Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 405 Playing the piano to a cow

Chapter 405 Playing the piano to a cow
Li Xiang listened to Zhang Ling finish describing Zhang Yu's request.

There was just a hint of hesitation on his face.

Then he said to Zhang Ling without hesitation:

"In order to bring Xiaodouzi back safely, promise him. I will pay two million."

Li Xiang thought about how he had been a stand-in all these years.

All his net worth combined is just over two million.

This was also the fundamental reason for his hesitation.

After all, people who have been poor spend all their possessions to do one thing at a time.

It would be unreasonable not to hesitate and weigh it.

But then he thought about it.

As long as Zhang Ling can finally marry him firmly because of this matter.

This fulfilled my grandma’s last wish before her death.

Then he thought that the two million dollars spent was worth it.

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang's unhesitating look.

She thought that this alone was enough to surpass Qi Diaozhe in terms of character.

This further confirmed that her idea of ​​abandoning Qi Diaozhe and choosing Li Xiang was correct.

She said to Li happily:

"I'm really happy for Xiaodouzi. She didn't call you daddy these past few months for nothing."

Li wanted to say:
"Look what you said. I am Xiaodouzi's father."

Zhang Ling promised:
"Li Xiang, please don't worry! As long as today's disaster for Xiaodouzi can be safely passed, I will let Xiaodouzi spend his whole life to repay your efforts today..."

Zhang Ling hasn't finished speaking yet.

Li Xiang waved his hand to signal Zhang Ling not to say anything further.

Then he continued to remind:
"You forgot! We are a family. You are just talking about it."

Zhang Ling said with a bit of shame:
"Yes, you are right. I actually forgot that we are a family again."

Li Xiang took advantage of the situation and stepped forward to hug Zhang Ling into his arms and said:

"Zhang Ling, please rest assured! As long as our family can work together. I believe Xiaodouzi will be fine."

That's what it says.

But Li Xiang still felt panicked and unsure.

However, as a man, he has the consciousness of being a man.

He clearly knew that no matter how panicked he was at this moment?
You must not show panic in front of Zhang Ling.

If he is confused.

Then the family will be completely in chaos.

Chaos is the beginning of a family's misfortune.

Therefore, Li Xiang must nip in the bud all factors that lead to family misfortune.

Because Li wanted to speak firmly and steadily.

It also calmed Zhang Ling's panic a lot.

From the bottom of my heart I am willing to believe that Xiaodouzi will be fine as Li Xiang said.

He was even more willing to follow Li Xiang's arrangement and go to the police station together to fulfill Zhang Yu's request.

That is, the charges against Xiao Jin were dropped.

It’s strange to say!

Zhang Ling felt like Zhang Yu, a man who abandoned his original family at will.

He probably doesn’t really love Xiao Jin.

But she didn't understand.

Why did Zhang Yu threaten her with dropping the charges against Xiao Jin?

Could it be that she was wrong?

Zhang Yu and Xiao Jin are true love!
Do not!
Zhang Ling doesn't want to believe that a man like Zhang Yu is worthy of true love.

Because of his treatment of his first wife and children who have lived together for many years.

He can choose to abandon it without hesitation.

That is enough to prove that Zhang Yu is a selfish person.

Zhang Ling has always believed that true love is selfless dedication to your lover.

People who are naturally selfish always love themselves most.

Then Zhang Yu is willing to do this for Xiao Jin.

Presumably Zhang Yu must have some fatal information that Xiao Jin has in his hands.

That's why I thought of taking the opportunity to kidnap Xiaodouzi.

In exchange for Xiao Jin's handle on Zhang Yu.

To confirm your thoughts.

Zhang Ling briefly negotiated with the police for a while.

There has been no direct mention of withdrawing the charges against Xiao Jin.

It was an excuse to ask Xiao Jin about several business issues on behalf of the group.

The police considered that Xiao Jin was not a heinous suspect.

So I agreed without thinking too much.

But Li Xiang, who was following him, was very confused about Zhang Ling's behavior.

He also deliberately found an opportunity to pull Zhang Ling to a relatively secluded place and asked:

"Are you okay? Why don't you just ask them to withdraw the charges against Xiao Jin? It would be unnecessary. Don't forget! Xiao Douzi is still suffering at the hands of Zhang Yu."

Zhang Ling shook her head and continued:
"I haven't forgotten. Li Xiang, I'm not willing to give in!"

Li Xiang asked subconsciously:
"What are you unwilling to do for the sake of your children?"

Zhang Ling explained this with some gritted teeth:
"What if we fulfill Zhang Yu's threat to us without compromise this time? What if that bastard runs out of money in the future? Or there is something we need to help solve. What if we kidnap our relatives again according to the rules?"

