Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 143 Carved Birthmark

Chapter 143 Carved Birthmark
Zhang Ling looked at the oncoming master.

Her heart began to agitate inexplicably.

First, like everyone else, it was a bit like buying a lottery ticket and waiting for the grand prize to be announced.

As the master got closer and closer, she could clearly see the delicate porcelain-like skin, and even a woman would feel inferior to her when she saw it.

There was a bit of depth in those elegant and foggy eyes.

Especially the sharp-edged cheeks give people a strange and familiar feeling.

Or because of the master effect, Zhang Ling finally had the opportunity to protect Xiaodouzi again.

Looking at Xiaodouzi's messy hair and the scratches on her finger joints, Zhang Ling felt angry instantly.

She really wanted to rush over without hesitation and beat up those little boys who bullied Xiaodouzi just now.

But her impulse was completely annihilated by Xiaodouzi's "Mom".

She can't be impulsive for the sake of the child.

Li Xiang couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

He suddenly punched the father of one of the little boys who was already a bit festive.

The man who was punched by Li Xiang gritted his teeth and said that he would call the police to arrest Li Xiang.

But Li Xiang threatened the man contemptuously and said:
"You are free to do whatever you want. But I still remind you, please prepare your whole family to be on the streets for your actions."

This is not a simple threat!

Even if these are backed by the financial support of the Li family.

Li Xiang's Zhihua Technology still has this ability.

There is another reason why these people have to scruple.

It is said that the patriarch of the Li clan decided to officially hand over the position of patriarch to Li Xiang after the family sacrifice.

If the rumors are true, Li Xiang only needs one word to make the parents of the little boy who bullied Xiaodouzi go bankrupt.

The father who watched the little boy being beaten was finally honest.

He was still pissed off.

Immediately after a phone call, the parents of the children who had just started lost at least several million in income.

Said that the money was regarded as financial compensation for Xiaodouzi for their children's behavior.

His impulse thought that Zhang Ling would appreciate it.

When he looked at Zhang Ling again, her gaze was completely attracted by the master.

Even if Xiaodouzi kept asking if you knew that uncle, Zhang Ling was indifferent.

I saw the master standing in front of Zhang Ling amidst everyone's surprised eyes, and said politely with a bright smile:
"Hello, Zhang Ling! I'm Qi Diaozhe. Your little flea is finally back after so many years."

Little flea!
These three words are comparable to three nuclear bombs that exploded one after another in Li Xiang's world so abruptly.

The first explosion made his heart beat wildly, his blood pressure soared, and every blood vessel seemed to be able to burst out of the skin;
The second explosion made him short of breath, his lungs swelled as if someone had blown a balloon, and then other organs in his body were squeezed crazily, until the ribs protecting his chest began to break one by one;
The third explosion made his brain go blank temporarily, and every bone in his body seemed to be crushed into powder in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he staggered. If Li Pan, who had not come to his side, helped him with his hands, he would have slumped on the ground.

Got it, got it, he finally got it!

The little flea that Zhang Ling was talking about came back.

Where does he want to go from here on?
It is bound to become a challenging and serious problem.

Xiaodouzi looked at Zhang Ling's happy and angry expression when he saw Qi Diaozhe.

So the uneasy sense of crisis that had been suppressed deep in his heart surged out again.

Several attempts to shake Zhang Ling's arm could not awaken the mother's attention to her.

The little girl cried anxiously in front of everyone.

The crying made everyone at the scene deeply puzzled except Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

Many people once again disgusted and accused the country girl of being ignorant.

In order to defend Xiaodouzi, Li Xiang could only yell "shut up".

But these movements still did not make Zhang Ling's eyes return to their father and daughter.

He gritted his teeth to hold on to the man's stubbornness in his heart, and walked to her side with heavy steps.

And he didn't open his mouth to remind Zhang Ling anything, he just took Xiaodouzi who was entangled with her, and silently retreated to the side.

He knows that when old friends meet, it is best not to disturb them too much.

Also, I don't want my body and mind to be hurt mercilessly because of any words between them.

He hugged Xiaodouzi tightly in his arms, and kept comforting Xiaodouzi verbally, which was actually considered self-soothing.

Looking at the picture of the father and daughter from a distance, it seems that two people who were hurt by Zhang Ling lick|lick each other's blood stains on each other's wounds, so as to temporarily soothe the soul.

Xiaodouzi's juicy eyes showed a touch of sadness, which shouldn't be sad at this age.

Then he said to Li Xiang in a tone full of uncertainty:

"Father, is Mom trying to abandon us for that man?"

Li Xiang's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at Zhang Ling and the others with a bit of reluctance, and then looked back at Xiaodouzi who was full of expectation.

He also wanted to know this question.

But he himself was very uncertain.

So he could only hug the child tightly and say:
"Little Douzi, don't think about it! Dad is here, Dad is here..."

