Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 179 Target Li Xiang

Li Xiang was a little panicked because of Qi Diaozhe's affairs.

Fortunately, Zhang Ling on the side reminded me.

He just remembered to ask carefully where he used to cut pines and cedars to make god poles?

But it was too late, only to see the back of the housekeeper hurried away.

Even shouting at the housekeeper did nothing.

Probably the butler is old and hard of hearing.

There is no relevant information, and it is not that there are no other ways to obtain it.

Worst of all, a mouth grew under the nose.

After going through this series of exciting events, Zhang Ling no longer felt sleepy at all.

So he offered to propose that the mother and daughter should go with Li Xiang.

But Li Xiang did not agree!

Because it is not an easy task to go to the mountain behind the ancestral hall to cut trees.

In addition to the rough and difficult mountain roads, there are also poisonous snakes and wild animals from time to time.

He didn't want Zhang Ling's mother and daughter to have another accident because of this.

Of course, there is another reason, which is to use an opportunity to be alone to understand a few problems that bother him.

First, he felt more and more that Qi Diaozhe was an obstacle in his pursuit of Zhang Ling.

Especially when he also heard Qi Diaozhe's confession to Zhang Ling, he saw with his own eyes that Zhang Ling still had an unusual expression on his face.

He knew that Qi Diaozhe still had a place in Zhang Ling's heart.

I wonder if he should continue to pursue Zhang Ling persistently?
Second, the old patriarch seems to be very keen to hold a grand wedding for the two of them.

Li Xiang never thought of using the real Li Xiang's identity.

If he used it, he would probably be very confused himself!

Confused, after getting married, is Zhang Ling the real Li Xiang's woman, or his Li Xiang's woman?

Third, Li Xi and Zhang Ling feel like there are irreconcilable conflicts.

Li Xi always finds fault with Zhang Ling in various ways and reasons.

He even took advantage of Old Zhou and Liu, who were very likely to reveal his identity.

As a result, Li Xiang didn't have the courage to reveal the real Li Xiang's substitute to Zhang Ling.

He wondered whether he should rescue Lao Zhou and Lao Liu and send them away from Wuchuan?


These troubled questions forced him to calm down and think about how to deal with them.

Perhaps merging into nature is the best way for him to find his true heart.

That is, what will he and Zhang Ling do next?
Zhang Ling also refused the grand wedding held by the old patriarch because of Li Xiang.

Before, he clearly said that he would accompany her to find her father to propose marriage.

Why are you against it now?

Now that I think about it, what Li Xi mentioned is correct.

Getting married is a big event in a lifetime!

If the wedding ceremony is grand and grand, you won't treat yourself badly.

Not to mention someone like Li Xiang.

It’s impossible to do every detail of a wedding yourself.

What's more, the old patriarch also said that he would help with the preparations.

So Li Xiang's refusal made her doubt him a little bit more.

Could it be that Li Xiang's glamorous and successful people's personalities are all false?

Do not misunderstand!
She didn't consider Li Xiang as a stand-in for the time being.

She feels that Zhihua Technology is in serious financial crisis like some leather bag companies.

Or the old patriarch is the biggest crisis in the first place.

So Li Xiang's rejection was actually rejecting the old patriarch.


Think about it.

At present, she is most willing to believe that the old patriarch's idea is the biggest crisis.

at this time!

Zhang Ling sat in the shade of a tree in the courtyard and watched Xiaodouzi pricking flowers.

I accidentally saw Lao Liu looking at her not far away.

She had intended to know the specific situation of Lao Liu before.

Then he tried his best to help persuade Li Xiang to send him home.

But Lao Liu helped others to lock her in a dark room in order to destroy her reputation.

No matter whether Lao Liu was forced to help or not.

She really didn't want to take care of Lao Liu's affairs anymore.

I thought she just had to stop talking.

As long as Lao Liu has any remorse for entrapping her, he will retreat and leave quietly.

Never thought she underestimated the selfishness of human nature.

This time Lao Liu took the initiative to walk towards Xiaodouzi regardless of the threat of the security personnel.

