Stand-In Boyfriend Fu Zheng Ji

Chapter 459 Lying and Disguise

Chapter 459 Lying and Disguise
Mr. Ma!
The injured one was Qi Diaozhe.

Why do we call him Mr. Ma here?
That was naturally a kind of contempt for Qi Diaozhe.

Tell Qi Diaozhe that his current status is not as good as Mr. Ma, whom she has just known for two days.

The purpose is to make Qi Diaozhe give up.

Never bother her again.

Mr. Ma heard what Zhang Ling said.

After expressing understanding to Zhang Ling.

They looked at Qi Diaozhe's painful expression and laughed.

Those who laugh at Qi Diaozhe deserve it.

In order to save his own face, Qi Diaozhe said:

"Mr. Ma, I at least had one foot in the door. But you didn't even have the courage to move. Humph, you were clearly the pot calling the kettle black just now."

Mr. Ma smiled and waved his hand and said:
"No! My main purpose of coming here was not to get in. I came here to see if you have succeeded in your evil plan."

Qi Diaozhe was unwilling to believe and said:

"Who are you trying to fool? Forget it! I don't want to waste my time talking to someone like you who has the will but not the guts to do it."

As he spoke, Qi Diaozhe began to move away, dragging his painful foot.

Mr. Ma looked at Qi Diaozhe's back and shook his head and said:
"What's wrong with this world? It's fine if you have filthy thoughts yourself, but you also maliciously speculate that other people's thoughts are as filthy as yours. Sigh..."

Qi Diaozhe heard what Mr. Ma said to him.

But these words only temporarily slowed down Qi Diaozhe's pace of leaving.

Qi Diaozhe was not affected by this and did not think it was his fault.

Instead, they maliciously think that people like Mr. Ma are very pretentious!
Who can pretend?

For Mr. Ma, the person who is the best at pretending is Qi Diaozhe.

Just as Mr. Ma once met someone like Qi Diaozhe.

It would be fine if they themselves were willing to degenerate into evil.

They also maliciously convey that everyone in this world is as dirty and evil as they are.

Remember that time!

Online chatting has been all the rage for a few years now.

Many people are addicted to online chatting.

Feel the fun of exploring the mysterious unknown in the virtual world.

It would be even better if you could meet an interesting soul that makes your heart beat faster.

So over time Mr. Ma also became one of them.

But Mr. Ma’s fate seems to be not very good!

When he decided to look for interesting souls.

Unfortunately, I met a netizen with a dirty and disgusting mind like Qi Diaozhe.

This netizen thinks he understands human nature very well.

So from the very beginning, Mr. Ma became very interested in it.

I never thought we would talk more!
The more Mr. Ma spoke, the more he realized that the netizen was a liar.

That is, one day he said he was a supermarket stocker, and the next day he became a student who knew nothing about the world;
The day before he said he was a child under 18, and the next day he was going to have a wedding;
The day before he said he hated XX star’s songs the most, and the next day he complained about not being able to get tickets for XX star’s concert.

So Mr. Ma initially thought that the other party was just forgetful.

After chatting for a week, I couldn't help but point out the netizen's lies.

What's more, he is so forgetful at such a young age.

I can't bear it.

So I kindly advised the other person to go to the hospital to check his brain.

Who would have expected!

The netizen showed no remorse at all.

Instead, he shamelessly said that online chatting is just like this.

Anyone who laughs at Mr. Ma is a fool.

I am willing to believe every word he says.


Is the Internet supposed to be false and unreliable?

Not also!

Mr. Ma has always believed that the Internet is not false and unreliable.

Those who are disguised as the Internet and have dirty thoughts are the most untrustworthy.

That is, the Internet is inherently emotionless.

But people who leave traces on the Internet have rich emotions.

Therefore, a person’s online behavior can represent his or her character.

Some people just like to show the evil of their nature on the Internet.

Just like in real life, some people are good at disguising themselves as having multiple personalities.

of course!

In the real world, there are many people who are not born to be actors.

That’s why they can’t use hypocrisy well to cover up the evil deep in their hearts.

Many evils are nipped in the bud by the many kind-hearted people around them.

Even among good people there is hypocrisy.

It is also an indispensable backbone force in nipping the bud of evil.

It's just that the rules and regulations are not very complete.

It makes it easy for more hypocritical people to tear off the mask of hypocrisy.

Fully display the evil that hypocritical people have suppressed for a long time in the real world.

Therefore, there is no strong constraint and supervision of the rules of goodness.

Then the malice on the Internet is often the most rampant and difficult to control.

Since then, Mr. Ma has no longer been addicted to online chatting.

Because Mr. Ma did not want this kind of dirty malice to erode his kind heart.

I guess this applies both in the real world and in the online world.

People who are consistent in their inner and outer qualities are precious.

If encountered.

please cherish!
inside the room.

