Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 145 Coke Explosion

Chapter 145 Coke Explosion
When Zhang Ling heard Li Xiang's words, she blushed with embarrassment.

"I..." Qi Diaozhe was dumbfounded.

I thought about making excuses, but I chose to give up.

Because he also gradually realized the loss at this time.

"It is precisely because you don't cherish that I have the opportunity to pursue her openly. From this point alone, I should thank you."

"Thank you?" Qi Diaozhe asked in surprise.

It is obvious that Li Xiang is disgusting him.

But even if he knew, he couldn't do anything about Li Xiang for the time being.

Because he worried that his behavior was too radical.

As a result, Zhang Ling will not be able to see Zhang Ling again in the days to come.

Then he would really have no chance to pursue Zhang Ling again.

So he deliberately made himself thicker and said:
"Oh, yes. I'm just curious. How are you going to thank me?"

Li Xiang can be regarded as having learned Qi Diaozhe's thick skin.

I didn't expect that there are adult men who would ask for a thank you gift like Xiaodouzi.

Zhang Ling on the side couldn't listen anymore.

She was just about to reprimand Qi Diaozhe, when she accidentally found the elegant boy standing in front of Xiaodouzi with a can of Coke in his white gloved hand and smiling.

"Seeing that your lips are a little chapped, you must be thirsty. I have a bottle of Coke here, so I'll give you a drink."

The elegant boy observed meticulously, and found that Xiaodouzi's eyes had been looking at the cans of Coke on the dining table.

So he judged that Xiaodouzi must want to drink a can of Coke to quench his thirst.

So the elegant boy specially asked his fourth uncle to find a can of iced Coke.

Xiaodouzi said "thank you" and reached out to pick it up. A biting chill passed through his fingertips quickly, causing Xiaodouzi to quickly pull his hand away again.

The elegant boy looked at Xiaodouzi pretending to be disappointed and said:

"Are you despising me? Forget it, don't worry, if you want to drink, there are many on the table over there..."

The kind-hearted little Douzi felt very sorry, endured the biting chill on the can of Coke, and finally took the Coke from the hand of the elegant boy.

Zhang Ling originally thought that the little boy was just trying to give away Coke.

Trying to make friends with Xiaodouzi.

She never thought that she saw the puzzled smile of the elegant boy.

It's a bit like celebrating in advance that the conspiracy is about to succeed.

Could it be that his eyes were delusional?

After all, generally speaking, children can have bad thoughts.

Just when the can was shaking, she saw that the Coke can was obviously covered with small water droplets.

If it weren't for Xiaodouzi's quick response, the Coke can almost fell to the ground several times because of the slippery body.

A lot of related news about the "Frozen Coke Explosion and Injury Incident" suddenly popped up in her mind.

The obedient little Douzi remembers Zhang Ling's care, don't drink cold water casually.

Xiaodouzi has never drank canned Coke.

I planned to keep this can of Coke and take it back to the orphanage, and drink it to show off in front of those children.

Presumably, the taste will be very good by then.

How could the elegant boy follow Xiaodouzi's wishes, and urged Xiaodouzi to pull the tab to drink quickly.

Xiaodouzi is pressured by the kindness of the elegant boy.

There was no standing or tapping the bottom of the tank for EOD treatment, and the pull ring was pulled directly without any concept of danger.

Although Zhang Ling had yelled to stop her, it was still too late.

An explosion sounded.

Xiaodouzi's brain was buzzing at the moment, and her hands were stained with a lot of Coke juice.

I can't tell whether my palms are numb from the cold or from the explosion just now?
The strong little Douzi didn't burst into tears immediately in front of everyone.

He stared blankly at his numb hands.

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang came to Xiaodouzi one after another to check whether the child was seriously injured.
Little Douzi still didn't make a sound.

The two just wanted to turn around and investigate the fault of the elegant boy.

The elegant boy said with an innocent face:
"I really just want to treat my little sister to a can of Coke. How wronged! How did I know that a Coke can would explode?"

The elegant boy's explanation undoubtedly won the approval of more people.

No one wants to believe that Elegant Boys has a deliberate design.

There are also many people who think that the elegant boy is Li Xiang's nephew, and let Li Xiang see that Zhang Ling should stop being aggressive for the sake of his clan.

It even brought out the remarks that Xiaodouzi was not Li Xiang's own birth after all.

This seems to be a kind of patriarchal in disguise.

Li Xiang reprimanded very angrily:

"My Li family's nephew is the Li family's baby lump, so isn't someone else's child the baby lump of someone else's parents?"

There are even people with a sense of superiority ridiculed and said:

"Some people are not born to drink canned Coke, but they still want to imitate others to drink canned Coke. It's ridiculous! Now that something happened, how can others be blamed? Blame some people for dying."

Zhang Ling could tell that these words were aimed at her and Xiaodouzi.

Before she opened her mouth to attack the speaker.

Immediately, many people persuaded one after another that the explosion did not hurt anyone.

