Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 175 Another Conspiracy

As soon as Xiaodouzi heard that he was going to play with his parents, he became very interested.

Maybe children always have endless energy.

Even if you don't have a good rest all night due to the evening festival, you can still think about playing with vigor.

Maybe the little girl is the easiest to heal the scar and forget the pain.

How could he forget the accident that Lianchi drowned and almost died right after he arrived.

Probably for her, as long as she is accompanied by her parents, she is safe.

Before Zhang Ling responded and agreed, the little girl jumped up happily.

He even took her hand and headed straight to the destination.

What else could she do?

I can only smile and remind Xiaodouzi to slow down and not fall.

To tell you the truth, I just experienced the confrontation between Zalac Diaozhe and Li Xi in Lianchi.

She really lost interest in admiring Lianchi.

However, she still smiled for Xiaodouzi.

The stone road paved on the bank of the lotus pond is arranged according to a certain curve rule, which looks like a child playing hopscotch.

So ever!
Xiaodouzi was very interested and wanted to pull Li Xiang to accompany her to hopscotch.

So why didn't the little guy ask Zhang Ling to play with him?
Because Zhang Ling has never played similar games with Xiaodouzi since she became a mother.

Generally, in addition to urging Xiaodouzi to study, at most sit at the table and work together, draw a picture, do handicrafts, etc.

The idea she instilled in Xiaodouzi was that girls should be quiet.

A game that bounces and jumps like this is absolutely unplayable.

Maybe Xiaodouzi is born to like to be active like a boy.

After having Li Xiang as a father, he completely released his nature.

It was also because Li Xiang had truly experienced the true joy of childhood.

Even though the hopscotch game was stopped by Zhang Ling, after getting Li Xiang's approval, Xiaodouzi still played with Li Xiang without any scruples.

For this reason, she was a little suspicious of Li Xiang, but now she is a little more displeased.

Because Zhang Ling thinks that Li Xiang is taking her place in Xiaodouzi's heart.

Li Xiang was having fun with Xiaodouzi, and accidentally saw Zhang Ling's displeased face.

He took the initiative to invite Zhang Ling who had been following behind to participate together.

Xiaodouzi also stepped forward to hold her hand and tugged.

But she still smiled and refused:

"No, no, Xiaodou, don't make trouble! Mom is a little tired today and can't cheer up. It's better for you to play."

Mainly because I didn't have a good rest last night, plus the impact of today's incident in Japan.

It made her feel a little restless.

And she just wants to be a bystander at this time, watching Li Xiang carefully.

Try to find something from his words and deeds.

The little girl grabbed her fingers and shook her arm and said:
"Is mom sick? Then Xiaodouzi won't play anymore, let's go to the doctor with mom. Dad..."

Saying that, the little girl dragged Zhang Ling towards Li Xiang.

Li Xiang said:

Zhang Ling didn't wait for Li to express, she smiled and waved her hand and said:
"No, no, I'm just short of rest. If I have time to sleep, I'll be fine."

"It's all because I didn't think about it." Li Xiang said to Zhang Ling with a guilty face, and then squatted in front of Xiaodouzi to discuss, "Girl, your mother needs to rest, or let's come and play together another day."

Zhang Ling saw that Xiaodouzi was not satisfied, so she took the initiative to put a hand on Li Xiang's shoulder and said:

"You just have to play, don't spoil the child's interest for me."

Li Xiang worried:

"It's nothing." Zhang Ling shook her head and interrupted, then looked at Xiaodouzi and smiled, "I'd like to watch you play. Leave me alone, go and play."

At this time, Xiaodouzi opened his mouth and said loudly:

"Dad, why don't you let Mom go back to the room to rest alone. Let's play for a while and go to Mom. How about this?"

Xiaodouzi struggled for a while.

Decided to make some concessions for my mother.

Let mother go back to rest first, and greatly reduce the playing time.

That should get the best of both worlds.


Li Xiang, who has always been considerate, blurted out his refusal.

Because he was a little worried about that old Liu pestering Zhang Ling.

If not done well, there is a risk of exposing his double.

"Why?" Zhang Ling's mother and daughter looked at Li Xiang and said in unison.

Only then did Li Xiang realize that his reaction was abnormal.

He explained with a slightly embarrassed smile:
"That's because...because..."

"Because of what? I'm listening." Zhang Ling said.

She felt that he just had no reason and was just looking for a reason.

