Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 454 Not a Toy

Chapter 454 Not a Toy
Zhang Ling has requested to leave.

Li Xiang was unwilling to do anything.

I can only obey Zhang Ling's wishes and stop playing.

To be honest, I saw two fake scenic spots in a row.

Li Xiang also really lost interest in playing at the beginning.

But in order to prevent Zhang Ling from losing interest in traveling to foreign countries.

Li Xiang could only try his best to show that he was still very interested.

It's like a couple living together.

I found that life after marriage is fundamentally different from the beautiful vision before marriage.

As time passes, the more time passes.

The more couples encounter all kinds of trivial and annoying things in life.

And these things are killing all the beautiful longings before marriage bit by bit.

at this time.

If the couple cannot change the concepts they had when they were in love before marriage.

Timely adjustment has become the concept of selfless dedication to enhance the cohesion of each other's small families.

Then the newlyweds will eventually separate.

So Li Xiang didn't want to see such a thing happen.

We can only make timely plans to sacrifice ourselves in order to enhance family cohesion in advance.

Obviously, this sacrifice is very worthwhile in Li Xiang's opinion.

Because on the way back to the hotel by taxi.

Zhang Ling might be too sleepy.

So he trusted Li Xiang very much and naturally fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.


Zhang Ling's handsome face was filled with a happy smile.

That is the best proof.

Proof is in Zhang Ling's subconscious.

Li Xiang still trusted him very much.

For this reason, Li Xiang also thoughtfully asked the driver to drive as steadily as possible.

This is a worry because of the bumps in the road.

And some rapid driving causes the body to sway due to inertia.

Wake up Zhang Ling again.

Little did they know that Zhang Ling's smile in her sleep had nothing to do with Li Xiang's interpretation just now.

But Zhang Ling seemed to see her mother in her dream.

"Lingling, it's me! I'm mom. Come quickly, come to mom."

My mother's appearance and voice were so familiar.

The familiar voice felt like it had been lingering in my ears for decades.

Just that looming appearance.

Let Zhang Ling realize that she is dreaming.

never mind!

Whether it's a dream or not?

From small to large.

She has always wanted to see the appearance of her legendary mother.

For her, this was an opportunity.

So she tried her best to see her mother's face clearly.

But the mother's face in the dream is always filled with mist.

A breeze blew.

Finally the fog was blown away.

God's will plays tricks on people.

The mother's face then seemed to have been deliberately mosaic again.

So Zhang Ling couldn't see her mother's face clearly no matter how hard she tried.


Zhang Ling has developed the superb skill of recognizing people by their body shape since she was a child.

Through the body and shape of the self-proclaimed mother.

She compared them with everyone she knew in real life.


After comparing a circle, I found that no one met the requirements.

even so.

Zhang Ling still felt that the woman who called herself her mother was so familiar.

She temporarily understood that this familiarity was simply a natural affinity based on blood.

Then why didn't Zhang Ling directly consider the old lady in the wooden house?
That's because, strictly speaking.

In Zhang Ling's subconscious, the old lady in the wooden house was just a stranger whom she had met a few times.

Not really a familiar person.

Even though the mother's voice in the dream was very similar to the old lady.

Zhang Ling did not think that the old lady might be the mother.

Because Zhang Ling remembered that her father had comforted her more than once.

Said her mother did not leave her.

Always beside Zhang Ling, guarding her silently.

Maybe it was my father's words that were misleading.

Zhang Ling took it for granted that her mother was always by her side.

And it was probably one of the aunts and aunts in the neighborhood that she was familiar with.

It is also based on which aunt and aunt the father has the best relationship with.

Zhang Ling will focus on comparing the woman who claims to be her mother in the dream.

In the end, Zhang Ling was disappointed.

None of the aunts and uncles fit the bill.

Zhang Ling was unwilling to ask directly.

Ask who is the woman who calls herself mother?
Very strange!
The words you want to say are right there on your lips.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make a sound.

Even she wanted to obey the intentions of the woman who called herself mother.

Take the initiative to get close to your mother.

I plan to feel the familiar scent of my mother up close.

But this idea is still just an idea.

Her legs seemed to have turned to stone in an instant.

There was no way he could control his legs from getting closer to the woman who called herself his mother.

Zhang Ling was already sweating because of this.

Maybe Zhang Ling didn't react for a long time.

The old lady mistakenly thought that Zhang Ling hated her for not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother for many years.

That's why I don't want to recognize her as my mother.

So the old lady woke up from her dream because she was too emotional.

Ning's mother worriedly asked the old lady what happened?
The old lady didn't answer.

Instead, she blamed Mother Ning for waking her up suddenly.