Shangguan Aoxue sees that Qi Diaozhe is hopeless when she hooks up with her.

His gaze was locked on Li Xiang again.

Licking his face and smiling, he stood beside the father and daughter, and said in a very sympathetic tone:

"I miss my brother, don't be sad, it's not worth it for a woman who cares about Zhang Ling! Don't worry, I will always stand by your side. I don't ask for anything else, just ask you to look back at me from time to time. I, my heart is already very content."

When Xiaodouzi heard someone speak ill of Zhang Ling, she looked up at Shangguan Aoxue angrily and yelled:

"You ugly woman, don't speak ill of my mother. Go away, go away, I don't want to see you."

Shangguan Aoxue's lungs were almost exploded by Xiaodouzi's words.

But still suppressed his anger, pretended to be wronged, and said to Li Xiang in a coquettish tone:
"I miss my brother! You don't care, this kid is so uneducated, he dares to yell at me in front of you."

With endless boredom in Li Xiang's eyes, he held Xiaodouzi beside him and said:

"Xiaodouzi is my daughter. If you say she is uneducated, can I understand that you think I am uneducated?"

Shangguan Aoxue anxiously explained:
"No, no, Li Xiang, I really didn't mean that. What I want to say is..."

"Enough! I've told you more than once that you and I are destined not to be on the same road. Please don't waste your time with me. I don't need your explanation at all."

Shangguan Aoxue looked at Li Xiang's determination, and also considered that the Shangguan family still depended on Li Xiang to survive.

Even if she left reluctantly, she still wanted to leave in order not to anger Li Xiang.

She looked at Zhang Ling again unwillingly, and shouted to the sky unconvinced in her heart.

How is she, Shangguan Aoxue, worse than Zhang Ling?
If she has always maintained a noble and elegant sense of superiority to look at the problem.

Maybe she will never know the answer to this question in her life.

Although Zhang Ling was very excited, she didn't immediately reply to Qi Diaozhe's words.

Instead, he carefully looked at the lacquer carving Zhe in front of him again from top to bottom.

Because Qi Diao Zhe was her first love is not a secret.

She suspected that someone would take advantage of this to deceive her.

Or feel that the appearance of first love is just a dream.

So he mobilized all the memories about his first love, trying to find strong evidence from this man that she was not dreaming.

In my memory, there is a brown word "Diao" on the back of Qi Diaozhe's neck.

Qi Diaozhe teased her at the beginning, saying that this is the unique family birthmark of their Qi family, and it is also the key point when naming their children.

In fact, the word "diao" is a unique birthmark that only lacquer carvings can have.

Zhang Lingang proposed to check the birthmark to confirm her identity.

Qi Diaozhe took the initiative to take off his clothes and belts in public, and bent down for Zhang Ling's inspection.

Such a noble and elegant movement.

At this time, none of those self-proclaimed noble and elegant people stood up to criticize Qi Diaozhe.

Some people even praised Qi Diaozhe for being affectionate and righteous to his old friends.

The words of praise will make Li Xiang and Xiaodouzi even more sad.

It also made Shangguan Aoxue's heart full of mixed feelings.

Why is she Zhang Ling?
It wasn't enough to snatch away Li Xiang, who originally belonged to Shangguan Aoxue, now that he was going to occupy the jade carving master Qi Diao Zhe again.

Not reconciled!
What's even more exasperating is that the lacquer carving Zhe is far from simply reminiscing with old friends on the surface.

Even a fool can see the past of Qi Diaozhe and Zhang Ling, and there are stories that are difficult to explain in words.

Could it be that she, Shangguan Aoxue, was out of luck and met Qi Diaozhe later than Zhang Ling?
This is no excuse.

Because it is understood that Li Xiang was the first person she met.

But Li Xiang finally chose Zhang Ling.

She is not reconciled!

The important guest at this party is Qi Diaozhe, and Qi Diaozhe's arrival seems to be for Zhang Ling.

Zhang Ling's good life made Shangguan Aoxue jealous to the bone.

Therefore, because Shangguan Aoxue suppressed the anger that was difficult to release, she almost completely embedded the beautiful lotus flower manicure into the skin of the palm of her hand.

There are also several beautiful lotus manicures that broke directly due to uneven force without knowing it.

Extremely unwilling!
What kind of "Ji Sheng Yu He Sheng Liang" emotion wants to burst out wantonly from the inside out.

No, she can't.

Elegant, she must try to maintain elegance and elegance as much as possible.

So that Qi Diaozhe and Li Wanna know that she and Zhang Ling are fundamentally different from beginning to end.

In other words, until now, Shangguan Aoxue was still fantasizing about making these two men notice her existence by virtue of her personal charm.

The ridiculous Shangguan Aoxue just didn't notice the Li Pan behind her who had always loved her deeply.

