Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 137 Jade Marriage Bed

Chapter 137 Jade Marriage Bed
Zhang Ling rushed out of the bedroom like a [-]-meter sprint.

She must rush to meet Li Xiang before her father.

She felt the strict demands of her father.

The moment the two men meet means an unprecedented family war will break out.

And the result of the war will definitely end with the complete victory of the father.

Li Xiang's fiasco must not be as simple as being beaten and injured and hospitalized.

It is more likely that in order to protect her reputation, her father imposed some trumped-up charges on Li Xiang.

Since then, the normal communication between her and Li Xiang has been completely restricted.

Thinking of this, her panicked heart became even more panicked.

When Xiaodouzi asked her to find her father, she didn't know how to deal with it?

Her father continued to arrange endless blind dates, which exhausted her physically and mentally.

He lost the feeling of happiness that his first love double brought him.


There were many more reasons for panic in her mind, but she perfectly avoided the direct reasons related to Li Xiang.

For example, I am used to the breakfast that Li Xiang cooks for her every morning.

It's not that she couldn't think of the direct reason for Li Xiang.

But she was deliberately not thinking about it.

If you don't think about it, wouldn't it exist?

But in fact, it's not.

Her act of rushing out of the bedroom was to cover Li Xiang and stay away from this fearless family war.

Family war!

Yes, the reason why she used these four words.

Subconsciously, she already regarded him as family.

And she was always unwilling to admit it directly because of the substitute.

Or as a woman, there are inherently embarrassed personality reasons.

Or she was expecting a more definite attitude from him.

That is to use a formal ceremony in front of relatives and friends to clarify the relationship between them.

Or let her fully understand her heart through her first love, Qi Diaozhe.

Whatever the reason?

The most important thing at the moment is that she must prevent the war from happening.

However, as soon as she stepped out of the bedroom door, she realized that she was still a step late.

His father had already opened the door, and Li Xiang put on a smile on his surprised face and said:
"Uncle, you are back!"

Father also seemed to want to see Li Xiang very much, and said with a smile on his face:

"Li Xiang, it's you! I didn't expect you to come to the door as soon as I came back. Could it be that you have already guessed that I will come back today?"

Li Xiang just wanted to tell the truth but found that Zhang Ling was winking at him desperately.

He could only nod to his father as she wished and continued:
"Uncle, this is a little gift I prepared. It's not a tribute, but I hope you will accept it."

Fortunately, he bought some food before he came.

Considering that Zhang Ling didn't eat during the banquet, I planned to give her a supper to suppress her hunger.

Seeing Li Xiang's alert reaction, Zhang Ling relaxed a little from her tense nerves.

She showed him a stretched smile.

The father looked at the gift in his hand and said happily:

"Oh, I didn't misread you. You have come here, and you have brought gifts politely. Be particular, what a particular person! But next time, as long as you can come. Don't be so particular."

Then he took the night snack in Li Xiang's hand and glanced at it casually, all of them were snacks that Zhang Ling liked to eat.

In an instant, his father understood that what Zhang Ling said when he came back was to Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling on the side breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

think that the crisis should be resolved.

Unexpectedly, I saw my father looking at her meaningfully and smiling again.

Her heart was so nervous again that it was about to jump out of her throat.

"It should be." Li Xiang received Zhang Ling's wink again, glanced at his watch with some reluctance, and continued to say to his father, "It's getting late for that uncle. I just..."

Father glanced at Zhang Ling behind him from the corner of his eye, grabbed Li Xiang who was about to slip away and said:
"Wait a minute! Li Xiang, where are you going in a hurry? It's already here, let's come in and have a cup of tea."

Zhang Ling obviously started to panic, and immediately stepped forward to stop her father and said:
"Dad, you're right. When is this? It's not good to just let an outsider into the house."

Although Li Xiang was grateful for his uncle's hospitality, he did not dare to easily refute Zhang Ling's words.

I can only say to my father according to her intention:
"Yes! Uncle..."

Before he could express himself clearly, his father pulled him in very forcefully at this moment, successfully interrupted Li Xiang's words, and closed the door before continuing to scold her:

"Nonsense. Zhang Ling, you can't talk nonsense. Li Xiang is not an outsider. He is my prospective son-in-law."

"Ah, am I talking nonsense?"

Zhang Ling stared at her father dumbfounded.

She called out in her heart what a guy!

I never thought my father's double standard was so convincing.

Is this too reassuring for Li Xiang?
He was still worried that his precious daughter would fall into his hands, so he couldn't wait to marry her off.

Either way, Zhang Ling couldn't accept her father's current attitude.