Mother Ning felt a little aggrieved and only said "I".

But the words of explanation have not yet begun.

The old lady went on to say that Zhang Ling blamed her for not fulfilling her obligation to raise her since she was a child.

Zhiqi didn't want to pay attention to her.

She is preparing to seek Zhang Ling's forgiveness.

She was woken up by Ning's mother just halfway through complaining about her.

Mother Ning listened to the old lady.

I felt a little funny.

But because of the years of friendship, he explained that he just heard the old lady talking in a nightmare.

That's why he took it upon himself to wake up the old lady from her dream.

He also reminded the old lady that it was just a dream.

Even if it is explained clearly.

In reality, Zhang Ling still doesn't know that you, old lady, are her biological mother.

Ning’s mother’s words.

It was like thunder hitting the old lady's body.

The old lady sat motionless on the bed.


Only then did the old lady suddenly realize that what Ning’s mother said was right.

It was her who confused dreams with reality.

Presumably the reason why she is willing to care about the opportunity to rush to explain in the dream.

That's because the old lady in reality didn't have the courage to confess to Zhang Ling.

If you have the courage.

The old lady had already confessed when she officially met Zhang Ling for the first time at the lakeside cabin.

She confessed that she was the biological mother that Zhang Ling had always wanted to have.

The mother Zhang Pengtian said died in childbirth.

I am relieved that Zhang Ling should no longer be upset because of her death in childbirth.

Zhang Ling grew up without a mother.

After learning that my mother died in childbirth due to dystocia.

For quite some time.

Zhang Ling lives in deep self-blame...

I blame myself if she was not born.

Maybe she wouldn't have lost her mother.

The old lady even saw Zhang Ling crying because of herself.

It’s just that Zhang Ling pretended to be very good at that time. I took advantage of the opportunity of being wronged by the teacher at school and burst into tears.

It was also because of the uncontrollable crying this time.

So much so that Qi Diaozhe took advantage of it and walked into Zhang Ling's heart.

This is how Zhang Ling stayed single for many years because of Qi Diaozhe.

So far!

The old lady felt that all this was her fault alone.

So he said "I'm sorry" with a bit of guilt on his face.

Ning's mother thought that this apology was meant for her.

So she smiled and waved her hands to express that it was all she should have done.

Little did they know that the old lady's apology was not all for Mother Ning.

He was talking more to Zhang Ling.

Although Zhang Ling couldn't hear it for the time being.

But when she said the words of apology.

It can also help the old lady find short-term comfort and peace in her heart.

at the same time!

Zhang Ling also woke up from her dream.

She woke up in a hurry because she couldn't speak.

at last!

She shouted "Mom, don't leave" in front of Li Xiang.

But she woke up the moment she said it.

After hearing Li Xiang's confused and worried greeting.

Only then did Zhang Ling realize that she had just been dreaming.

to this end!

She couldn't help but said to herself:
"This dream seems too real. It's so real that I can clearly feel my mother's breath of being alive."

Li Xiang heard Zhang Ling's muttering clearly.

Some people said loudly and unbelievably:

"What! Zhang Ling, you said you felt that your aunt was still alive in your dream?"

Zhang Ling has not yet completely woken up from her dream.

So I nodded "Yeah" subconsciously.

Li Xiang then reminded him with some confusion:
"Zhang Ling, this is wrong! Didn't my uncle say that my aunt died in childbirth when she gave birth to you? It's impossible for my uncle to deliberately lie to you about this kind of thing."

Zhang Ling did not give up her doubts as Li Xiang questioned.

Instead, he looked at Li Xiang with determination and nodded, saying:
"I did feel this way in my dream just now. And I also clearly felt that I had seen my mother resurrected from the dead more than once."

No matter how you look at Zhang Ling's words, they are a bit outrageous.

Even Li Xiang didn't quite believe it.

He also cooperated and asked:
"Really? Come on, come on, tell me who you think is the most likely person to be your mother? I can help you contact the paternity testing agency for confirmation."

Zhang Ling showed a disappointed expression on her face and shook her head and said:
"It's strange! Although I feel that this person is very familiar. But no matter how much I think about it, I can't determine who this familiar person is?"

Li Xiang heard this and explained:
"It's normal! There are also many people who cannot remember the contents of their dreams."

Zhang Ling looked at Li Xiang with a look of reluctance.

Not a word was said yet.

Li Xiang then said:

"If my aunt is really still alive, I believe that if you are destined to meet again, you will definitely meet again in the real world. Not just in dreams."

He was also indirectly reminding Zhang Ling.

Don't be upset about the dream you just had.

Zhang Ling repeated the word "dream" in her mouth.