Li Xiang smiled.

It felt like he was purposely waiting for her to say something like that.

He continued:

"That's because I don't want you to leave. People just want more time to see you."

Xiaodouzi couldn't help shivering, then looked at Li Xiang and said:
"Dad, can you restrain yourself a little? There is also a single dog here. People will feel inferior when they see you are so close, okay?"

"What!" Li Xiang was surprised that a child could say such a thing. He couldn't believe his ears and confirmed, "What did you just say, Xiaodouzi? Tell me again."

The clever little Douzi naturally didn't dare to say it again.

Immediately ran behind Zhang Ling and hid.

Xiaodouzi was trembling, clutching her skirt with both hands, calling "Mom" in a voice full of fear.

Maybe it's the role of motherhood, let Xiaodouzi no matter when?
They will subconsciously come to Zhang Ling's side to seek a sense of security.

Similarly, Zhang Ling was willing to stand in front of Xiaodouzi all the time because of her mother's responsibility:
"Li Xiang! Can't you just say something properly? She's still a child. Let's see how you scare Xiaodouzi."

After speaking, Zhang Ling knelt down and hugged Xiaodouzi in her arms to comfort her.

Li Xiang didn't understand.

In the past, when he taught Xiaodouzi like this, Zhang Ling never intervened.

Looking at Zhang Ling today, when she said these words, it was obvious that she was targeting the enemy.

Said that she was grumpy due to her menstrual period.

Not right!

Counting the time, Zhang Ling's time has passed.

He quickly recalled whether there was any behavior that offended her but didn't know it?
The memory fragments passed through a sieve two or three times in a row.

He never found anything wrong.

Li Xiang stepped forward and asked:
"That Ling'er..."

Zhang Ling didn't wait for him to express clearly, as if she already understood what he was going to say.

"Needless to say. I know what you want to say? I want to say that this is a pathological phenomenon caused by the general social environment. Our little bean is also a victim."

Did Xiaodouzi understand what Zhang Ling said?
The aggrieved little eyes looked at Li Xiang flutteringly, and made a "hmmmm" sound.

Li Xiang, who was intending to defend himself, saw Xiaodouzi's response, and he couldn't make a sound.

Zhang Ling looked at Xiaodouzi with distressed eyes and continued:
"No one filters out this kind of bad information for children. It leads to our innocent little beans being tainted."

Xiaodouzi once again made a "hmmmm" sound at Li Xiang.

Then he looked helpless.

It felt like a boudoir who had suffered extreme grievances.

In order to show Zhang Ling that he was listening, Li Xiang replied weakly with three words "I know".

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang with a bit of anger in her eyes and said:
"If you are really capable, don't always reprimand a child, then you should take action to return the child to a pure environment."

It's not that Li Xiang didn't understand what Zhang Ling said.

His layout is indeed a bit small.

I just want Xiaodouzi to refuse to accept these bad information.

To be honest, let alone a child in the learning stage, even an adult like him is always poisoned by these bad information.

"I see." After saying that, Li Xiang stepped forward a few steps, and while squatting down, he pulled out Xiaodouzi who was hiding behind Zhang Ling, "Xiaodouzi, Dad made a mistake, and you have been wronged."

Xiaodouzi grew up so big, it was the first time he met an adult and apologized to her as a child.

In her memory as a child, she will always be the one who makes a mistake and apologizes.

But today's situation made her a little overwhelmed.

Zhang Ling seemed to understand Xiaodouzi's current situation, reached out and stroked Xiaodouzi's head and said:
"Don't be afraid, if Xiaodouzi is not willing to forgive Dad, then there is no need to forgive. With Mom making decisions for you, forgive Dad and dare not make things difficult for you."

"No, Dad, I..." Xiaodouzi quickly shook his head to explain, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth, so he looked anxiously at Zhang Ling and said, "No, Mom, Xiaodouzi didn't mean that."

The half-joking words made Xiaodouzi finally let go of his emotions.

Only then did Zhang Ling put on a smile and said:
"I know. You don't need to explain anything about it. What a silly boy! Well, you only need to answer if you want to forgive your father."

"Yeah, forgive me, of course I have to. Because I know that Dad is doing it for Xiaodouzi's good. Xiaodouzi is not stupid." Xiaodouzi nodded with a bright smile.

That's right!

Parents should never treat their child as a child.

