, since Li Xiang has come tonight, he must take advantage of the good opportunity of the birthday party to do something.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Aoxue pointed to the surveillance screen in front of her and said to the servants beside her:
"No matter what method is used to inform, let this woman go anywhere during the banquet tonight, just don't let her meet Li Xiang again."


Zhang Ling walked around for a long time according to the waiter's instructions but couldn't find the bathroom.

Only after receiving a phone call did he know that Li Xiang had returned to the banquet scene.

Her bad luck also started with this phone call.

The phone happened to be out of battery, and after a few detours, I couldn't figure out where I was.

Just when I was in a hurry to walk, I became unsteady and broke my knee again.

I can only grope around how to return by myself.

How long has passed?
She unexpectedly met two sneaky people walking in front of a corridor bridge bend.

She stepped forward happily and asked:
"Master, I'm lost. Excuse me..."

"Girl, is that you?" The two said excitedly after looking back.

Zhang Ling recognized the old man and asked curiously:
"Why are you here?"

Lao Zhou just wanted to answer as if he had met a savior.

"Come on, those two thieves are here, hurry up and catch the thieves!"

As soon as the yelling came to an end, a group of people chasing after him was seen in the distance.

Zhang Ling subconsciously squeezed her bag tightly, looked at the two old men in surprise and said:
"Thief! You, what did you steal?"

Old Zhou Zhou explained with an aggrieved face:
"We didn't steal anything! It's them..."

Before Lao Zhou could explain clearly, the frightened Lao Liu hurriedly interrupted:
"Hey, Lao Zhou, what are you talking about? Run! You still want to be locked in the toilet by them."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Lao Zhou fleeing away by Lao Liu's wrist.

Zhang Ling is currently wondering why these two old people are here?
Not very interested!

She thought that the so-called thieves must be the security guards here.

It is completely okay to ask the security guard how to get back to the banquet site?

But what surprised her was the security guards passing by.

It was as if everyone regarded her as air.

No matter how she called for help, she got no response.

These behaviors completely pissed her off.

She casually picked up a small stone from the ground and smashed it.

Apparently hearing the security guard running at the end, he yelled in pain, touched his sore shoulder, and looked back at the small stones that fell on the ground.

"Hey, I smashed it. Come here." Zhang Ling thought she could finally go back this time.

But the security guard didn't seem to hear her call at all.

He turned around and followed the other security personnel who were catching the thief.

Being so ignored made Zhang Ling seriously doubt whether she was alive?

Or suspect that you may be dreaming.

She pinched her arm.

The clear pain made her understand that this was not a dream, and the feeling of thirst and hunger made her more sure that she was still alive.

So why did these security personnel ignore her existence one by one when they passed by?
Obviously there is only one explanation.

They are all on purpose.

He deliberately didn't want her to find her way back to the banquet scene.

Shangguan Aoxue has always admired Li Xiang, and she doesn't want her to return to the birthday party today.

It can only mean that what this woman wants to do next is not convenient for her to be present.

What will happen?

Li Xiang temporarily cut off contact with Zhang Ling, anxious to go out and look for it.

Unexpectedly, the sudden appearance of Shangguan Aoxue blocked her way.

"Mr. Li, the birthday party is about to start. I want to invite you to help me cut the cake. But where are you going?"

Shangguan Aoxue's soft voice was full of prayer.

"Cut the cake! Sorry, I can't find my girlfriend. I'm going to look for it, please get out of the way."

"Zhang Ling, didn't she go out to find you shortly after you left. Didn't you meet when you came back?"


Shangguan Aoxue looked at Li Xiang's eager back and shouted loudly:

"Wait a moment!"

"What's the matter?" Li Xiang stopped, turned around, and looked at it suspiciously.

Shangguan Aoxue said while walking with a somewhat worried expression:
"Mr. Li, it would be bad if you went out and passed Zhang Ling again. Why don't I arrange someone to help you find it. Besides, Zhang Ling is also a guest of my banquet, so it is my responsibility to find someone .”

Li's eagerness to go out and look for it was suddenly shaken.

Shangguan Aoxue noticed it, struck while the iron was hot, and pretended to be unhappy, glanced at the butler and said:

"I didn't tell you that whenever a guest leaves, I must send someone to lead the way. Why did this lose my guest?"

The housekeeper explained with a grievance on his face:

"Miss, I really can't blame me for this matter. You know that some guests just don't like us to follow. In order not to offend the guests, we can only do so."

Shangguan Aoxue showed a very angry look and said:

"Shut up! Don't look for reasons to shirk responsibility here. Arrange for someone to come back immediately."

"Yes! I'll arrange for someone to look for it right away." The butler turned around and left quickly.

After watching the performance of the two, Li Xiang believed in Shangguan Aoxue completely, and would really arrange for someone to look for Zhang Ling.

Shangguan Aoxue wanted to help Li Xiang agree to cut the cake together.

She promised that as long as Li Xiang didn't invite him after the birthday party, she, Shangguan Aoxue, would never take the initiative to pester Li Xiang again.

She also said in tears that it was her last wish to ask him to help cut the cake.

Under normal circumstances, any man who sees these will choose to agree.

What's more, he can solve Shangguan Aoxue's troubles neatly and neatly.

Now he only hoped that Zhang Ling would never come back when they were cutting the cake.

Then he might not be able to explain such a misunderstanding clearly with his mouth full.

Under the watchful eyes of many guests, the two stood side by side, holding a knife hanging on the giant cake together...

Of course, cutting the cake is not the point.

The scene of cutting the cake is enough to turn the public opinion in favor of Shangguan Aoxue.

"Not long ago, it was widely rumored that Mr. Li's girlfriend is Zhang Ling, the newly appointed vice president of XX Group. What is the meaning of Shangguan Aoxue leaning on Mr. Li's arms and cutting the cake? I don't understand, I don't understand!"

"You don't know this. I heard that Shangguan Aoxue has devoted himself to being a secretary of Zhihua Technology for a long time in order to pursue President Li. It seems that the birthday party tonight is an official announcement."

"That's right! The Shangguan family is an established family. Although the family power has not been as powerful as before in recent years, the family influence has always been there. If I were Li Xiang, I would choose Shangguan Aoxue for the strategic development of Zhihua Technology."



What makes Li Xiang feel a little strange is that when they are in the same frame in front of many guests, he always feels in his heart that he is being watched by Zhang Ling.

He scanned the surrounding guests no less than three times, but still did not see Zhang Ling.

Did he have an illusion?

No, the fluster inside was unequivocal.

Even if it's not an illusion, he still has to keep a distance from the woman beside him.

So Li Xiang really couldn't stand Shangguan Aoxue's behavior of relying on him, so he specially threatened in his ear:
"Miss Shangguan, please stop leaning on me. Otherwise, I will leave immediately."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Shangguan Aoxue's face showed a bit of shyness while speaking.

This behavior was regarded by other people at the banquet as Li Xiang's expression of love for Shangguan Aoxue.

Because Shangguan Aoxue has always maintained a smiling face that makes anyone feel sweet when they see her.

Li Xiang saw that Shangguan Aoxue was obedient and no longer relied on him, but his heart was still flustered.

Because what he didn't know was that at this moment, Zhang Ling had already been lured by Shangguan Aoxue's people to an electronic screen, enjoying their intimate cake-cutting scene.

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