Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 163 The Lotus Pond Falls into the Water

Chapter 163 The Lotus Pond Falls into the Water
I used to hear a sentence:

A happy childhood heals a lifetime;
Unfortunate childhood, spend a lifetime to heal.

At that time, I didn't understand how to define the so-called "happy childhood"?

After reading a lot of parenting books, I realized that it is actually very simple for a child to want to be happy in childhood.

That is creating a strong and healthy attachment relationship with your parents.

Such children, even if they grow up in the future, no matter they encounter difficulties or setbacks, they will have the courage extended from attachment to face them positively and bravely.

Of course, when we talk about "mother", we don't just refer to the person "mother", it refers more to the person who mainly raises children.

Of course, the best person to raise a child is naturally the biological mother.

For Xiaodouzi, Zhang Ling is her "mother".

Even the director of the orphanage has always assumed the responsibility of nurturing.

But Xiaodouzi only developed trust and dependence on Zhang Ling for her mother.

Xiaodouzi had one misfortune in his childhood.

If it is the warmth, support, waiting and comfort of home.

Looking forward to recovering Xiaodouzi's pain while resting at home.

But not every family can always be warm and harmonious in life.

When control and compromise, forbearance and confrontation overlap, internal contradictions emerge.

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang worked together to try to be as peaceful and sunny as possible in the face of a tide-like relationship.

When external conflicts such as Qi Diaozhe, Li Xi, and Shangguan Aoxue appeared.

Zhang Ling and Li want to trust each other absolutely, support each other, forge ahead, and not give any chance to unstable factors.

Then their family of three can always maintain warmth and harmony.

Therefore, the kind-hearted Zhang Ling, for the trust and dependence given to her by her children, slowly healed Xiaodouzi's unfortunate past.

After Qi Diaozhe's appearance, all her beautiful plans seemed to be gradually getting off track.

Fortunately, Zhang Ling found out in time.

Li Xiang was shocked by Zhang Ling's words just now.

He couldn't suppress the impulsive anger in his heart, stepped forward and grabbed Qi Diaozhe's collar, his eyes widened as if he would jump out and shouted:

"You bastard! Come at me if you have the ability. You are a person in your tens of years, and you are trying to scheme against a child. Do you think you are still a person? Talk! You talk!"

Qi Diaozhe had already given up on sophistry at this moment.

There was an intriguing wry smile on that face.

It seemed that he was silently explaining to Zhang Ling that he had never thought about it that way.

In fact, his purpose is very simple.

Just want to reconnect with her.

Maybe Li Xiang didn't read a hint of provocation from her smile.

Li Xiang raised his fist at Qi Diaozhe's face, but in the end he didn't punch it cruelly.

Although Zhang Ling really wanted to give Qi Diaozhe a few punches to relieve his hatred.

But years of cultural accomplishment accumulated did not allow her to be so impulsive.

I don't even want to see Li Xiang do the same.

So even if Li Xiang really smashed it impulsively, she would stop it in time.

After all, one can't ruin a good self-cultivation simply because of a scumbag.

"Hit it, if you're a man, hit it." Qi Diaozhe felt like he was going crazy, and suddenly raised his finger and yelled at his head, "Yes, I'm a bastard. If you have the ability, you can greet me here. Beat me to death Me bastard."

Seeing that Li Xiang was hesitating in a daze, Qi Diaozhe exaggeratedly grabbed Li Xiang's hand, and greeted him in the face.

It feels like a huge stimulus.

Qi Diaozhe only wanted to die.

Although Li Xiang tried his best to control his hand that wanted to be pulled away.

Not only did he not pull away for a while, but he was really moved by Qi Diaozhe and punched him twice in the face.

Although these two punches were not heavy, they were enough to tell how tough Qi Diaozhe was.

Because Li Xiang's hand joints were hurt by touching.

Zhang Ling saw Qi Diaozhe who went crazy, and just wanted to reprimand him.

Suddenly, a passerby shouted.

"Help, help, whose child fell into the water?"

The child fell into the water!

Zhang Ling and Li Xiang looked at each other and said "Little Douzi" in unison.

Maybe it's because of the stimulation of Xiaodouzi.

Let Li Xiang burst out with unprecedented strength in an instant.

With a sudden tug, he pulled his hand out of Qi Diaozhe's restraint.

And Qi Diaozhe may be holding Li Xiang a little too tightly.

One staggered and fell directly to the ground.

The man seemed to have lost his mind.

Unexpectedly, he lay on the ground strangely and giggled.

Maybe it's just that I simply think that I am too ridiculous.

Li Xiang glanced indifferently at Qi Diaozhe on the ground.

"Let's go, go and see if it's Xiaodouzi?" Li Xiang said with worry in his tone.

At this moment, Zhang Ling heard the taste of repentance from Qi Diaozhe's laughter.