The father didn't care about Zhang Ling's emotions at the moment, and took Li Xiang's hand tightly and walked towards the sofa.

In the process of walking, I did not forget to say to Li Xiang enthusiastically:

"A family is a family sooner or later, so there is no need to be so particular about it. Come, come, come and sit here with me..."

She looked at Li Xiang and enjoyed the current treatment very much.

He and his father sat hand in hand, like old brothers who had lost contact for many years reunited, and they had countless things to confide in each other.

Li Xiang expressed his longing for his father, saying that his father was like his biological father to him.

He also said that next time he must accompany his father to pay homage to his mother.

What made Zhang Ling unacceptable was that her father readily agreed to Li Xiang's request.

When Zhang Ling heard it, she wanted to express immediately that she hadn't paid homage to her mother in person.

But before she could speak, her father praised her for being less filial than Director Li Xiang.

He also bluntly said that Zhang Ling must learn more from Li Xiang if she is fine.

Even Zhang Ling was not given any chance to defend herself.

To be honest, her inner world is a bit broken at the moment.

Beginning to gradually suspect that the father in front of him must have been dropped.

The father did not directly learn about the recent situation of her daughter from Zhang Ling.

Instead, he regarded her as a child who could not grow up, and regarded Li Xiang as the child's direct guardian.

She said that if Zhang Ling did something that would cause him trouble, she would specifically tell Li Xiang to take care of her.

Zhang Ling finally seized an opportunity to solemnly remind her father.

Said that she Zhang Ling is the father's biological daughter.

But the father pointed at her, smiled and said to Li Xiang:

"You see! My daughter is really naive. I have raised her for more than 30 years. How can I not know that she is my daughter?"

Father then let out a long sigh of obvious disappointment.

Zhang Ling really didn't understand why her father did this?

And Li Xiangxiang completely understood what his father meant.

He made it clear to his father:

"Uncle, don't worry! It's okay, as long as I know she is your daughter."

My father was very happy after hearing Li Xiang's words. He insisted on dragging Xiang to have a drink with Li Xiang, and even yelled for Zhang Ling to get them two snacks.

Zhang Ling was concerned about her father's health, so she persuaded her father not to drink.

Not only did his father not listen to her, but he also thought that her persuasion refuted his face as a father.

Therefore, he roared and accused her of being unfilial as a daughter.

Filled with grievances, considering her father's old body, she could only complain silently in her heart that her father was too ignorant and couldn't hear his children's kindness to him.

Li Xiang saw Zhang Ling's grievances, and he didn't want to keep her busy at this time.

So the excuse is that he still has work to do.

Li Xiang just said a few words, and his father smiled again, expressing that he would not drink anymore.

Zhang Ling couldn't understand it!

After all, she was her father's biological daughter.

Living together for many years, she has never seen her father treat her like this.

She began to envy Li Xiang in her heart.

Because she felt that the father's love that originally belonged to her was snatched by Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling slammed the door angrily and returned to her bedroom.

She didn't want to be abused in front of these two men anymore.

Angrily lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

It felt like every breath I exhaled could tear the roof off.

She really couldn't understand why her father did this?

Even if he is half a good son-in-law, his father's attitude towards Li Xiang is far more than that of his own son.

Recalling that Li Xiang seemed to understand his father's thoughts very well.

She felt that she must ask the reason if she had the opportunity.


She closed her eyes but didn't feel sleepy at all.

Unexpected ears can still hear the laughter of the two men in the living room, and they can't help but imagine what the two men should look like.

The intimate hook shoulders are close to calling each other brothers directly.

This was the last scene she saw before returning to her bedroom.

She vaguely heard key words such as "bed-wetting" and "map".

Zhang Ling felt that her father must have mentioned some embarrassing things she did when she was a child.

She muttered unconvinced:
"Really! As if none of you were ever young?"

In fact, his father took out a drawing that he had drawn a long time ago, and threw it on the table to introduce to Li Xiang the wedding that Zhang Ling expected.

That's right!

This drawing was drawn by Zhang Ling seven or eight years ago when she and Yan Yuan had nothing to do.

So she misheard "drawing" as "map", and "marriage bed" as "bedwetting" and so on.

It is especially worth mentioning that her ideal marriage bed is not a bed made of solid wood.

It is a stone bed with special functions like the ice jade bed mentioned in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Wanting to have a similar stone bed was mentioned by Qi Diaozhe back then.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying among the people that "people raise jade for three years, and jade raises people for a lifetime".

That's why Qi Diao Zhe sketched out a unique marriage bed in the world.