If she spends a little more time getting to know Li Pan.

She will understand that Li Pan is the treasure that has been neglected.

at the same time.

Li Xi saw the situation in the hotel through surveillance.

She was drinking the red wine elegantly, but she stood up suddenly, and the red wine in the glass accidentally stained her dress.

She was even more angry and smashed the wine glass in her hand against the corner to vent her anger.

It seemed that only a broken voice could calm her restless heart.

Like Shangguan Aoxue, she was jealous of Zhang Ling's good luck.

The only difference is that Li Xi can vent his anger without any scruples.

You can even order someone to help her vent her anger.

At this moment, with an evil smile on her face, she said to a man beside her;

"Old classmate, it's all because Zhang Ling can't see the light. You can see it. Our Zhang Ling is still very beautiful. It seems that your tricks seem to be useless at all. Can you bear it?"

The man seemed calm on the surface, but the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

With a bit of inherent arrogance, he snorted contemptuously and said to Li Xi:
"Li Xi, please be clear about one thing. We are just a cooperative relationship. I am not a servant of your Li family who stays at home to serve you."


Li Xixin wondered if it would be useful to look at this bastard and smelly man.

She had already found someone to abuse him thousands of times.

Can it be his turn to point fingers?
Only then did the man show a confident smile that conquered everything and said:
"If you want to get revenge from me, please be more polite. you understand?"

So Li Xi could only nod with a bit of bitterness in his smile and say "understand" in order to see the result he wanted.

The two reached a consensus, got together again, and immediately began to plan a strategy against Zhang Ling.

Let Zhang Ling personally confirm the birthmark of the word "Diao".

Qi Diaozhe showed a confident smile, feeling that with the relationship between them, Zhang Ling would throw herself into his arms and weep excitedly in front of everyone since they hadn't seen each other for so many years.

He has even opened his arms naturally, looking forward to the imaginary happy scene that is about to happen.

Fantasies, as expected, were still his fantasies.

Zhang Ling had no intention of throwing herself into her arms in front of everyone.

Years of grievances against Qi Diaozhe finally had a chance to explode.

I saw two points of excitement flashing across her angry face, just like the usual practice when he offended her when he was a child.

She was the first to hit him hard in the stomach, and shouted at Qi Diaozhe at the top of her voice:

"Qi Diaozhe, you bastard!"

Qi Diaozhe gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain without crying out.

The troubled onlookers stepped forward and tried to flatter, wanting to help Qi Diaozhe accuse Zhang Ling of being unrefined.

But Qi Diaozhe glared at the sycophant with displeasure.

Then, still apologetically rubbing his abdomen, he straightened up with difficulty and said to Zhang Ling:

"I'm sorry, I owe you this! I admit to hitting. If you still don't feel satisfied, you can hit me a few more times. I promise that I will never hide like before."

Zhang Ling also unceremoniously put in all her strength and punched Qi Diaozhe twice.

When punching for the third time, she clearly saw his face change, so she stopped punching.

She continued to shout at him at the top of her voice:

"Where have you been dead for the past ten years? Talk!"

Everyone at the scene was blown away when they heard Qi Diaozhe's words.

Obviously, the relationship between Zhang Ling and Qi Diaozhe definitely surpassed that of ordinary classmates and friends.

You Dashui even concluded based on Xiaodouzi's age that Xiaodouzi is probably the child between Zhang Ling and Qi Diaozhe.

The vast majority of people here were thinking of currying favor with Qi Diaozhe, so as to gain some benefits.

He never wanted to offend Qi Diaozhe's wife and children from the very beginning.

Some grasshoppers even left quietly before Qi Diaozhe could react.

Enduring the severe pain, Qi Diaozhe straightened up again, still apologetic and said to her:
"I, ahem, I, I was suddenly taken by my parents to study abroad."

This answer is not what Zhang Ling wants to hear.

Because she knows the answer.

In fact, what Zhang Ling wanted to ask the most was even if he went abroad to study, why has there been no news after more than ten years?

What's more, Zhang Ling and her father have been living in the same place and never moved.

Coupled with the development of communication technology in recent years.

Zhang Ling didn't believe that Qi Diaozhe had no condition to send her a letter?

Then Zhang Ling had reason to believe that Qi Diaozhe wanted to break off contact with her.

Just break it!
In this world, it's not like who can't survive without leaving.

So she, Zhang Ling, can still live a wonderful life.

So she unconsciously began to recall the happy pictures related to Li Xiang in her mind.

But why did you, Qi Diaozhe, appear in front of her majestically now?
Disrupted her originally peaceful and happy life.

Thinking of this, she continued to yell at Qi Diaozhe:
"No, no, this is not the answer I want to hear. Say, tell me, where have you been dead for the past ten years?"

(End of this chapter)

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