Perhaps because of this, he took a step forward with a soft heart.

Trying to go over and help Qi Diaozhe up from the ground.

Maybe it was because I heard Li Xiang's worries about Xiaodouzi again.

Let Zhang Ling take back the stepping foot again.

"Go, what are you waiting for? Go!"

This time, she must not ignore Xiaodouzi because of Qi Diaozhe.

Maybe it was maternal love that inspired her innate motherhood.

With her high heels on her feet, she ran at a speed like an arrow leaving the string.

It was so fast that even Li Xiang, a man, couldn't match it.

Following the shouting, Zhang Ling soon came to the legendary lotus pond.

Standing on the bank of the lotus pond is a shaman in a light suit made of oriental beads, pacing back and forth, explaining to the woman in charge of taking care of the child:
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't push that kid into the water."

The woman in charge of taking care of the child stomped her feet anxiously, grabbed the young shaman beside her and said:
"You didn't push, why did she go into the water? The worst thing is that I can't swim. What can I do? You are a man. You should think of a way! You can't just watch the child drown."

"But I'm also a landlubber who can't swim."

The young shaman may have encountered such a thing for the first time.

At this moment, he was completely out of control.

Just standing aside and explaining in a loop.

The girl who fell overboard stole with another tomboy, the four sets of rattles he used to dance Buddha Bomi.

He just wanted to get the four sets of bells back.

I never thought the girl was too stubborn.

Not only did they not ring the bell for him, but they insisted on jumping into the lotus pond.

The young shaman's explanation had only one purpose.

Even if the girl who fell into the water drowned, it was caused by the girl herself, and it had nothing to do with him.

The two people on the shore were noisy, not paying attention to the situation in the water at all.

The little bean in the water is so brave!
Relying on his own knowledge of drinking water, holding a shaking bell in his hand, he shuttled among the lotus leaves and continued to plunge into the depths.

Until Zhang Ling stood on the shore and shouted into the lotus pond:

"Little Douzi, don't be afraid, mom is here to save you."

Maybe it's because of concern, but she didn't understand that the little bean in the lotus pond didn't look scared at all.

After hearing her call, he turned around and waved the bell in his hand in response:
"Mom, look, this bell is so interesting! Xiaodouzi just wants to play for a while, but that bad uncle just won't let me play. Oh..."

The water plants in the lotus pond entangled Xiaodouzi's feet, and after struggling a few times, they did not break free, but the entanglement became tighter and tighter, and it was about to swallow Xiaodouzi in the water.

At this time, Xiaodouzi choked and drank a few sips of water before he realized what it meant to be afraid, and shouted for help to Zhang Ling on the shore:

"Mom... Mom... help... help! My feet... seem to be entangled in... water plants. Help..."

Zhang Ling took off her high-heeled shoes, took off her coat, and walked quickly towards Lianchi. When she was about to dive into the water, Li Xiang grabbed her wrist and pulled her back a few steps.

Zhang Ling just wanted to growl and curse who is stopping her from saving the child?

A concerned voice sounded in my ear.

"Aren't you on your menstrual period? Don't move, I'll go."

While speaking, she saw the figure of a man jumping into the lotus pond.

Although she couldn't see the man's face clearly, she was sure that the man was Li Xiang.

There are more and more people watching on the bank of the lotus pond.

The young shaman was still arguing with the woman who took care of the child.

The two of them have never actually tried to find a way to salvage the little beans in the lotus pond.

The little bean in the distance of the lotus pond has not surfaced for almost 10 seconds.

Is she still a child?

Because of excessive worry about Xiaodouzi, Zhang Ling paced back and forth on the shore.

I regret that I shouldn't have listened to Li Xiang's words and stayed on the shore just now.

Thinking about it, she anxiously walked towards the lotus pond again...

At this time, Li Pan jumped out suddenly, grabbed Zhang Ling's wrist who was about to jump off the lotus pond, and pulled him back a few steps.

"Who! What are you pulling me for? Let me go, I'm going into the water to save the child. That's my daughter!"

Li Pan did not let go of Zhang Ling's words.

His strong body endured Zhang Ling's hysterical beating.

Li Pan seemed to have an excellent temper, until now he still put on a faint smile, comforting Zhang Ling and said in a gentle tone:
"Sister-in-law, please don't make any trouble, please? Li Xiang was the captain of the school's swimming team when he was in college. His swimming speed and technique are undeniable. What if there is another accident when you enter the water?"

Zhang Ling also answered sophistry:
"Really? It's a coincidence! I think I was the swimming champion in the Universiade back then."

"Ah!" Li Pan opened his mouth in surprise.

But he still didn't let go of Zhang Ling's hand.

After all, a mother goes to save her daughter for the sake of success.

There is absolutely a certain probability of lying.