Accusing Zhang Ling of being fine, why all the fuss?
It would be bad if you frightened the elegant boy.

But these are just ridiculous not to see, because of the explosion, Xiaodouzi was so frightened that he still hasn't made a sound yet.

Only then did Xiaodouzi recover from the explosion and said:

"I'm sorry, Xiaodouzi has caused you trouble again this time. Mom, I..." Xiaodouzi wanted to endure the pain, but he still couldn't hold back, "Wow, I hurt. Mom, my hand hurts so much."

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi crying because of the pain.

She really wanted to disregard the difference between adults and children, and slap the elegant boy hard, just to vent her anger on Xiaodouzi.

Both Li Xiang and Qi Diaozhe saw Zhang Ling's thoughts.

Qi Diaozhe stood in front of Zhang Ling first, touched his uncomfortable ears, and cried out in pain.

No, it should be because of a fleeting inexplicable smile that he let out a cry of pain.

"Oh, it's blood. It seems that the explosion just now hurt me too. Kid, what do you think we should do?"

It turned out that the pull ring of the canned Coke flew out because of the explosion and cut Qi Diaozhe's ear.

The elegant boy looked at the approaching Qi Diao Zhe with a smile on his face.

But he felt terrified.

The elegant boy's mother took the initiative to come out at this time.

Changing his previous attitude towards Zhang Ling's mother and daughter, his smile was full of shame, and he stepped forward to explain to Qi Diaozhe humbly:
"Master, I'm so sorry! It's just me, a bastard who is ignorant, and wants to play with a wild girl like Xiaodouzi when I have nothing to do. I didn't expect to hurt you by accident..."

Zhang Ling admired the elegant boy's mother from the bottom of her heart.

It seems that the elegant boy tricked Xiaodouzi with iced Coke, this mother knows very well.

Feeling that Zhang Ling's mother and daughter are easy to bully, not only did the elegant boy refuse to apologize, but also arrogantly accused Zhang Ling's mother and daughter of not being worthy of drinking canned Coke.

When they learned that they accidentally injured Qi Diaozhe, who they couldn't afford to offend, not only did they not find any more excuses for their child, but they took the initiative to drag the elegant boy to Qi Diaozhe to force him to apologize.

When Qi Diaozhe saw that the elegant boy was about to bow and apologize, he smiled and stopped the elegant boy from apologizing in time.

What surprised everyone even more was that Qi Diaozhe also praised the elegant boy for his outstanding explosive talent.

It is said that such a violent and astonishing explosion only slightly injured him and Xiaodouzi.

In order to encourage elegant boys to continue to develop and maintain this talent.

Let Elegant Boy fight to keep people from getting hurt when he creates the next explosion.

Isn't this nonsense?

Have a child contain the explosion so it doesn't hurt anyone.

With the nature of an elegant boy, I am afraid that the greater the damage effect of the explosion, the more excited he will be by making the explosion.

Qi Diaozhe even gave the fan in his hand to the elegant boy.

It is said that the jade fan bone and fan pendant of this fan were carved by himself with cheap materials.

In an instant, everyone on the scene was blown up!

Everyone never expected that Qi Diaozhe would give away his works so generously.

According to visual estimates, the value of the folding fan is at least [-] to [-].

The mother of the elegant boy looked at everyone with envious eyes, and the arrogance in her heart became even higher.

Everyone around praised Qi Diaozhe's noble quality of repaying evil with virtue.

Zhang Ling knew that if she argued with the elegant boy's family for the sake of Xiaodouzi, there would be no good results.

With Qi Diaozhe's example as a master, she might be labeled as an unqualified shrew.

Zhang Ling was worried about Xiaodouzi's hand injury and decided to leave the so-called party.

Qi Diaozhe, who was praised by everyone, stopped in front of Zhang Ling again.

Li Xiang habitually stepped forward to protect Zhang Ling behind her and asked:

"Master Qi, with your current status, don't you remember to ask me for a thank you gift? Well, since you want it so much, I'll give it to you. Tell me, you want..."

Qi Diaozhe shook his head with an awkward smile, motioned to Zhang Ling behind him and said:

"Li Xiang, you misunderstood. I just want to say a few more words to Zhang Ling. Can you please let me go?"

Because of Qi Diaozhe's attitude towards the elegant boy, Zhang Ling's antipathy towards him was instantly raised to the extreme.

She patted Li Xiang on the shoulder, smiled and signaled him to step aside, and then said to Qi Diaozhe unhappily:
"Master Qi, what are you doing? I'm taking Xiaodouzi to the hospital. Please get out of the way."

Seeing Zhang Ling's different treatment, Qi Diaozhe's heart turned cold in an instant.

However, he still endured, forced himself to put on a smile, took out his sports car key, waved in front of her and said:
"Just right, I'm also planning to go to the hospital to treat the wound. Let's go together."

Li Xiang on the side obviously felt the threat, and quickly stood in front of Zhang Ling and said:

"We appreciate Master Qi's kindness. My family members will be delivered by me personally, so I won't bother you, Master."