Zhang Ling patted her chest and took a deep breath and said:
"Fortunately, I was alert! If we had let these two men into the house, she would not have been able to explain herself even if she had a mouth full of them."

She is a well-educated girl.

I believe what my father said even more.

Women can only respect themselves in the true sense.

Only then will men gain true respect for women.

Respecting yourself here includes being strict with yourself.

Before getting married, never make any remarks that are unfavorable to yourself to any member of the opposite sex.


You must not rashly give up the most precious thing a woman has before getting married.

Because if a woman even belittles herself.

So, woman, why should you make men cherish you in return?

If this situation really happens.

Unless a woman still has surplus value that attracts scumbags and has not been squeezed out.

Therefore, scumbag men are still willing to use deceptive methods to make women indulge in beautiful dreams.

A few moments.

Li Xiang was so cold that he was crying and staggering as he pushed the door open.

If Zhang Ling hadn’t stepped forward in time to support Li Xiang.

He was afraid that he would fall down because of his blurry vision.

Zhang Ling asked with concern:

"Li Xiang, go out and pick up Xiao Douzi. Why are you back alone? Xiao Douzi..."

Maybe Li Xiang has a fever.

He continued to speak, still shivering from the cold:
"Come, come, I can't come. I got a call from Xiao, Xiaodouzi. The child said, said..."

As he spoke, Li Xiang sneezed.

So he stopped and took out a handkerchief from his body to clean his nose.

But Zhang Ling was obviously impatient to ask:
"What did Xiaodouzi say? Tell me now!"

Maybe I was a little too excited.

When she grabbed the other person's wrist.

He accidentally grabbed the snot tissue in Li Xiang's hand.


The sticky feeling in her palms made her feel nauseous.

Li Xiang wanted to say a few more words to express his deep apologies.

He took out another handkerchief to help Zhang Ling wipe it.

But Zhang Ling, perhaps too concerned about her children, said:
"Oh, Li Xiang, you're making me anxious. Tell me quickly! What did Xiaodouzi say?"

Li Xiang thought to himself, did he just have an illusion?
Zhang Ling ignored her own feelings.

I still put Xiaodouzi's safety first.

Even his illness could be ignored.

never mind!

I guess if he was Zhang Ling.

He would also care about Xiaodouzi so much. So he explained:

"Xiao Douzi said that her roommates in the school dormitory prepared a welcome ceremony and asked her to attend. Xiao Douzi found it hard to refuse such a kind invitation, so she decided to go back to school."

Li Xiang wanted to eliminate the guilt he felt towards Zhang Ling.

That's all I can think of.

It is true that Xiaodouzi attended the welcome ceremony prepared by his roommates.

He just postponed the time of attending the welcome ceremony.

So he shouldn't be considered to be cheating on Zhang Ling.

Was Zhang Ling really so foolish as to completely believe what Li Xiang said?

Do not!
She didn't.

In other words, from the very beginning, Zhang Ling felt that there was something fishy about what Li Xiang said.

So during the time when Li Xiang went out pretending to pick up Xiaodouzi.

I confirmed through my own way that Xiaodouzi had never left the school.

I even knew that the principal had already left for home before school was over.

But Li Xiang wanted to achieve his ulterior motives.

I forced myself to stay up late at night and caught a cold.

He thus promoted the spirit of self-sacrifice.

She actually felt a little bit sorry for Li Xiang.

Zhang Ling just listened to Li Xiang's explanation.

She deliberately put on a somewhat skeptical attitude and asked, "Really?"

Li Xiang saw Zhang Ling's suspicion and pointed out her pitiful appearance and said:

"Do you think I'm lying to you now?"

Zhang Ling shook her head at first.

Li Xiang smiled broadly and said:

"That's it..."

He wanted to continue using whitewashing words to cover up his inner panic.

But he wasn't done yet.

Zhang Ling nodded again.

Li Xiang asked in confusion:

"You keep shaking your head and nodding your head. What do you mean?"

Zhang Ling said with a meaningful smile:
"You didn't lie to me. I won't make any comments. But regarding my nodding and shaking of the head, I think you should know best what I meant just now."

Li Xiang tried his best to defend himself and said:

"What do you mean? What do you want to express? If you don't say it, I naturally won't know what you mean. How about you ..."

Zhang Ling hates people who don't speak politely the most.

I just want to play a word game like guessing riddles.

It makes everyone seem like a person with nothing to do.

I want to kill time in this way.

A dissatisfied "enough" made Li Xiang shut up his nagging mouth temporarily.

Zhang Ling went on to say:
"Li Xiang, you..."

She couldn't find the right words to describe Li Xiang's behavior.

I had to pause for a while.

And Li Xiang seemed to see Zhang Ling's intention from her expression.

So he opened his mouth and said "I understand" several times.