Li Pan couldn't believe it.

Zhang Ling glanced at the water surface of the lotus pond again, but did not see Xiaodouzi surfaced.

There was a lot of sweat dripping from her forehead.

"My daughter has been submerged in the water for almost a minute." Li Pan stared angrily at his side and threatened loudly, "Let go, if you don't let go, don't blame me for being cruel to you!"

Li Pan also glanced at the water surface of the lotus pond, pointed at Li Xiang with the other hand, and said loudly with a bright smile on his face:

"Sister-in-law, look quickly, Li Xiang has already reached Xiaodouzi's position. Don't worry, please trust Li Xiang to be okay? I believe he will definitely rescue Xiaodouzi."

Hearing Li Pan's reminder, Zhang Ling quickly looked over again.

When she saw with her own eyes that Li Xiang hadn't entered the water, Zhang Ling finally stopped tormenting Li Pan and insisted on diving.

She looked nervously at the rippling water surface, silently praying that both of them could surface safely.

Li Pan on the side continued to comfort:
"Sister-in-law, don't worry! Please believe in Li Xiang's ability. As long as he makes a move, Xiaodouzi will be fine."

As soon as the words fell, Li Xiang lifted Xiaodouzi out of the water.

Xiaodouzi seemed to be really scared.

The moment he surfaced, he coughed a few times, and then burst into tears.

Zhang Ling heard Xiaodouzi's cry.

Instead, the anxiety and worry in my heart were swept away in an instant.

Followed by an unconcealable excited smile.

It felt like witnessing with my own eyes, when Xiaodouzi just came out of her mother's womb, she cried as if greeting the world for the first time.

Xiaodouzi's hair, like a newborn baby, sticks together wetly in strands.


In particular, the child's arms, legs, and even the face and forehead were stained with fluffy aquatic plants, as if a newborn child had long lanugo.

She can be regarded as witnessing the birth of Xiaodouzi in a true sense.

Xiaodouzi is the happiness that God bestows on her.

It is also the most precious gift given to her.

It is also a symbol of our family's happiness.

Therefore, as parents, we must do everything that can make our family happy for Xiaodouzi.


Zhang Ling personally took Xiaodouzi from Li Xiang's hand to the shore.

She didn't care about the wet water stains on the child's body, and hugged the child into her arms, and said in her ear with tears in her eyes:
"Little Douzi, don't be afraid! Mom and Dad are here."

Obviously, the moment Xiaodouzi fell into Zhang Ling's arms, he had already forgotten everything that happened in the water just now.

So he shook the bell that had been tightly held in his hand and refused to let go, and said:
"Mom, listen! The bell sounds so nice. It's a pity that I have to return it to that bad uncle right away."

While talking, Xiaodouzi saw that the young shaman had already walked over.

The shaking bell in the child's hand shook even more rapidly.

Just thinking about getting as much addiction as possible before returning it.

The little girl continued Zhang Ling's request and said:
"Xiaodouzi really wants to have a bell like this. Mom, can you buy me the same one?"

The old patriarch also came over at some point.

Without waiting for Zhang Ling to answer, he preemptively said with a smile:
"What to buy? This bell was given to you by the great grandfather. From then on, it belongs to our lovely great-great-great-granddaughter Xiaodouzi."

The young shaman quickly explained:


He wanted to say that Huangling is a magic weapon that will be used in the following sacrificial activities.

If this is given to someone casually.

So what should he use for the next sacrificial activity?
The old patriarch glared at the young shaman, and Li Xi reprimanded him:

"Don't worry about it. I know that your master has a lot of spares. What's wrong with giving this ring bell to my niece? Don't worry! You won't lose a penny of the compensation that should be given to you."

Hearing Li Xi's words, the old patriarch nodded in satisfaction.

Xiaodouzi glanced puzzled at the old patriarch who made her feel strange, then looked at Zhang Ling and called out "Mom" in bewilderment.

Zhang Ling really didn't know if it was in accordance with the rules?

So he looked at the wet Li Xiang beside him.

Li Xiang came over at this time, leaned over and pinched Xiaodouzi's little face and said:

"Don't be afraid, little bean! That old man is indeed your great-grandfather. If you really like the bell in your hand, thank you to your great-grandfather."

Li wanted to know that the behavior of the old patriarch was just a gesture of favor.

Most likely want to paralyze him in this way.

Let him mistakenly think that the old patriarch is sincere and sincere.

Xiaodouzi got into trouble and stole the shaman's bell.

According to the previous family rules, he would have to be locked up in a small black room for at least a week.

Because Xiaodouzi's behavior absolutely humiliated the reputation of the Li family, which the old patriarch valued most.

When Xiaodouzi got Zhang Ling's nod of approval.

Only then excitedly bowed respectfully to the old patriarch and thanked him.

(End of this chapter)

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