Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 140 Three Questions

Chapter 140
Xiaodouzi saw Zhang Ling looking at Li Pan's invitation letter in her hand.

A definite answer has not been made yet.

The little guy asked anxiously:
"Mom, Mom, is that uncle really Dad's younger brother?"

Only then did Zhang Ling come back to her senses and answer:

"That's right, the invitation letter is real. But it still doesn't fully prove that you are Li Xiang's younger brother."

Li Pan opened his mouth wide in surprise and said:
"That's not proven yet! So how do you want me to prove it?"

Never thought that Zhang Ling was so wary.

He admitted that his appearance was indeed deliberate.

But there's no need to defend him as an enemy.

"Presumably you should also know that although the invitation letter from your Li family is difficult to fake, after all, there will still be people who fake it."

The someone Zhang Ling mentioned was referring to Shangguan Aoxue who once showed her a fake invitation letter.

"This..." Li Pan was at a loss for words when he heard Zhang Ling's reason for suspicion.

Fortunately, Li Pan not only knew that Shangguan Aoxue forged the invitation letter.

And he actually acted as an accomplice once, helping Shangguan Aoxue get a blank invitation letter.

That's because Li Pan had a crush on Shangguan Aoxue since he was a child.

Even if the beloved girl makes unreasonable demands.

Li Pan will also be happy to help complete it.

Perhaps this is the humbleness of the crush.

Seeing that Li Pan was in trouble, the thief jumped out and said:
"Prove your identity. I have experience! According to my experience in the police station all the year round, I can definitely help you. But..."

Xiaodouzi watched Li Pan bargain with the thief.

Li Pan really promised as long as he proved his identity.

He promised to release the thief.

So the boredom in Xiaodouzi's heart became more and more intense.

Shaking Zhang Ling's hand like swinging on a swing, she said:
"Mom, look, I'm not wrong. This uncle is not only a liar. He is also a big bad guy who is going to let the bad guy go. I don't want to see him again. Let's leave quickly."

Xiaodouzi has a strong view of good and evil, right and wrong, and believes that anyone who is willing to make a deal with a thief can prove that he is his father's younger brother.

That also fully shows that Li Pan, the younger brother, is not a good person either.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with staying away from the bad guys!
"How did I become a big villain?" Li Pan smiled wryly.

This time the little thief on the side was completely amused.

He even jokingly called Big Brother in front of everyone.

After Zhang Ling heard Xiaodouzi's conclusion, she saw Li Pan's expression of wanting to cry without tears.

He basically believed in Li Pan's identity.

She grabbed Xiaodouzi and explained:
"Wait a minute, did mom tell you that? You can't be ungrateful. Even if he is a bad guy, didn't he just help mom recover the bag that was stolen..."

Xiaodouzi touched his earlobe thoughtfully.

You must know that most children think that there are only good people in this world and bad people.

He would never know that in this world, even if there are recognized good people, they will also do heinous evil things.

There are equally recognized bad guys, whose good deeds have been passed down from generation to generation.

Li Pan has been classified as a villain by Xiaodouzi.

It stands to reason that Zhang Ling should support her to stay away from bad guys.

But after hearing Zhang Ling's mother's explanation, Xiaodouzi faintly felt that what Zhang Ling said seemed to make sense.

Such subversion of the world view, even if an adult hears it, will still find it difficult to accept it for a while.

So Xiaodouzi naturally needs some time to understand and accept.

Xiaodouzi left immediately without further arguing.

This is already the biggest change a child can make so far.

Li Pan wanted to establish his image in Xiaodouzi's heart.

In the end, he chose to call the police and send the bag snatcher to the police station.

When Xiaodouzi saw that the thief was taken away by the police, his attitude towards Li Pan changed.

After all, the police also praised Li Pan's actions.

"Well, that uncle, I'm sorry, Xiaodouzi shouldn't have called you a big bad person before. Uncle, you are a good person."

Hearing Xiaodouzi's apology, Li Pan liked the little girl more and more in his heart.

He is even imagining that he can have such a lovely child.

The arrival of the police also indirectly proved that Li Pan is Li Xiang's younger brother.

In order to eliminate the previous misunderstanding, Zhang Ling decided to invite Li Pan to a meal.

But Li Pan refused.

Zhang Ling was puzzled and wanted to know the reason, and then he made another request.

That is, I hope that Zhang Ling agrees to accompany Li Xiang to the party.

Zhang Ling didn't want to owe favors but chose to agree.

Li Pan's real purpose for holding this party is because of Shangguan Aoxue.