Li Xiang suddenly realized!

He was also too worried about Xiaodouzi's safety.

I almost forgot about this one!
The reason why evil people are evil people.

That's because evil people have an insatiable and bottomless heart.

Just as Zhang Ling worried!
Evil people like Zhang Yu.

Anyone who tastes the huge benefits brought by evil once.

Then his insatiable desire will be magnified exponentially.

And because human nature has always been to bully the weak and fear the strong.

If Zhang Yu had tasted doing evil here, it would be too easy to be satisfied.

Then Zhang Yu would subconsciously think that they are weak and can be bullied.

In the future, he will definitely form a habit of bullying them again and again.

So in order to prevent evil people from making evil deeds against them a habit.

Also for the true safety of their relatives and friends around them.

Then there is only one way they can go.

Say no to the evil deeds coming from Zhang Yu.

Think of this.

He said with some curiosity:

"Okay. I can understand what you said. But why don't you talk to me in advance?"

Then why doesn't Li Xiang question Zhang Ling's current behavior?
It is likely to cause irreversible damage to Xiaodouzi.

That's because Li Xiang feels that Zhang Ling and Zhang Yu are classmates.

At least he has a deeper understanding of Zhang Yu than him.

Coupled with Zhang Ling's love for Xiaodouzi.

No less than a biological mother and daughter.

Therefore, if Zhang Ling dares to do this, she can conclude that Zhang Yu will not do anything extraordinary to Xiaodouzi for the time being.

This naturally does not require too much questioning.

Zhang Ling said with a hint of apology:

"I'm sorry! I thought of this on the spur of the moment when I saw the policeman handling the case. So I haven't had time to discuss it with you yet."

This is also Zhang Ling's style when dealing with emergencies.

All emergency plans discussed in advance may become useless.

Because you never know what plan Zhang Ling finally said.

Li Xiang once carefully read the real Li Xiang's investigation report on Zhang Ling.

He was somewhat aware of Zhang Ling's habit.

So he could only express understanding and agree with Zhang Ling's temporary decision.

Then they met Xiao Jin under the leadership of the police.

Xiao Jin took off her makeup and looked much haggard.

When meeting Zhang Ling, she was very quiet.

Maybe he had expected Zhang Ling to come back.

So he said with a bit of disdain on his haggard face:
"I didn't expect you to come to see me?" Zhang Ling said with a hint of anger in her smile:

"Didn't you expect that? I thought you should have expected that I would come to see you."

The corner of Xiao Jin's mouth twitched unconsciously and said:

"Oh, so he really did that?"

Zhang Ling nodded slightly and said:

"It's been so many years! I didn't realize you were so scheming. You could let someone like Zhang Yu take risks for you."

Xiao Jin's haggard face was filled with a somewhat proud and happy smile and he said:
"Maybe this is the power of love."

Zhang Ling said doubtfully:

"Will you fall in love? I don't really believe this! I think it's more of a coercion of interests."

Xiao Jin's smile froze for a few seconds.

But soon he forced himself to put aside his annoyance and said:
"Why, how come you and Li Xiang can be true love? Are Zhang Yu and I a coercion of interests?"

Zhang Ling said with a slight smile:
"The fact that you can ask this sentence is enough to prove your lack of confidence. True love should trust each other. You don't trust your true love so much. How can it be considered true love?"

Xiao Jin was stunned for a while.

I silently reviewed what Zhang Ling said several times in my heart.


Xiao Jin let out a creepy laugh.

Zhang Ling asked confusedly, "Why are you laughing?"

Xiao Jin seemed to have expected Zhang Ling to ask her this question.

She then said with a serious face:
"Then you're right! Zhang Yu and I are tied together because of our interests. Even so, I feel unprecedented happiness. That's enough!"

"Is that enough?" Zhang Ling smiled and shook her head and said, "Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin, what can I say about you? You are so stupid! You believe what people like Zhang Yu say."

Xiao Jin stared at Zhang Ling with hostile eyes and said:
"If you don't believe him, do you want me to believe you?"

Zhang Ling nodded without saying anything.

Xiao Jin pointed to Zhang Ling to see his current appearance, and continued emotionally:
"It was because I believed you in the first place. That's why I ended up in the tragic ending of being in jail now. Are you still embarrassed to let me believe you?"

Zhang Ling looked at Xiao Jin with disdain and asked:

"Are you sure you trusted me without hesitation before?"

Xiao Jin said somewhat unconfidently:
"That, of course! You understand. I am your secretary. Naturally I have to trust you unconditionally."

Zhang Ling shook her head with a mocking smile on her face.

Xiao Jin was a little flustered and quickly recalled his past.

Confirm that no third party should know about your dirty deeds.