He stood aside and glanced at the patterns embroidered by Xiaodouzi, and said:

"It's wrong, it's wrong! This pattern shouldn't use cross-stitch stitches, but a highly decorative cross-stitch stitch..."

After Xiaodouzi heard it, he looked up at Lao Liu, and then looked down at the work in his hand.

I just felt that Lao Liu's reminder was correct, and I wanted to raise my head to express my gratitude to Lao Liu.

At this time, Zhang Ling hugged Xiaodouzi in her arms, stepped back vigilantly, pointed at Lao Liu in front of her and asked:

"Hey, what do you want to do? At that time, I was not satisfied, and now I am going to attack my daughter."

Xiaodouzi's thankful smile froze instantly.

A fact was recalled in my mind, so I pointed at Old Liu and shouted:

"Mom, I remembered. It's him, that's him. The person I saw before I was knocked unconscious and locked in the small black room was him. Please be sure..."

What Xiaodouzi wanted to express was that before she was knocked out, Old Liu attracted her attention.

But Zhang Ling understood that Lao Liu was the one who took Xiaodouzi away.

She was so excited that she took out her mobile phone and wanted to call the police!

Lao Liu waved his hand in panic and denied:

"It's not me, it's not me, I really didn't kidnap your daughter."

"No!" Zhang Ling sneered, "Do you think I still believe it? You don't need to tell me. You should save it and explain it to the police."

She might have believed it before the design ruined her reputation.

And now she just wants to hand over the old man to the police.

When Lao Liu heard that Zhang Ling's call to the police had been connected, he thought to himself that if he entered the police station this time, there would be no good results.

He looked around and found no outsiders.

So he gritted his teeth and revealed a secret:

"Forget it, let me tell the truth. I saw that you saw it at the time. The security captain took your daughter away. That's why those security guards arrested me everywhere."

After listening to Lao Liu's narration, Xiaodouzi suddenly understood how to express it?

So he stretched out his hand and tugged Zhang Ling's sleeve to remind him:

"Mom, you must have misunderstood! Xiaodouzi just wanted to say that this old man should have seen someone knock me out?"

Zhang Ling heard Xiaodouzi's supplementary explanation.

And the fact that Xiaodouzi was taken away at that time.

She was sure that she had fallen into the pit of the old patriarch.

Everyone in the ancestral hall should be pawns in the hands of the old patriarch.

What is the final result of this chess game?
It's not clear yet.

But Zhang Ling didn't intend to let the result of the chess game follow the wishes of the old patriarch.

Lao Liu seized the opportunity this time and revealed a secret.

The reason why he and the old Tuesday were controlled by these people.

Because some big shots suspect that Li Xiang of Zhihua Technology is a counterfeit.

That's why the two brothers were left to try to expose Li Xiang.

But when Zhang Ling asked him what he said at that time?
That big man came out with the conclusion that Li Xiang was a counterfeit.

The patrolling security showed up quite by coincidence.

Old Liu could only flee again in a panic.

Looking at the back of old Liu going away.

I remembered that since I stepped into the Li Family Ancestral Hall, there has never been a peaceful day.

So she can be sure that there will be accidents in tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony.

Enjoy the parish.

sacrifice to heaven.

Also known as "returning a wish", it refers to the sacrifice of the god "Abu Kaenduri" during the process of burning incense and dancing gods, commonly known as "sacrificing poles", "giving outside", "sacrificing wishing poles" and so on.

It usually starts at sunrise the next morning of the ceremony.

However, due to the large number of members of the Li family, it took time to rush back from other places, so it was scheduled to start tomorrow.

Due to limited economic conditions, some families do not hold the event every year. The so-called "every year is not constant, it must be held every three or two years."

Legend has it that the ancestors used it to dig ginseng. To commemorate the relics of the ancestors, the descendants set up a nine-foot-high pine pole in the southeast direction of the courtyard, with a tin bucket on it, commonly known as "Sauron pole", and the tin bucket is held to worship the heavenly pig. Offal, for crows to eat.