Do not misunderstand!
The party was not planned by Shangguan Aoxue.

It was Li Pan who planned the party to express his feelings to Shangguan Aoxue.

Because he knew that Shangguan Aoxue had been pursuing Li Xiang for the family.

So he must let Li Xiang and Zhang Ling be present at the same time, thus completely cutting off Shangguan Aoxue's thoughts on Li Xiang.

In this way, Li Pan will have a chance.

The idea is beautiful, I hope he can get what he wants.

The meeting place was chosen at XX Hotel.

Abundant and fresh noon sunshine filled the courtyard in front of the hotel building.

Several water jets from the fountain dance regularly like a dancer accompanied by music.

Passing by the pool and looking at the sky, the air is filled with a lot of water mist, and the sunlight emits colorful light.

It feels like coming to the colorful colors that can only be seen in fairy tale books.

Xiaodouzi, who was walking beside Zhang Ling, pointed to a stone sculpture in the fountain and shouted:
"Mom, mom, look! There's a child in the big pool over there, so shameless. He stood there and peed in front of everyone."

Many passers-by looked at Xiaodouzi.

Another elegantly dressed boy of the same age glanced at Xiaodouzi with innate arrogance and said:

"Fourth Uncle, no matter how bad our Li Family XX Hotel is, it is one of the best mid-to-high-end restaurants in Wu Chuan. Where did this ignorant country girl sneak in? To say such vulgar words."

The old man called Fourth Uncle glanced at the family of three and replied respectfully:
"Young master, that is the daughter of your second uncle (Li Xiang). According to family rules, you must take the initiative to come forward and say hello. Or..."

"Second Uncle? It's the Second Uncle who thought of himself as a girl when he was a child and wore a red dress." The elegant boy sneered at first, but still arrogantly did not look at them directly, "It won't be in a few days. What should I ask? waste time!"

The fourth uncle looked around nervously after hearing this, and lowered his voice to remind:

"Hey, my little ancestor! You won't forget what your patriarch grandpa said? Be careful, be careful, please be careful. Before the family sacrifice is over, don't spread this word to your second uncle It's in Li Xiang's ears."

The elegant boy looked at the old man beside him impatiently and said:

"I know, I know. Fourth Uncle, why are you more talkative than my mother? Let's go, let's go in quickly. My mother is still waiting for me inside."

After the boy finished speaking, he walked quickly towards the hotel gate.

Zhang Ling didn't care about the eyes of the people around her. She stopped, squatted in front of Xiaodouzi, pointed to the stone boy in the pool and said patiently:

"Little Douzi, have you forgotten? Mom told you that that thing is called a stone sculpture. Standing in the pool to urinate is a form of elegant art. It is mainly for people to appreciate."

"Do you appreciate the little boy peeing?" Xiaodouzi glanced at the statue again, and couldn't help making a mocking voice, "Interesting! Interesting! It's so-called elegance to express shit and pee with stones. Mom, this is really interesting Already!"

Many self-proclaimed elegant and noble people around, when they heard Xiaodouzi's words, all of them with ugly faces cast contemptuous glances again.

If it weren't for Li Xiang standing aside with a smile on his face, stroking the child's little head.

I'm afraid these people must call the security guards to throw Xiaodouzi, mother and daughter out of the hotel.

"Little Douzi..."

Zhang Ling originally wanted to continue to patiently teach Xiaodouzi a lesson on the spot.

Li Pan appeared behind her at some point, and at the same time called out "Little Douzi".

"That's right. This so-called elegance is really interesting!"

Zhang Ling turned her head to look at the visitor when she heard the sound, and wanted to teach someone to disturb her in educating her children.

But seeing the kind smile on Li Pan's face, the anger in her heart disappeared instantly.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, you are finally here. I've been waiting so anxiously. Let's go, take my niece and follow me this way."

Second sister-in-law?

Zhang Ling was taken aback by this title!
She glanced at Li Xiang who was beside her with embarrassment, and both sides of her tender face turned a little red and said:

"Li Pan, don't call him that! We are not the kind of relationship you said."

For Xiaodouzi, what Zhang Ling said was bad news.

So he snatched Li Pan's explanation in a panic, and shouted with doubts on his face first:
"Mom, why not? You are Xiaodouzi's parents. We are a family!"

Faced with a major crisis, Xiaodouzi tried to use these words to re-establish her position in the hearts of Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

Li Pan was very happy after hearing Xiaodouzi's perfect explanation.

So he immediately agreed with Zhang Ling and said:
"That's right, Little Douzi is right."

