The family of three came to the gate of the courtyard where the patriarch was.

Zhang Ling, who had come to the appointment happily with Xiaodouzi, was suddenly flustered at this moment.

Her intuition told her that as long as she stepped into this door, bad things would definitely happen.

She stopped Li Xiang with a solemn expression, thinking about what reason to leave?

Please don't get me wrong that Zhang Ling is naturally timid.

Because as a mother, I never put my own safety first.

Her main concern is if something bad happens.

It will definitely cause harm to the child that is difficult to heal.

At that time, I am afraid it will be too late to regret.

"Forget it, if you really don't want to follow me in, I won't force it. I will explain it when I see the old patriarch."

"Is it really okay? Xiaodouzi doesn't like that great-grandfather. That great-grandfather looks like a bad guy."

The clever little Douzi seemed to see what Zhang Ling was thinking.

Acted like she didn't want to go in.

Trying to help Zhang Ling out.

"Bad man!"

Li Xiang glanced around nervously, for fear that someone would hear Xiaodouzi's words and finally hear them into the old patriarch's ears.

Xiaodouzi continued to explain:

"That's right! When Xiaodouzi met her great-grandmother for the first time, she felt very close to her great-grandmother."

When Li Xiang heard Xiaodouzi mention grandma, grandma's smile instantly appeared in his mind.

Immediately, he also smiled at Xiaodouzi.

It feels like smiling at grandma.

"And the first time I saw my grandfather, it felt like my body had fallen into an ice cellar. Even if I didn't want to shiver, I would keep shivering."

Sure enough, children's perception is the keenest.

Li wanted to learn all the information about the old patriarch at hand.

He felt this way when he met the old patriarch.

Seeing that Li Xiang didn't refute her point of view, Xiaodouzi continued to say to Li Xiang with a little caution:
"That's why Xiaodouzi thinks that grandpa is a bad person. That father, am I wrong?"

Li Xiang would definitely not answer this question.

With a little embarrassment in his smile, he looked around again to confirm that there were really no other outsiders for the time being.

At this time, Zhang Ling opened her mouth and said:
"Little Douzi, what are you doing? How many times has Mom said it. Don't talk about others behind their backs. How dare you say it in front of Mom?"


Seeing Zhang Ling's displeased expression, Xiaodouzi didn't know what to say for a while.

Because she knew that no matter how reluctant she was, she couldn't hurt the relationship between mother and daughter because of an outsider.

So Xiaodouzi could only lower his eyebrows and stop talking.

Li Xiang said at this time:

"Ling'er, don't get excited. The child is still young, so it's inevitable that it's not appropriate to think about the problem, and there's no need to go online."

Then he winked at the little girl again and said:
"Little Douzi, quickly say that you know it. I promise not to talk like that next time. I beg your mother to forgive you for being rude this time."

The clever little Douzi said "Mom" and Zhang Ling's anger was mostly dissipated.

After all, the emotion carried by the word "mother" cannot be explained simply in one or two sentences.

Zhang Ling wasn't really angry at all.

She just wants to teach Xiaodouzi how to behave in this way?
"Okay!" Li Xiang reached out to touch Xiaodouzi's head, pointed to another door and said to Zhang Ling, "Why don't you take Xiaodouzi to the flower garden over there first. I'll go back."

"Okay! You go and come back quickly, we will wait for you." Zhang Ling said.

Xiaodouzi looked at him with expectant eyes and nodded.

Listening to her words, Li Xiang seemed to have regained the feeling of having grandma by her side.

Whether he goes to school or work, or goes out to do chores.

Grandma would say similar things to him.

He who was once ignorant once thought that grandma was too long-winded.

Showed a very impatient look many times and said to grandma:
"He's an adult now, don't always treat him like a child, okay?"

Even so, grandma still did not change her original intention, and would say similar words whenever she saw him go out.

At this moment, Li Xiang knew that in the eyes of his closest elders, he would always be the child who couldn't grow up.

When the child goes out, can the dearest elders not worry and worry?

In other words, this sentence that he felt extremely long-winded was the deep love of the elders.

When grandma stopped talking to him completely, did Li Xiang always feel that something was missing in his life?
It wasn't until today that he suddenly realized that he lacked the sense of happiness from his grandma.

Yes, he realized that the long-winded words he once disliked came from his grandma's greatest happiness.