The magpie is the incarnation of the god. It is said that Pu rescued Fan Cha, the ancestor of the Aixinjueluo family.

Arrange offerings and sacrificial utensils.

Serve fish and wine in the courtyard.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is mainly held in front of the Solo pole in the courtyard.

However, many people still place offering tables in front of the altar on the west wall indoors, with two dishes of water and rice on them.

Before the sacrifice, incense is offered to the altar in the room.

Then carry the table together with rice and water to the north of the pole seat in the courtyard and place it.

The pigs used for the sacrifice are placed in front of the stone seat on the east side of the courtyard.

According to the Manchu custom of erecting a pole to worship heaven, a new pole must be replaced every time there is a big sacrifice.

New rods for replacement should be prepared before the sacrifice.

On the day of offering sacrifices to heaven, descendants commemorate the relics of their ancestors.

Unload the old pole in the middle of the screen wall from the stone seat, take off the pig neck bone covered by the pole tip, and burn it in the stove.

Take a new rod and place it in front of the altar for later use.

If the god pole is not erected, it can be tied with sorghum straw (sorghum stalk) and hemp rope at that time, and a long grass handle with a ruler length is attached to it for temporary use.

The Li family is a big family.

Naturally, the male owner of the family has to go to the mountain forest to choose pine and fir trees with a height of about three meters and a diameter of about ten centimeters, which are free of bends and pests.


Li Xiang painstakingly carried the wood back to the ancestral hall, and cut and decorated it according to the old pole style.

Some clansmen laughed privately when they saw all this.

The patriarch who laughed at Li Xiang was too good at pretending.

The reason is that in the past, people were hired to cut down and decorate the god poles.

And Li Xiang's behavior cut off the wealth of some clansmen.

As a result, some remarks that were not conducive to Li Xiang's reputation came out.

In addition, a helper is required to set up a large pot in the courtyard, and after the sacrifice begins, boil water for cooking meat and making small meat rice.

Sammy welcomes God.

Firecrackers are lit first, and the clan leader leads the participating clansmen to kneel behind the god pole offering table in the courtyard.

The shaman holds the whole grains in his left hand, and throws them three times to the southern sky, while reciting songs to worship the gods and gods, the head of the family and all the people kowtow three times.

Its text is called "Nianganzi Ci". At present, most of the folks have recorded the pronunciation of Manchu in Chinese characters, and some of them are directly translated into Chinese.

The general idea is that a certain person with a certain surname (self-reported zodiac sign) in a certain year and a certain month will offer a piece of pig to the gods, praying for longevity and well-being.

At this time, I would like to tell the god Li Xiang to take over as the head of the Li family.

Bless the gods, respect the ancestors, and pray to the gods to bless Li's descendants with hundreds of billions of rewards...

There was a little accident in this process.

When the old patriarch asked if anyone in the clan objected to Li wanting to be the next patriarch?
The clansman who used to cut and decorate the god pole jumped out to object.

The reason is that Li Xiang, the patriarch, is too self-expressive.

The work of cutting and modifying the god poles must be done by oneself.

If the shaman hadn't opened his mouth to defend Li Xiang, the rules passed down would have been like this.

What's more, Li Xiangruo didn't do this when he took over as the patriarch's first sacrifice to heaven.

Then the Li family will not be blessed by the gods.

This explanation instantly established Li Xiang as a good patriarch who is dedicated to the family.

The people who find fault are accused by everyone of being selfish people who only care about their own immediate interests.

But the fault-finding tribe hid in a corner and muttered and complained:

"It's not what you agreed to do. Why are you all talking about me now?"

Obviously, those who find fault with the tribe belong to the kind of tendons that are easy to be used as guns.

That's why I can't figure out why I have fallen to this point?

Killing pigs to sacrifice to gods.

The rituals of carrying the prepared pigs to the pole, leading the animals, saving the animals, dissolving the meat, taking gallbladder, etc., and pouring blood sausages are similar to the morning sacrifices and evening sacrifices.