Zhang Ling wants to explain to Xiaodouzi that they are not legally married.

But considering Xiaodouzi's age, she didn't know how to word it to make it clear.

So Zhizhiwuwu wanted to find Li and wanted to help explain.

Li Xiang never got a positive answer from Zhang Ling about their relationship.

He felt that Xiaodouzi's words were an excellent opportunity.

So I decided to pretend to be confused and wait for Zhang Ling's answer.

Xiaodouzi didn't wait for Zhang Ling's explanation, and then boldly speculated along the meaning of the previous words:

"Mom, if you say that, could it be that Xiaodouzi did something to make you angry? That's why you decided not to let Xiaodouzi go."

Hearing this, Li Pan felt that something was wrong with the current atmosphere, and subconsciously took two steps back, thinking about being a spectator with peace of mind.

Li Xiang likes Xiaodouzi's pressing on Zhang Ling even more.

"Little Douzi, no! It's..." Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang anxiously again and said, "Hey, don't just watch, but say something!"

Li Xiang did not get a definite answer from Zhang Ling again.

He yelled "Little Douzi" in a little disappointment, before he had time to express his point of view.

Xiaodouzi howled sadly, then glanced at the statue of the boy in the pool and said:
"Oh, I know. Mom, it must be because of Xiaodouzi who just said that the statue boy peed. It made Mom and Dad feel very embarrassed. Is that why you decided not to use Xiaodouzi?"

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang listened to Xiaodouzi's expression.

For a moment, I was so worried that I forgot to shake my head to express my denial.

Xiaodouzi cried even louder.

Trying to make the last fight, she stepped forward and hugged Zhang Ling and continued to cry:
"Wrong, I was wrong, Xiaodouzi really knew that he was wrong. Just ask mom and dad not to abandon Xiaodouzi, okay? Xiaodouzi promises that he will never speak rudely again..."

Zhang Ling's heart ached as if it was broken.

Being abandoned has become the child's eternal shadow and pain.

Even the slightest hint of a threat to a child can be heartbreakingly sensitive.

She also hugged Xiaodouzi tightly in her arms, and explained softly in his ear:

"Don't cry, child, don't worry, mother will never abandon you! My silly child, don't cry. What you hear is just a kind of polite talk between us adults. When you grow up, you will naturally Understand."

"Really?" Xiaodouzi asked worriedly.

"Really!" Zhang Ling replied firmly.

Xiaodouzi left her mother's arms, looked at Li Pan and asked again:
"Uncle, is it true?"

Zhang Ling and Li Pan answered in unison:


Xiaodouzi was still a little worried, and finally looked at Li Xiang and asked:

"Dad, is this true?"

The three adults looked at each other, and said at the same time with a very sure tone:


This answer was enough to completely shatter Xiaodouzi's doubts.

Then he took the initiative to wipe away the tears and smiled brightly, took Zhang Ling and Li Xiang's hands together, and then rubbed his face against the big hands with his eyes closed.

It feels like they are helping Xiaodouzi wipe away tears together, which means that they share the happiness of a family of three together.

There is also another expectation of Xiaodouzi.

As long as they stay together forever and never abandon Xiaodouzi, Xiaodouzi will be happy forever.

Children's minds are often the purest.

I just want to have a healthy and happy home.

Please those young people who do not love themselves for the sake of so-called true love, please stop adding another child who is as miserable as a small bean to the society.

I have suffered for the children all my life, just to fulfill your temporary physical pleasure. Do you think such true love is true love?

No, this behavior is not only not true love, but also the greatest insult to true love!

Just ask a person who doesn't even know how to love and pity his own flesh and blood, who would be willing to believe that your love for others is true?

Xiaodouzi's crying behavior was spread.

After hearing this, the elegant boy stood at the window of the hotel and admired the picture.

When the child's mother saw it, she came over, put a loving hand on her shoulder and said:

"Honey, what's interesting downstairs? It makes you so happy that you can't close your mouth from ear to ear."

The elegant boy pointed to Xiaodouzi and the others downstairs and said:

"Second uncle's country daughter is crying at the fountain. It really is a wild girl from the country, crying in public. It really embarrasses our family!"

"Oh, really?" The boy's mother also looked at it with interest for a while, and then said with a sense of resentment in her tone, "The woman next to him doesn't look like much? There is also a mop bottle. Oh, so What a pity for a good man."

The elegant boy heard something wrong with what his mother said.

He looked up at his mother and asked tentatively:
"Mom, I want to know who is better, second uncle or father?"

(End of this chapter)

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