People, have always been so strange!
some people of many opportunities meet each other, but always finds excuses to shirk, the time that the wanted meeting already didn't.

There are many opportunities to say some things, but I think I will say it later, and when I want to say it, there is no chance.

There are many opportunities to do some things, but they are postponed day by day. When I want to do it, I find that there is no chance.

Some love gives you many opportunities, but you don't care about it. When you want to pay attention, you have no chance to love. ——Zhang Ailing
Just as there are many annoying happiness from relatives, we always dislike and complain, and when the happiness completely leaves you, there will be endless guilt and regret.

At the same moment, he also felt the long-lost feeling of happiness.

And it's double.

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiangyuan's back in a daze, and Xiaodouzi looked up and saw her touching the right cheek, and couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

That's because Li Xiang accepted the happiness from her in order to express.

When parting, he tricked Zhang Ling into looking sideways at the air, and he took the opportunity to sneak a kiss on her face.

Seeing this scene, Xiaodouzi opened his mouth wide in surprise, and then an unconcealable smile appeared on his face.

For Xiaodouzi, she also clearly felt the happiness of her father kiss|kissing her mother.

That is the happy feeling brought by family harmony.

When Zhang Ling heard Xiaodouzi's laughter, a little blush appeared on her face instantly, combined with her pretending to be angry, she was very cute!
"Little Douzi, what are you laughing at? Don't laugh! Remember just now..."

She just wanted to tell Xiaodouzi not to tell about the scene she saw just now.

Or let the child simply forget it.

But after thinking about it, I felt that it was inappropriate to talk like this.

If she really said that, Xiaodouzi would not forget it, and would be more likely to tell everyone what she just saw.

Because her expression would have made the child hint in his heart that he would do so.

Seeing Zhang Ling paused for a long time, Xiaodouzi asked eagerly:

"Mom, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Ling said as if awakened from a dream:
"Oh, I meant to say. Did Xiaodouzi see something just now? It made you laugh so happily!"

"I saw my father secretly kissed my mother just now." Xiaodouzi said truthfully with a smile.

Zhang Ling's face was like a drop of cinnabar ink dripping into the water, she turned redder and said:

"Then what are you laughing at?"

Xiaodouzi explained:

"I'm so happy! Seeing that the relationship between mom and dad is getting better and better. Xiaodouzi is just happy."

When Zhang Ling heard this, she completely gave up her previous wrong ideas.


In Xiaodouzi's view, the intimacy between them is normal.

This is the same as Zhang Ling kissing Xiaodouzi when she is happy.

She was trying to cover up something.

It will definitely plant a seed of doubt in the child's heart.

The child's deep curiosity and thirst for knowledge will definitely find ways to go further and explore the reasons for her resistance.

So it is possible for the children to make this matter known to everyone.

Zhang Ling fell into deep thought for a while, Xiaodouzi thought there was something wrong with her answer.

So cautiously, he tugged at her sleeve and said:
"Mom, did Xiaodouzi say something wrong?"

Zhang Ling shook her head and smiled and replied:
"No, no. Mom is happy. I don't know what to say for a while. Well, it should be said..."

Zhang Ling just wanted to praise Xiaodouzi for being cute and sensible.

At this time, under the eaves not far away, there was a familiar old man, his nervous eyes filled with a bit of strangeness, and he was looking at them and waving.

Zhang Ling looked intently, wasn't that Lao Liu?
It's a little strange that he can appear here.

So she looked at Lao Liu and murmured unconsciously:
"Old Liu shouldn't be here. Alas, I really regret that I should have done something good in my heart. I have caused so much trouble for myself."

Xiaodouzi looked at Zhang Ling's absent-minded appearance, and vaguely heard a few key words from her muttering, so she asked a little unhappy:
"Mom, you just said that you shouldn't have appeared in the first place. So Mom thinks that Xiaodouzi is your biggest trouble, right?"

At this moment, Xiaodouzi suddenly remembered that Ah Shuang had told her.

Said that grown-ups are the best at lying.

They obviously don't like something (or someone) very much, but they will show that they like it very much.

Ah Shuang said this because her father liked to complain about his colleagues and boss when he came back from get off work every day.

The most amazing thing is that Ah Shuang's father is also a good liar.

Especially when facing Ah Shuang, he always broke his promise.

That's why Ah Shuang came up with the statement that adults are the best at lying.

You must know that even if it is a lie, it will naturally become the truth if it is spread more times.