Zhang Ling was so angry at Li Xiang's response that she smiled and asked:
"You know! That's really interesting! Go ahead. I want to hear what you know today."

Li Xiang swallowed his saliva and said:
"I know you're going to say I lied to you. That's right! I can admit that I did lie to you. I confess. I'm confessing to you now."

But Li Xiang was a little confused about one thing.

That is, the taste of the saliva you swallow today is obviously different from before.

Perhaps it was because of the power that Zhang Ling exuded at this moment.

This caused Li Xiang's brain to short-circuit temporarily.

There is no time to think about the reason why the saliva tastes different.

Zhang Ling showed a bit of surprise on her face and pressed on, saying:
"Confess what? Go on."

Li Xiang's body was originally cold.

At this moment, an inexplicable feeling of heat surged from my heart.

It swept through the whole body in an instant.

I guess this is what is called courage!

So he shook himself up, wiped away the clear tears that were about to flow out and said:
"Honestly, everything that happened tonight was Xiaodouzi's idea. The kid just wanted to give us a chance to be alone together."

Zhang Ling opened her mouth in shock and exclaimed "Ah".

She originally thought that all this was Li Xiang's little trick.

After all the effort, it turned out to be a token of Xiaodouzi's love.

I guess she must be happy after knowing the truth.

So a smile appeared on her face.

Because of this smile.

Li Xiang thought that Zhang Ling would not be very angry about this deception.

So he continued with a look of shame and annoyance:
"I... maybe I'm just too stupid. I'm not good at lying and pretending in front of you. So you noticed something was wrong. Please don't blame Xiaodouzi. If you want to blame someone, blame me as your father..."

He believes that taking the initiative to assume responsibility is a good choice.

After all, he is Xiaodouzi's father.

You can't let a child take the blame for him.

Although Li Xiang's confession was very sincere.

But Zhang Ling would not easily and completely trust Li Xiang.

However, we will now continue to discuss this issue.

It's undoubtedly just a random quarrel.

Normally, Zhang Ling would not be willing to do such meaningless things.

I will ask Xiaodouzi in person when I say goodbye to him before returning to Wuchuan tomorrow.

So Zhang Ling did not make any further response to Li Xiang's confession.

Maybe Li Xiang knew he was in the wrong.

So he first made himself a cup of cold medicine.

It took so long!

It's almost time to go to bed.

He took the initiative to hold a blanket and gave the bed in the bedroom to Zhang Ling.

He turned and walked out of the bedroom, intending to spend the night on the sofa in the living room.

Zhang Ling was lying alone on the bed in the bedroom.

She felt bad when she thought of Li Xiang's tears.

So she took the initiative to walk out of the bedroom door, looked at Li Xiang who was cleaning his nose on the sofa and asked:
"Hey, Li Xiang, it's cold in the living room. You have caught a cold again. Why don't you go to the bedroom and sleep on the bed?"

Li Xiang immediately stood up with great interest and looked at Zhang Ling with a smile and asked:
"What! What did you just say?"

Zhang Ling saw an expression of disbelief mixed with infinite expectation on Li Xiang's face.

She knew that her expression just now caused Li Xiang to misunderstand.

So she explained with some embarrassment:
"No. I mean you should go back to bed if you have a cold. I'll sleep on the couch."

Li Xiang listened to Zhang Ling's explanation.

He was clearly disappointed.

Then he said "Oh" without any emotion.

My body softened and I was ready to lie back on the sofa.

Zhang Ling was inexplicably annoyed by Li Xiang's words and actions.

So I asked angrily:

"Hey, what kind of a shitty answer is that? I'm asking you whether you want to change or not?"

Li Xiang could hear Zhang Ling's anger.

The body felt as if a wave of sour and refreshing electric current passed through it instantly.

He sat up again, looked at Zhang Ling and said with a smile:
"No, no! You said the living room was cold. What if you catch a cold sleeping here? I won't be able to explain to my uncle."

Zhang Ling said angrily:
"Explain! Li Xiang, what do you mean by that? You and I are both adults. If you can't take responsibility for your words and actions, can you still be considered an adult?"

Li Xiang explained without panic:

"I didn't tell you that I'm not an adult. Look, you misunderstood me again, didn't you?"

Zhang Ling said:

Li Xiang nodded and continued:

"Zhang Ling, I think you must have forgotten that as children, even if we get married and have our own children in the future, we will always be children in front of our parents."

Zhang Ling was silent for a while.

I thought she had indeed forgotten about this.

Even now she takes a nap every time at home.

Her father was afraid that she would catch a cold.

They would always remind her tirelessly to cover herself with a blanket when she slept.

This care that always treats her as a child.

Zhang Ling was already getting a little impatient.

She would often remind her father that she had grown up.

And her father always responded with a smile to what Li Xiang had just said: she was a child.

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