So he asked stiffly why he was shaking his head.

Zhang Ling then made Xiao Jin her secretary.

The time of repeated contact with certain senior executives and the general topics discussed were laid out in front of Xiao Jin without any reservation.

Xiao Jin was stunned when he heard this and roared:

"Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Zhang Ling pretended to be confused and asked:

"Did I say anything wrong?"

Xiao Jin shook his head in disbelief and said:

"I was very sure that there was absolutely no third person present. How did you know so clearly?"

Zhang Ling said with a slight smile:
"Of course, the person involved in the incident personally confessed."

of course!

Only a few people mentioned the oral sex here when one or two people provoked her.

The rest is just after sending Xiao Jin to prison for investigation.

Those executives who had an affair with Xiao Jin had to clean themselves up.

I just took the initiative to confess to the general manager of the group in private.

The general manager wanted to sell Zhang Ling a favor.

After sorting out the confessions of the executives, they gave them to Zhang Ling.

These are also the shocking contents of Xiao Jin’s betrayal.

This completely extinguished her fantasies about Xiao Jin.

You must know that she had always thought that what Xiao Jin did was instigated by Zhang Yu.

But the fact is not.

That's just the essence of Xiao Jin.

Xiao Jin shouted "What" in surprise.

Zhang Ling then said with a mocking tone:

"Xiao Jin, you are still too young. You don't understand that in the eyes of those people, you are just a toy for entertainment."

Xiao Jin doubted his life and narrated the word "toy" once.

Then he was silent for a while and continued with a wry smile:
"That's it. I always thought they really appreciated my ability and my peerless appearance. That's why they tried every means to please me."

As he said this, Xiao Jin laughed loudly at himself.

After laughing, he continued:

"Toy, it turns out that I am just a toy for those people's short-term pleasure. Who in this world can keep their promise to toys? No one, no one..."

Looking at Xiao Jin, he looked almost crazy.

I think the local psychological defense line should be ineffective at this time.

Zhang Ling then asked:

"Xiao Jin, can you tell me what interests bind you and Zhang Yu together?"

Xiao Jin almost blurted out the name "Li Xi".

It turned out that Xiao Jin's father was hit by a car and hospitalized.

The driver escaped.

Later, Li Xi helped find the driver who caused the accident.

So Xiao Jin wanted to repay Li Xi.

Only then did he agree to collude with Zhang Yu.

However, there was another reason why Xiao Jin agreed.

That is, Zhang Yu happened to be Xiao Jin's crush during his student days.

Just because Xiao Jin’s face was ruined by acne when he was a student.

So I never expressed my love to Zhang Yu.

So with Li Xi's help, Xiao Jin naturally got together with Zhang Yu.

It was also because of Xiao Jin's instigation that Zhang Yu divorced his ex-wife.

So in Zhang Ling's opinion, women like Xiao Jin are so hateful!

He was so selfish that he broke up a whole family for so-called true love.

It also caused psychological trauma to Zhang Yu's children that will never be repaired in their lifetime.

This crime is no less sinful than those bastards who commit murder and sell goods.

Because Xiao Jin’s behavior is beautifying evil deeds without a bottom line.

In other words, as long as you are under the guise of true love, you can do evil without any bottom line.

These selfish people think that as long as it is for true love.

Everything in the world should give way to true love.

As everyone knows, there is nothing but beautiful love in this world.

There are also family ties, friendships, etc.

Why should you selfishly and cruelly hurt other people's family and friendship for the sake of your so-called great love...

Aren’t other people’s family ties, friendships, etc. great?
Selfish people are not worthy of true love!

Because true love has always been selfless dedication.

Rather than selfish possession.

It's like the more you want to have a handful of sand.

Because I want to have it so much, I want to grab the lost sand with all my strength.

And the sand will drain away from your fingers faster.

In the end all you can keep in your hand is air.

So in order to keep a handful of sand.

You must first learn to soak the sand with consecrated water.

Xiao Jin was very resistant after hearing what Zhang Ling had just said about true love.

So he showed a disdainful smile and said:
"Zhang Ling, aren't you funny? We've only been dating for a few days and now you're branding yourself as a love expert. You actually have the nerve to preach in front of me."

Zhang Ling knew that this was like playing the piano to a cow.

That's why I ignored it and didn't want to waste too much time talking to Xiao Jin.

So Zhang Ling stood up slowly with a satisfied smile and said:

"That's it. I had no intention of convincing you. My basic purpose of meeting you today has been achieved. I'm leaving. Goodbye!"

As she said that, she took a step towards the door and then looked back at Xiao Jin and said:
"Oh, no, I just said it wrong! It should be missing. I never want to see people like you again in my life."

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