Chapter 154
Children's wishes are always the simplest.

And what could be wrong with Xiaodouzi simply wanting a home?
Zhang Ling naturally wouldn't blame Xiaodouzi for this.

The reason why she didn't speak was not because Xiaodouzi lied.

It was because of Li Xiang's confession recounted by Xiaodouzi.

Before, she felt very regretful because she was tricked by Chen Jian and agreed to accompany Li Xiang to participate in the sacrifice of the Li family.

But now, a little happiness welled up in her heart.

Fortunately, she subconsciously chose to agree.

Li Xiang was dragged by Xiaodouzi to stand in front of Zhang Ling again.

The two adults looked at Xiaodouzi who was a little excited.

I saw that the little guy pressed Li Xiang's hand into Zhang Ling's hand a little bit forcefully, and said to him like a little adult:

"Dad, Mom just said that we will always be a family."


Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi in a daze.

No, just now it was clearly stated that Xiaodouzi will always be her daughter.

How did it turn out that we will always be a family in the blink of an eye?

At a young age, I played the concept of stealing very well.

And Li Xiang seemed to be very dishonest, and had no further reaction to Xiaodouzi's words.

The anxious little Douzi went around behind Li Xiang and slammed into it with all his strength.

He staggered and hugged her in his arms.

Xiaodouzi did not forget to encourage Li Xiang with a smile:

"Father, Xiaodouzi can only help you so far. Next, you must work hard!"

Zhang Ling subconsciously tried to break free, but failed.

After hearing what Xiaodouzi said to Li Xiang, she pretended to be annoyed and shouted:

"Little Douzi, you..."

"Wow, mom is angry. I'm going to beat Xiaodouzi. Xiaodouzi is so scared! Aunt Yan, help me!"

As he said that, the clever little Douzi leaped towards Yan Yuan who was not far away.

Yan Yuan smiled and looked at Xiaodouzi who was coming towards him, shaking his head and said:
"Where is this so scary? It's clearly a witty misfortune."

Xiaodouzi's behavior gave Zhang Ling reason to believe that Yan Yuan had planned all of this in advance.

The purpose is to make her reconcile with Li Xiang as before.

Of course, for Yan Yuan, as long as he sees Zhang Ling, he is really happy.

She is very willing to be such a villain.

Li Xiang finally lived up to Xiaodouzi's expectations and failed to let Zhang Ling break free from his arms.

He still didn't forget to excuse Xiaodouzi's behavior, and said in her ear:

"Stop yelling at Xiaodouzi, okay? You may not know that this child looks bold on the surface, but in fact, she has a particularly strong sense of fear in her heart."

Li Xiang found that Xiaodouzi was seriously insecure emotionally because of the shadow of being abandoned.

In these days of getting along with the little ones.

But whoever finds them a little displeased as parents.

Xiaodouzi said the same thing many times out of fear.

That is, to ask Zhang Ling and Li Xiang not to leave her.

"Oh, really?"

It's not that Zhang Ling is ignorant of Xiaodouzi's fear.

Especially when she is angry and speaks loudly.

So she just called Xiaodouzi before and didn't say anything more.

"Okay, I don't need to yell at her. But let me go first. Hold me on a hot day, you are not hot, but I am still hot!"

That being said, she has long since stopped struggling.

Instead, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm happiness brought by the hug.

"No, you just think it's to make Xiaodouzi happy."

He clearly felt her even breath.

Know that her resistance needs a reason.

Then he would logically give her a reason.

At the same time, this was also the reason he had thought up to deal with Qi Diao Zhe's gentleman's agreement.

"Little Douzi? Hehe, it sounds like you are very reluctant to hear this. If that's the case, then you don't have to feel wronged. I don't think a sensible little Douzi would say anything. Let go!"

While speaking, Zhang Ling tried to break free again more violently.

She was extremely displeased because Li wanted to talk about Xiaodouzi.

If he is angry, he will not be able to openly admit that it is his own true wish.

"Don't be wronged, don't be wronged, don't be angry. I admit it, I admit the feeling of holding you so quietly, the happiness is intoxicating. Please don't move around, can you?"

After hearing his slightly anxious expression, she couldn't help revealing a look of joy and agreed:

"All right!"

I thought they would just keep hugging in such a quiet state.

But Li Xiang seemed to be holding back for a long time and couldn't finish his words.

So he continued to whisper in her ear.

"Ling'er, do you know that although I haven't been looking for you recently, my soul misses you all the time. Now let me express my thoughts to you to my heart's content..."

It was as if he was singing a beautiful lyric poem, expressing his strong thoughts in her ears.