I always feel that as a parent, you don't need to apologize to your children even if they do something wrong.

You must know that children are small, but they are not fools.

Whether it is right or wrong, good or bad, there is also a steelyard in the child's heart.

This steelyard can tell you how much care you put into your child.

When the child grows up, he will also use this steelyard to repay your love.

Xiaodouzi felt that her father respected her enough, which made her love Li Xiang even more.

Deep in my heart, I gradually felt that I was Li Xiang's own daughter.

I am so blessed to have such a home.

Maybe Li Xiang sincerely felt his mistake.

Xiaodouzi once again asked Zhang Ling to leave first to rest.

Li Xiang agreed without hesitation this time.

Maybe he felt that the real Li Xiang's past items were more risky.

Suppose Zhang Ling saw the items he salvaged in the presence of Zhang Ling.

Even half-jokingly said she wanted to see it.

Then he really has no valid reason to refuse.

To be honest, he was also very curious back then, did he ever ask what they were?
At that time, Zhen Li Xiang had a very strict tone!
He even strictly ordered Li Xiang not to peek during the process of throwing it away.

After weighing the pros and cons, she felt that it would be safer for Zhang Ling to go back and rest.

Zhang Ling attributed Li Xiang's change of attitude to Xiaodouzi.

So he left without thinking too much.

Seeing that she was about to enter the courtyard where she lived.

Lao Liu felt as if he had been waiting for a long time and jumped out.

He looked around cautiously and said:

"Girl, I finally waited for you."

Zhang Ling asked excitedly:
"It's you, sir! Just right, I also have some questions I want to ask you."

Old Liu seemed to have heard someone coming, he quickly signaled Zhang Ling to be quiet, and then whispered:
"This is not a place to talk, you come with me."

Zhang Ling followed Lao Liu without thinking too much, walked through two long corridors, and came to a relatively secluded courtyard.

She stood at the door of a room, looked at Old Liu and said hesitantly:

"Forget it, let's stand in the yard and talk."

First, she glanced at the furniture in the room, which was full of dust, and she didn't want to stay in such an environment from the bottom of her heart;

One is, after all, this can be regarded as a lonely man and a widow living in the same room, and this is the Li family ancestral hall, there are many people from the Li family who are against her, so it is better to be careful.

The smile on Lao Liu's face suddenly became a bit sinister, as if he was winking at a person behind her.

She just wanted to figure out who was behind it?

Just as she was about to turn around, a pair of big hands landed on her back fiercely, and then staggered straight into the room.

The moment she turned around, she heard the door shut.

Realizing that something was wrong, she quickly walked a few steps. As soon as she put her hands on the door, she heard the sound of the door being locked.

She yelled as she pulled the door:
"Hey, Lao Liu, what do you mean? Open the door quickly! Let me out."

Old Liu at the door, his voice full of guilt, explained to her:
"I'm sorry, I was forced to do nothing. I can only wrong you temporarily, girl. But, please rest assured! I will definitely let you out in two hours at most."

Zhang Ling wanted to try to ask what Lao Liu was afraid of?
She can help out.

Unexpectedly, Lao Liu completely disappeared after explaining.

Her earnest words of affection are all talking to the air.


She is completely tired!

However, she has no habit of being arranged by others.

Holding his tired body, he was about to turn around and observe the current environment.

Try to find a way to get out of the predicament as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the dark room.

"Who? Who's where?"

Zhang Ling tiptoed towards the place where the sound came from.

Before taking a few steps, I heard the sound of porcelain falling to the ground and smashing again.

She felt there must be someone else in the room.

But not sure who exactly?

For self-defense, he groped for a stick that felt like a bench leg.

When he was about to walk to the bed, he vaguely saw a giant caterpillar wriggling under the bed.

The caterpillar stood up like a human.

Zhang Ling was frightened by this!
Without hesitation, he swung the bench leg in his hand and began to fight.

After just a few hits, I heard the caterpillar humming in human pain.

So she stopped and bent down to look at the caterpillar and asked:

"Hey, are you human? If so, make three noises."

Three consecutive "hmm" made Zhang Ling confirm that the caterpillar in front of her was a human being.

After some tossing, her eyesight finally adapted to the dim room.

It is even more clear that the so-called caterpillar was put into a big gray cloth bag by someone.

From the voice alone, it can be judged that this is a man.

What do you mean?
Needless to say, this must be another conspiracy against her!

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