What's more, Ah Shuang is Xiaodouzi's best friend at school.

Complaints around Xiaodouzi can be heard every day.

Ah Shuang also said that only when the adults speak the truth in an unconscious state can they speak the truth.

Xiaodouzi thinks that what Zhang Ling muttered just now is the unconscious state that Ah Shuang mentioned.

After interpreting Zhang Ling's inner voice with her clever little head.

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi in a daze, and tried to explain:
"No, where did you start? Little Douzi, what did you misunderstand? You must trust your mother. Mom never said such a thing."

A Shuang also said that when an adult's lie is exposed, the first reaction is to cover up the lie.

At this moment, Xiaodouzi firmly believed in Ah Shuang's words, and two tears of disappointment ran across his little face, and shouted at Zhang Ling:

"Lie, you lie! You just murmured so clearly, the voice was very small, but I heard it. Why are you still lying to me?"

"No! Wrong, what have you heard? What's more, those whispered words were not addressed to you. You see, they were addressed to the old man over there..."

While speaking, Zhang Ling pointed to the place where old Liu Gang appeared, and was surprised to find that old Liu had disappeared.

Xiaodouzi looked in the direction of Zhang Ling's finger.

Never saw any old man from beginning to end.

So Xiaodouzi shook his head in disappointment.

I am even more convinced that what Ah Shuang said that adults are used to lying is the truth.

I think Zhang Ling at this time still doesn't forget to look around at Lao Liu's figure artificially, and still doesn't forget to continue to whitewash her lies.

"Where's the old man? He was standing there just now. Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Xiaodouzi didn't want to listen to Zhang Ling's explanation anymore.

The phrase "I hate mom" echoes in the current sky.

Zhang Ling saw that Xiaodouzi was crying like rain, turned around and moved her wild short legs, like a wild horse running wildly on the grassland.

The suspicious Zhang Ling was stunned for a while, and when the shadow behind her was about to disappear, she yelled:
"Little Douzi, where are you going? Wait for me! Don't run around."

As soon as the words fell, she quickly chased after him.

When Xiaodouzi passed a corner of a promenade, someone put a sack on her, knocked her unconscious, carried her to a dilapidated house with no one there, and threw it inside.

Although Zhang Ling saw the back of the villain who kidnapped Xiaodouzi, it is still possible that she was not familiar with the ancestral hall enough, so she chased him away.

It also made her a little puzzled.

During the chase along the way, there seemed to be too many accidents.

She collided with a person who jumped out suddenly, she was sprinkled with soybeans on the hardened road she had to pass, and accidentally dropped a white cloth from the sky...

Roughly speaking, there are about ten places.

Anxiously, she called Li Xiang and Li Pan one after another. It was very strange that the two of them kept calling and saying that they were not in the service area.

I deliberately went back to the courtyard where Li Xiang went, but was told by the people in the courtyard that the old patriarch took Li Xiang to somewhere?

She looked up to the sky helplessly and shouted on the spot.

Because she also failed to seek help from the police.

The police excused that the security level of the Li family ancestral hall was very high, and it was impossible for the child to be kidnapped. They suggested that Zhang Ling should first mobilize the security guards to search inside.

What's annoying is that these security personnel of the Li family seem to be aliens who were collectively recruited from alien planets.

No matter how Zhang Ling expresses her intentions.

In the end, only a unified sentence pattern for all security personnel was exchanged:
"I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying, lady. Could you speak Mandarin, please?"

This is off the charts!

When she was in college, in order to find a satisfactory job after entering the society, like some top students, she took as many research certificates as possible.

In particular, the Putonghua proficiency test was also taken.

Her certificate is the highest grade A.

Unexpectedly, after communicating with these security personnel, Zhang Ling suddenly began to suspect that she had taken a false certificate.

What's even more outrageous is that she was lucky enough to meet yesterday's guide.

Unexpectedly, the guide also spoke the same sentence patterns as the security personnel.

Zhang Ling could see clearly the faces of these people.

Where is it that I can't understand her Mandarin?

It is clearly "conspiracy, conspiracy, definitely a conspiracy!"

She yelled at these people without any scruples.

Obviously, this group of people may be afraid of being seen by Zhang Ling for more clues.

Maybe Zhang Ling's words hurt the conscience of this group of people.

So they all turned around in a desperate manner and fled away quietly.

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