Use Hetian jade as the bed board, garnet as the bed frame and bed legs, cinnabar as the gap decoration of the bed, agate as the head of the bed, and tourmaline and aquamarine as the headboard decoration.

It is even more necessary to use the combination of jade carving and garnet to carve a pair of interlocking pillows.

Why is it said that it is a pillow with every thread interlocking?
Just looking at the finished products carved out of emerald and garnet, you can't tell what is carved out at all.

As long as the finished products carved out of two materials are combined according to the streamlined lines carved out, such as screwing together, it is a pillow.

Meaning: I am in you, and you are in me.

At the beginning, Qi Diaozhe also promised that he would carve a unique marriage bed by himself and give it to Zhang Ling.

Li Xiang was definitely shocked by the marriage bed outlined in the drawings.

Even if he has the ability to spend money to buy such a bed, he doesn't know where to buy it?
What's more, with his current financial strength, Li Xiang is unable to purchase a bed board made of Hetian jade.

Could it be that his father wanted to use this method to make him quit?

Li Xiang wiped off the sweat oozing from his forehead with one hand, and looked at his father beside him in disbelief.

"Uncle, are you sure that Zhang Ling once said that if she didn't have this bed when she got married, she would rather not marry for life?"

"Of course!" Dad said with certainty.

Li Xiang lowered his head for a moment and thought about it.

Simply gathering enough materials to make this bed, I am afraid that few people in this world can do it.

Not to mention looking at the exquisite renderings drawn by Zhang Ling.

If there is no internationally renowned stone carving master to carve in person.

I am afraid that everyone will be extremely sorry for the materials prepared for the marriage bed.

The final value of this marriage bed cannot be measured with a series of cold numbers.

Although Zhang Ling definitely deserves the best things in the world for him.

But how should he buy such a bed for Zhang Ling?

Li Xiang quickly calculated in his brain even if he sold all the valuable parts of his body as money.

He also couldn't simply collect enough materials to make a bed board.

He just couldn't accept that his quest turned out to be a joke.

The father obviously understood Li Xiang who was a little frustrated.

So he put his hand on Li Xiang's shoulder and said with a smile:
"Seeing his son-in-law's expression, do you intend to continue pursuing my Ling'er?"

Li Xiang glanced at his father with a wry smile, then lowered his head sadly.

His father then shook his head in disappointment and said:

"Oh, I guess my old man was wrong. Forget it. It's getting late. I'm so sleepy. I'm going to sleep."

As he said that, his father yawned and got up to go back to the bedroom to sleep.

"Wait a minute, uncle!" Li Xiang suddenly realized something.

Father stopped and said without looking back:
"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about you. Li Xiang, please help me lock the door when I leave."

"No." Li Xiang clearly felt that if he didn't say something in time, he might really lose his chance. "Uncle, I was not what you thought just now."

Li Xiang instantly understood that this might be another test his father put on him for Zhang Ling's happiness.

Even if it is not a simple test, Zhang Ling really wants to have such a bed.

If he is not motivated enough to work hard.

Then he must not be qualified to stand beside Zhang Ling in this life.

So he thought it might be because his father wanted him and Zhang Ling to be together happily.

A goal was specially set for him.

"That's what I thought? Haha... let's not say whether you know what I think." Father paused for a while, then looked sideways at Li Xiang and said, "Okay. Tell me what you thought just now What?"

Father felt that Li Xiang was looking for reasons for his hesitation just now.

In his father's opinion, Li Xiang's hesitation means that he is not qualified to pursue Zhang Ling.

Because a person who shrinks back when encountering problems, does not have the courage to face difficulties and find ways to solve them.

He is an unmotivated man.

If this man is really with Zhang Ling.

The father thinks it is definitely the greatest misfortune for his daughter.

"Uncle, you just said that I can find a way to buy the marriage bed that Zhang Ling wants. But I don't know if Zhang Ling can give me a few years of grace."

Seeing Li Xiang's sincere appearance, his father stepped forward to hug him with a smile on his face and said:

"Okay, okay, how many years do you want to have a grace period?"

Li Xiang is hesitating how many five-year plans should be used?
My father was a little impatient, grabbed his hand and dragged him to his bedroom, saying:
"Good son-in-law, don't go home today. Go, and sleep with me tonight. Tell me how many years do you want to have a grace period?"

"Ah, good!" Li Xiang looked at his father in a daze.

He couldn't figure out what his father meant?
He was confused by the changes before and after.

At least for now, though, it was certain that his father wanted to have an all-night talk with him.

(End of this chapter)

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