The warm breath flowed in her ears, and the blissful comfort was like a team of fearless warriors, occupying the absolute high ground of the brain with lightning speed.

With the blessing of his musical voice, it is like being in a large classical music performance scene.

The repertoire played may be majestic and vigorous, or sing in a low voice, or soothing, or high-pitched...

Accompanied by the jumping and ups and downs of the beautiful notes, the unpleasant emotions of the recent days are also left behind, and the heart dances to the indulgence of the melody.

After listening to his expression, she was still full of thoughts, and she was still immersed in the beautiful whispers.

Thinking about it, there should be nothing in this world happier than listening to poetic love words.

Although there was a hint of lameness in his love words.

But also feel extremely happy!
Feeling awkward, that's because listening to Li Xiang's love lines, there are several words that are obviously not what he expresses instinctively.

There is a bit of shame that is hard to say, a bit of embarrassment that I almost forgot the words, and a bit of anxiety that I don’t know how the effect will be after the expression is over.

This led Zhang Ling to think that today's coincidence was mostly the result of Yan Yuan, a spy, cooperating with Li Xiang's design.

Perhaps some father took the trouble to participate in order to marry her off as soon as possible.

However, Zhang Ling still didn't expect that all of this was the masterpiece of Dean Xiaodouzi's mother.

Yan Yuan from a distance saw that Zhang Ling and the others were stuck together, inseparable for a long time.

Some jealously provocatively said to the little guy beside him:
"Little Douzi, isn't your mother going too far? It's okay to ignore me. They left your daughter aside for a long time and ignored her. Auntie really feels sad for you."

The clever little guy shook his head and said:
"It's okay, it's okay. Xiaodouzi is happy to see this. By the way, Aunt Yan, I almost forgot. Grandpa said let me ask you a question at this time."

"Ask me questions!"

"That's right, Yan girl will definitely feel uncomfortable at this time, and then she will say some strange things to Xiaodouzi intentionally or unintentionally."

"What!" Yan Yuan was surprised that her father saw through her small thoughts, but she still asked curiously, "Tell me what question your grandfather asked you to ask?"

Xiaodouzi blinked her innocent eyes at Yan Yuan, and said:

"Grandpa asked Xiaodouzi to tell Aunt Yan at this time, how long do you want to stay at my house, you brat? Hurry up and find a man to marry. Don't harm my daughter again."


After hearing these words, Yan Yuan blushed with anger, and suddenly raised his hand to slap Xiaodouzi directly.

But at this time, Xiaodouzi seemed to be possessed by his father, and he yelled very imposingly:
"Stop it! Well, you brat, you're so courageous, don't you still want to do something to my precious granddaughter? If you don't want to live, you can talk as soon as possible."

"Ah!" Yan Yuan was stunned by this inexplicable momentum.

Xiaodouzi immediately put on her original cute appearance, and said with a bit of worry and fear:

"Aunt Yan, the above is what Grandpa asked me to convey to you."

Yan Yuan came to his senses at this moment, the back of his spine broke out in a cold sweat, and then explained to Xiaodouzi with a forced smile:

"You're not scared, are you? Don't be afraid, Aunt Yan was just playing with you just now. This old man is really paranoid. A cute little girl like Xiaodouzi. How could Auntie do anything to you?"

Although these situations were completely within my grandfather's expectations, the little guy was still frightened by Yan Yuan's angry appearance.

So Xiaodouzi was still a little worried and asked:


"Really, really. See why our cute little princess can't help being teased so much? She's shaking with fright. Come, come, auntie will be fine if she hugs her."

While speaking, Yan Yuan stepped forward to hug Xiaodouzi in his arms.

"No!" The quick-witted little Douzi quickly threw it aside.

Yan Yuan, who was in the air, looked at Xiaodouzi who was on guard with a little embarrassment, and said:

"Why are you running? I'm your Aunt Yan. I'm your mother's best friend. It makes me seem like a big tiger that wants to eat people."

Yan Yuan, who has become an adult, seems to have forgotten it long ago.

Children's concept of right and wrong has always been simple and strong.

Whoever treats her well is a good person, she can open her heart to treat you well, and she will even share her most important things with you;
Anyone who treats her badly is a bad person, and she can turn against you immediately, wishing to cut off all contact with you immediately, and never want to see you.

Although Yan Yuan didn't really hit Xiaodouzi with his hands.

But this behavior has caused Xiaodouzi to temporarily classify her as a bad person.

So in order to better protect herself, the little girl will never let bad guys hug her.

This is a child's most basic self-protection.

Xiaodouzi naturally understood what Yan Yuan said.

But she still subconsciously kept a certain safe distance from Yan Yuan.