But there are three important differences:

First, when saving animals, use the tip of the new pole to dip in the pig's blood in the blood basin;

The second is to take out the pig throat separately;

The third is to cut a piece of meat from each part of the decomposition, and cook it in a pot together with the throat bone.

In particular, pork parts are used after the pig is dissected.

All must be wound three times on the god pole.

Throat bone and straw rolled on the first turn;
In the second volume, the pig’s genitals, spermatic tubes and straw;
In the third round, roll up the pig's tail and straw.

Here, from the pig's neck to the tail, it symbolizes the whole pig.

In addition, sprinkle whole grains on the god pole.

Zaili (a god-man) put on a god hat, offered sacrifices three times, and sprinkled grains and wine to the sky after each speech.

After the meat is cooked, take it out, finely cut it into shredded meat, put half of it into two bowls, put a spoonful in each, and put on the altar table together with two bowls of rice plate (with a pair of chopsticks in each).

At the same time, put the cooked pork throat bone on the tip of the replacement rod (called "Liu Gu"), then put the provided bitter gall and minced meat in the tin bucket on the top of the rod, and place the new rod on the original stone seat .

For example, if there is no god pole but a temporary substitute made of sorghum straw, the throat bone is still placed on the top of it, the minced meat is tied to the grass handle, and it stands on the east side of the gate.

At this time, the master led the crowd to bow their heads to salute, and the shaman still sprinkled rice three times and recited the divine words.

At the end of the sacrifice to heaven, put the god pole on the wooden railing on the south side.


After the sacred pole is erected, two women in the clan, under the window of the horse window in the outer house, cut the pot head and minced a few lean meat on the front blade of the pig for sacrifice.

Pour the shredded pork, rice, the other half of the shredded pork and the prepared rice into a large pot, and add salt, sauce, vegetable balls, etc.

They are cooked together in a large pot in the courtyard, and they are called "small meat rice" or "Dazi porridge".

The large pieces of meat (commonly known as "big meat") are sent to the house for cooking.

After the "little meat rice" is cooked, everyone kowtows to the gods and shares the food.

Those who are not from the same family to participate in the sacrificial ceremony.

For invited relatives and friends or even passers-by, as long as they kowtow in front of the god pole, they can sit down and share the food.

After the big meat is cooked, everyone will share the food.

Some families also eat "small meat rice" in the morning and "big meat" in the afternoon.

The more the outsiders eat, the happier the host is, and they are not allowed to thank them when they leave after eating, and the host will not send them off.

However, the meat and rice eaten are not allowed to be taken out of the hospital.

After eating, the head of the family led the people to salute to the god pole again, and packed up the sacrificial utensils and returned them to their original places.

Li wanted to accept the continuous stream of congratulations from the clansmen.

Zhang Ling's mother and daughter were forced to move farther and farther away from Li Xiang.

She felt that all this was not like what a big family should have.

Li Pan, who stood aside to protect them, looked at these tribesmen with boredom and reminded her:

"Sister-in-law, I'd better take you back to your room to rest."

Li Pan felt guilty about Qi Diaozhe's affairs.

From the beginning of offering sacrifices to heaven, she has been with Zhang Ling's mother and daughter.

I'm afraid that there will be any accidents for their mother and daughter today.

Zhang Ling nodded and led Xiaodouzi just out of the hall.

Maybe it was because she was far away from the noisy environment, which made her mind sober.

A flash of light flashed through her mind, and she suddenly realized that she shouted solemnly:
"Oops, we were all wrong!"

Zhang Ling suddenly realized that their analysis last night had gone wrong.

The old patriarch's target this time is not her and Xiaodouzi.

It was Li Xiang, who had just become the head of the Li family.

Li Pan asked suspiciously:

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Ling didn't answer, and turned around quickly, ignoring Xiaodouzi, and returned to Xiangtang area by the same way.

She was dumbfounded the moment she stepped through the door.

Li Xiang was held tightly by the arms by two clansmen, and his eyes were a little dull, looking at Shangguan Aoxue who was crying on the ground.

Many clansmen accused Li Xiang of belittling Shangguan Aoxue by taking advantage of his drunkenness and animal nature.

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