You seem to suddenly remember something?

What Li wanted to say was right.

Now that I have met my mother in my dream.

Then it proves that the mother is also eager to recognize her.

Now he is walking towards her in his mother's own way.

Think of this.

Zhang Ling's face showed a happy smile looking forward to seeing her mother soon.

But this smile passed by like a flash in the pan.

Because Zhang Ling thought of her mother who had never raised her since she was a child.

In an instant, the longing was annihilated with the strong sense of resentment gushing out of his heart.

Then she began to feel conflicted and tormented in her heart.

The expectation to see her mother and the complaint that she had not fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother since childhood began to compete with each other.

Only then did Zhang Ling truly understand a truth.

It turns out that no matter what happens, once it's your turn, it becomes so difficult to make a decision.

You must know that Zhang Ling has enlightened Xiaodouzi more than once.

Let Xiaodouzi not have too much obsession with his biological parents.

Now look back at yourself.

She was not free and relaxed in the true sense.

After learning that her mother might still be alive in the world, she couldn't stabilize her personal mentality.

I persistently wanted to ask my biological mother face to face.

Why did you ignore her after giving birth?

Want to know if your biological mother has had any pain in her conscience over the years?
She even wanted to know when she learned the answer she wanted to know.

Will she choose to forgive her biological mother?

When the thought of forgiveness just pops up in your heart.

Another thought was like a game of whack-a-mole.

Knock the willing ones back into the hole hard.

Zhang Ling is just like Xiaodouzi.

Subconsciously, I absolutely cannot forgive my cruel parents.

No matter how grand the reason is for parents to cruelly abandon their biological children.

But he still clings to the fact that his cruel parents abandoned him.

Absolutely not!

the reason is simple!
Children are not favorite toys in the hands of their parents.

If you don't want to play anymore, just leave it aside.

I couldn’t put it down until I wanted to play with it.

Children are emotional beings too.

As cruel parents, they dare to throw away their biological children.

The cruel parents will realize that even if they have children, they have the right to deny their biological parents.

Don't talk nonsense here about family ties and blood being thicker than water.

If family love is true, blood is thicker than water.

It was also the cruel parents who first gave up and abandoned this family relationship that blood is thicker than water.

What qualifications do cruel parents have to ask the biological children you abandoned to regain the family love you once abandoned?

Since cruel parents choose to abandon their biological children.

That means biological children are not a necessity in life in the hearts of cruel parents.

Then there is no need for Zhang Ling to treat her cruel mother as a relative.

The logic makes sense!

But maybe it's because Zhang is too kind at heart.

For a while, I couldn't be as cruel as my mother.

Still couldn't help but feel conflicted.

It seems that being cruel is not something everyone can do.

In other words, people who can be cruel are not ordinary people.

Li Xiang, who was on the side, couldn't bear to ask again:

"Zhang Ling, you look very bad. Are you feeling uncomfortable because you caught a cold just now? Come on, tell me. If it doesn't work, the driver..."

If Zhang Ling hadn't spoken out and stopped Li Xiang in time.

Li Xiang asked the driver to take them to the nearest hospital.

Li Xiang said in a somewhat threatening tone in confusion:

"Why? No! If you don't explain what happened to you just now? You have to go to the hospital today."

This scene seemed familiar to Zhang Ling.

The difference was that the object of persecution was changed from Li Xiang to her.

She couldn't help showing a helpless smile, shaking her head and explaining:
"Li Xiang, don't worry! I'm really fine. I was just thinking about whether to tell my father about my dream about my mother to see if my mother is really still alive!"

This is not a reason Zhang Ling made up on the spot.

But what she really thinks.

Because Zhang Ling recalled that her father had always been very mysterious in his treatment of her mother.

Not even she has seen a photo of her mother.

What's even more outrageous is that her father never took Zhang Ling to visit her mother's grave.

So it can be judged from this that the father did not take Zhang Ling to visit the grave.

That is, my mother has no grave to visit.

In other words, it is enough to prove that the mother is probably still alive.

So in order to prove whether the mother is still alive.

She could only make good use of the dream about her mother just now.

Li Xiang heard this and said somewhat abnormally:

"Zhang Ling, it's not good for you to be like this. I think mentioning it rashly will definitely bring up the sadness buried deep in my uncle's heart. Otherwise..."

Zhang Ling shouted "Li Xiang" before he could finish his words.

Li Xiang looked very aggrieved and asked:

"What, what's wrong?"

Zhang Ling then asked:
"Li Xiang, tell me honestly. Do you know something? Tell me! Tell me quickly!"

Talking and talking.

Zhang Ling was obviously a little crazy.

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