After going through the process of you coming in and running away several times, Yan Yuan finally has nothing to do with Xiaodouzi.

So he looked at Zhang Ling and Zhang Ling, who were not yet tired of crooked, and shouted:
"Hey, let me tell you, Zhang Ling, are you done with each other? Your girl, Xiaodouzi, suddenly lost her nerve. Come and take a look. I'm out of luck."

After saying this, Yan Yuan found that Xiaodouzi was staring at her viciously.

Her body trembled as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

Xiaodouzi is angry that Yan Yuan just interrupted Zhang Ling and Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling and Zhang Ling quickly ran over, saw Xiaodouzi's strange eyes, and asked Yan Yuan in unison:
"What happened to little bean?"

Yan Yuan concealed the fact that he almost beat the child.

Pointing at Xiaodouzi who was staring at her with an aggrieved face, he said:
"I kindly want to take her there to buy an ice cream to eat. I don't know why she suddenly looks at me so hostilely? If she doesn't want to eat ice cream, just say so. It's as if I have become an enemy who bullies her."

After hearing Yan Yuan's accusation, Zhang Ling turned to look at the little girl and asked:

"Little Douzi, did you tell Mom that this happened just now?"

Xiaodouzi originally wanted to throw herself into Zhang Ling's arms and cry out her grievances.

But hearing Zhang Ling's question, Xiaodouzi stopped his impulsive steps in time.

The child pursed his lips, and just about to explain, Yan Yuan suddenly yelled loudly:
"No more, no more, I, Yan Yuan, will never bring this little white-eyed wolf with me again. You happened to be here too, Zhang Ling, I'd better leave this child to you to discipline."


Before Xiaodouzi had a chance to speak, Yan Yuan took the lead in characterizing the child.

Trying to lure Zhang Ling to make a conclusion as soon as possible.

If possible, he could even reprimand Xiaodouzi directly in front of her.

"Okay. It's time for this child to be disciplined." Zhang Ling looked at Yan Yuan's eagerness to leave and said, "Look at you, what's the rush?"

Yan Yuan saw that Zhang Ling did not reprimand Xiaodouzi according to her intention.

So I had the idea of ​​leaving as soon as possible.

After hearing that Zhang Ling gave the steps, she quickly found a reason and said:

"I, I suddenly remembered that I was going to pick up the courier. I forgot about it for you. Don't say anything, I'll go first. Goodbye!"

During the conversation between Zhang Ling and Yan Yuan, Li Xiang saw the helplessness in Xiaodouzi's eyes.

He walked up to Xiaodouzi without saying a word, smiled and reached out to touch her little head.

Or Xiaodouzi interpreted her absolute trust in Li Xiang's gentle eyes.

So her small hands hugged his big hands and wiped the tears on her face.

The moment his hand touched the little guy's tears.

It was as if the endless bitterness and grievance had been felt through the skin.

So he had to speak comfortingly:

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! As long as our little Douzi tells the truth. Please believe that Mom and Dad will always support you absolutely."

Zhang Ling looked away from Yan Yuan's back, and happened to hear Xiaodouzi telling Li Xiang what happened just now.

Only then did she suddenly understand why this guy Yan Yuan had slipped away in a hurry?

Zhang Ling clenched her fists angrily, stomped her feet on the spot, and yelled "Yan Yuan" angrily at the figure who was about to go away again.

Yan Yuan is definitely because of doing something wrong.

The moment she heard Zhang Ling's roar, she staggered to her favorite pair of high-heeled shoes, and the heels were unexpectedly laid off.

People, even bumped into a passing advertising light box.

Perhaps he was afraid that Zhang Ling would follow behind and catch up.

Yan Yuan reluctantly lost his other shoe, and quickly jumped onto the nearest bus that had just stopped by the side of the road barefoot.

Her funny appearance provoked a burst of laughter from a few passing girls.

Zhang Ling is not in the mood to go after Yan Yuan now.

Because with Yan Yuan's virtue, she will be caught by her sooner or later.

But the most important thing right now is that Xiaodouzi has become more and more alienated from her.

If the little girl had been wronged before, she would definitely throw herself into her arms and cry.

But now Xiaodouzi hesitated when he saw her.

Now he is telling Li Xiang's side about his grievances.

What if she doesn't do anything today?
She was a little worried that Xiaodouzi would only recognize her father in the future, and would not recognize her, the mother who had been with her the longest.

Yes, she is indeed worried like Xiaodouzi.

Perhaps it is because she has no maternal love since she was a child, but she understands the importance of maternal love to a child best.

So she is as reluctant as Xiaodouzi, and she is not willing to let this mother's responsibility fade away.

(End of this chapter)

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