Qi Diaozhe had mixed feelings in his heart.

Just wanted to expose Li Xiang and they were not married at all.

So he decided to pursue Zhang Ling again from today.

But Zhang Ling didn't give him this chance and said:

"Little flea, let's go! Stop talking nonsense with Master Qi. Let's go to the hospital quickly."

The two men responded at the same time after hearing "little flea".

When Qi Diaozhe heard some unkind words from behind.

His face was so ugly that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in immediately.

Xiaodouzi called "Mom" again just right.

The painful look on that little face will make anyone feel distressed when they see it.

Qi Diaozhe couldn't tell whether his distress was because of Xiaodouzi's painful appearance, or because Zhang Ling gave his exclusive to another man?
I had to stand there blankly alone, watching the back of Li Xiang taking their mother and daughter away.

Li Pan came over at this time, stood beside Qi Diaozhe and sighed:
"Brother, we really feel sorry for each other!"

Qi Diaozhe didn't speak at first, and put his hand on Li Pan's shoulder, just about to agree with this statement.

But he found that Shangguan Aoxue was walking towards them with a smile at this time.

So he winked at Li Pan with a bit of envy in his tone and said:

"Wrong, wrong. You and I don't feel sorry for each other. You see, the peach blossom you've been thinking about day and night has come to you. Brother, you have to grasp it next time."

Li Pan looked at Shangguan Aoxue who was coming, and smiled wryly without confidence:

"No, no. I'm afraid this peach blossom is here for you. Oh, forget it, I won't disturb your good affairs. Brother, please don't forget your promise to me, I will withdraw first."

Li Pan asked Qi Diaozhe to help the Shangguan family without harming his interests.

This was Li Pan's last obsession with Shangguan Aoxue.

Qi Diaozhe looked at the back of Li Pan leaving in a hurry and shook his head.

Shangguan Aoxue's voice rang in his ears:

"Li Pan, wait a minute. Where are you going? I want to accompany you, can I?"

Li Pan stopped and looked back at Shangguan Aoxue in surprise. He who never stuttered suddenly started to stutter:

"You, you, are you asking me?"

"Fool! Besides you, who else is called Li Pan here?" Shangguan Aoxue's tone was a bit ambiguous and playful.

Li Pan became even more excited and said:
"I, I, I'm fine, I just want to go out and have some fun. You, do you want to go together?"

"Okay!" Shangguan Aoxue agreed without hesitation.

When Shangguan Aoxue passed by Qi Diaozhe, she was a little arrogant and deliberately didn't look at him.

Even though Qi Diaozhe wanted to say hello to Shangguan Aoxue at this time.

She kept looking as if she only had Li Pan in her eyes.

Just like when Qi Diaozhe appeared at the beginning, he didn't see Shangguan Aoxue.

Qi Diaozhe was not angry, looking at the backs of Shangguan Aoxue and Li Pan, he couldn't help laughing and muttering:
"Brother, I can only help you here today. As for the matter you said, I think it's better for you to do it yourself."

Qi Diaozhe intended to let everyone see his deep relationship with Li Pan.

As a result, the clever Shangguan Aoxue keenly sensed the opportunity.

As long as you get close to Li Pan and establish a good relationship with him, you can take advantage of the opportunity to develop a relationship with Qi Diaozhe.

Then, with the help of Qi Diaozhe's relationship, her plan to bring the Shangguan family back to its peak came into being.

But the honest Li Pan didn't think of this.

She simply thought that Shangguan Aoxue was finally willing to accept him.

Now Li Pan at least feels unprecedented happiness.

Without him!

Only because the woman Li Pan had been secretly in love with for a long time finally stood by his side.

However, Li Pan felt a little sorry for Li Xiang in his heart.

After all, he was the one who ruthlessly pushed Qi Diaozhe to his eyes.

Why do you say it is ruthless?
Because Li Pan has been friends with Qi Diaozhe for many years, he knows that Qi Diaozhe is not a person who gives up lightly.

Although he failed to reconcile with Zhang Ling today.

Qi Diaozhe will definitely launch a fierce pursuit of Zhang Ling.

Therefore, in the contest between two men chasing a woman, Li Pan is not optimistic about Li Xiang.

But how can Zhang Ling's thoughts be easily figured out by a man?

Everything is possible!
A family of three was galloping towards the hospital in a car.

Zhang Ling suddenly felt something was wrong. Xiaodouzi hadn't complained of pain since getting in the car.

I didn't hear it even when the car was going through a bumpy road.

She obviously wondered if Xiaodouzi's hand was really hurt?
At the moment when the car was bumping through the speed bump, she deliberately squeezed Xiaodouzi's injured hand.

But Xiaodouzi still didn't cry out the pain.

So Zhang Ling said to Li Xiang who was driving with a serious face:
"I'm afraid we don't need to go to the hospital. Little flea, you'd better pull over the car temporarily."

(End of this chapter)

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